Wednesday, September 25, 2024

My Irish Holiday (in Milwaukee)

Folks, I just had to get a piece pertaining to another subject,
one of great importance; at least, of greater importance than
your favorite Peasant having an Irish frolic, posted. I do 
apologize, and hope you got a lot out of that particular piece.
Here, then, is the postponed piece for your perusal and enjoyment.

The fest seemed to have a bigger crowd than usual, and Irish Fest 
always packs 'em in each year! I have no attendance numbers handy
to do a comparison but I can vouch that the event was well attended 
to be sure. I always meet up with a close friend from my song circle,
and normally we easily pick each other out of the crowd; not this time.
We did meet up but it took several tries, there were so many people
everywhere! We did have fun though, including having a couple of 
good dinners and some ice cream treats together. But here was the 
best (!): we spend Saturday evening with my cousins Finbarr and 
Donal Clancy, having drinks while enjoying Donal and Rory Makem
perform --- they are the new generation of Clancys and Makems,
and they perform together just as their fathers Liam and Tommy had!
They joined us after their show and we had a ball, getting caught up 
on the latest with each of us, talking about the High Kings' (Finbarr's
band) tours, both last year's and this year's, our health, our other 
family members, and the upcoming tribute show at the fest honoring
the recently departed Sinead O'Connor with my cousins among the
musicians and singers at the fest who were invited to participate.
The tribute show took place the next day and it was fantastic!
I'm sure that Sinead was, now that she is in the Great Beyond, 
quite thrilled to be remembered in such a beautiful way, with the
performers playing and singing many of her most memorable songs.

The other musical talent on hand were a fine treat as well, as was the 
weather, even with the rain we had Friday afternoon (wasn't much, 
really). And seeing old friends along with relations, some of whom 
I haven't seen in a year or more, that, as always, is the biggest kick
for me! I attend a few other ethnic festivals here in town each year
as well, and I love 'em all; my favorite one, I have to say, is the
Milwaukee Irish Fest --- my annual Irish holiday. Going to Ireland
without leaving the country! One day though, and that day is being 
planned for, The Peasant shall visit the Emerald Isle itself! More on
this in time to come.

See you, my fantastic readers, next week!


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