Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Life Wins at the Supreme Court!

On Friday, June 24, a remarkable event occurred at the SCOTUS:
A majority of the Supreme Court justices ruled to strike down 
Roe vs. Wade! The landmark ruling in the 1973 case, which 
established abortion as a constitutionally protected right of a 
pregnant woman to choose to terminate her pregnancy, thereby
superseding the many state laws stating otherwise, was struck 
down by the Supremes when they stated in  Dobbs vs. Jackson 
Women's Health Organization that the U.S. Constitution makes
no reference to abortion. So the legal status of abortion is once
again what it was prior to Roe; it is up to the states to decide 
individually whether or not to allow legal abortion and if so to regulate 
it according to their own specifics. Although abortion has not been 
banned, as many pro-abortion activists and politicians claim, 
there shall be a resultant decrease in abortions in the United States.
Pro-lifers and other like-minded people are absolutely
overjoyed at seeing this 49-year-old travesty, this SCOTUS- 
mandated assault on the right to life, to be born, to exist within
the framework of life itself be tossed onto the dung heap of history
to rot alongside other gross injustices such as slavery. So the battle
now will be fought at the state level, fighting for the right to life 
for the unborn. 

As your faithful Peasant types this article, half of all of the 
states in the country, including my home state of Wisconsin,
has abortion curbs or bans in place ready to implement. Planned
Parenthood has prepared for these measures by closing their 
abortion clinics in these states while they frantically huddle 
with their allies in the state legislatures and in Congress to decide 
on what they should do next. Meantime there will be many less 
innocent unborn babies torn to pieces or chemically burned 
then removed from the wombs they had occupied while waiting
to be born. More dear little babies will see the light of day and 
draw a breath of air outside of their mothers' wombs. And they
shall grow up to live their lives and make for themselves 
wonderful life paths --- have families, fulfilling careers, 
many of the things which the rest of us have and many of 
whom take for granted. Furthermore, respect and reverence 
for life will be reflected more and more in our laws, especially
as more and more states adopt laws curbing abortions with 
exceptions for rape, incest, and threat to the life of the mother.
By the by, these instances are statistically rare; the Alan Guttmacher
Institute, which once was the research arm of Planned Parenthood
and now is an independent research organization which focuses on
abortion and abortion-related matters, has discovered this in their 
abortion research. 

Another falsehood from the pro-aborts is that the Justices in the
Dobbs majority lied about their judicial philosophies during
confirmation hearings. The biggest lie was that these Justices 
asserted that Roe vs. Wade was a precedent which could not be
overturned. These accusations are industrial-strength blarney 
for these two reasons: One, that in the first rule of judging you 
cannot pre-judge a case. Bad form, you see. Judges are limited 
under Article III of the Constitution to hearing cases, and that
means ruling on facts and law that are relevant to these cases. 
Judges have to be impartial, as they owe this to both the plaintiffs 
and defendants in the cases the judges adjudicate; if they cannot 
be impartial for whatever the reason, then they must recuse 
themselves. This is simple but unassailable ethics.

Justice Neil Gorsuch, who was one of the majority in Dobbs
said at his confirmation hearing "Roe vs. Wade, ... is a precedent
of the Supreme Court. It has been reaffirmed. ... So a good judge 
will consider it a precedent of the United States Supreme Court
worthy as treatment of precedent as any other." 

Justice Brett Kavanaugh, another member of the majority, said
the following at his hearing: "Roe vs. Wade is an important precedent
of the Supreme Court. It has been reaffirmed many times. It was 
reaffirmed in Planned Parenthood vs. Casey (which was also struck
down by the Court along with Roe in Dobbs) in 1992. ... So that 
precedent on precedent is quite important as you think about Stare 
Decisis (The decision stands) in this context."

The accusations of deceit are especially unfair and very tarnishing 
because they suggest that the Court is not at all different from the 
political branches of government, the legislature and the executive
branches. Would the Democrats and other lefties in general be happy 
with the Republicans and conservatives if the shoe were on the other 
foot? Your skeptical Peasant rather doubts it.

The Dems and the lefties are cheesed off not just over recent rulings 
by the Court but rather that they are not in control of a branch of 
government which they could utilize as a vehicle for achieving
political goals that they couldn't win through the legislature 
(Congress). The cultural successes they have enjoyed will now 
be able to come about only by the difficult and arduous work of 
persuading voters. With the anger the electorate presently feel 
toward Congress and President Biden all your bemused Peasant 
can say is good luck with that!

Getting back to the majority on the Court that voted to strike down 
the poorly reasoned and ill-gotten Roe vs. Wade ruling, they did not
break any promises to respect and affirm precedents, as they never
broke any such promises to begin with. These Justices saw the flaws
in Roe and Casey, and recognized the flaws in these rulings when 
examining the facts in Dobbs, so they saw that the both logical and fair
way to rule was in ruling the way in which they ruled. They stayed
faithfully within the boundaries set forth by Article III, and while also
recognizing and acknowledging the precedents, they never stated
whether they would uphold or strike them down.

Life for the unborn had its day in court, and had won a momentous 
victory. Although it was just one battle, it was a battle won which
will be instrumental in winning many more and at last the war itself.
The so-called "choice" side has lost the momentum; it now resides 
with the side of life.


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