Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Progressives Progressively Lose Ground

A startling political phenomenon has occurred, and it has 
begun in places where one would not expect such a thing 
to happen, even in a million years. 

People living in major American cities, all citadels of left-
wing politics, have gotten rather tired of being preyed upon
by criminals and nothing being done about the rising crime 
rates in their cities. If anything, the crime fighting (HA!) policies 
in these cities have touched off the soaring rise in crime that
they are suffering. District attorneys who look for excuses
to not prosecute crime suspects, municipal and county judges
who give ridiculously light sentences (or sometimes none at all)
to same, and they are joined by mayors in decrying the 
proliferation of guns in their locales and how gun control 
would stem their spread (Stop the proliferation of crime instead?
See what goes on in the minds of the criminals, especially 
juvenile thugs, to figure out what makes them behave 
reprehensively? Are you some kind of right-wing nut?). 
Many people have moved away from these cities in recent years:
Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, New York, and Saint Louis
are but a few. They moved because they cared about their safety
more than did the officials in charge of their cities. 
But in San Francisco, the people there did something else.

San Franciscans recalled and voted out their criminal-loving
DA Chesa Boudin. Having elected him on his promise to reform 
the way that criminals are prosecuted in that city, they found out
to their sorrow that Boudin meant that he'd treat them with kid 
gloves and spit on their victims and the law abiding people in
the City by the Bay. It wasn't even close; Boudin was given his 
walking papers with a 60% vote in favor of firing him. 

The electorate of San Francisco prefer "broken windows policing"
to the virtually no-policing that Boudin wanted the city's police to
implement as well as to skip prosecuting minor crimes, i.e. shop-
lifting. But the failure to prosecute these lesser crimes only brought
about a more lawlessness because the criminals thought that the 
city was going soft altogether on enforcing the law. Broken 
windows policing has done wonders where it has been tried, most
notably in New York, but after crime rates dropped because of 
this strategy left-wing politicians became dismissive of it. 

Boudin blamed his defeat on "right-wing billionaires", not even
having a clue as to why he was turned out of office, and having 
been elected with the help of left-wing billionaire George Soros.
Seems that the view from the Ivory Tower is not all that clear and
sharp. But when you consider that the number of drug dealing 
convictions in San Francisco have fallen from over 90 in 2018 
to a microscopic three (!) in 2021 while deaths from drug overdoses 
tallied over 1,300 in the last two years, and Boudin mostly prosecuted
drug dealers with kid gloves by reducing the charge down to the 
lesser offense of "accessory" to a crime (!!) all the while, then 
you can see that Boudin should instead blame the person he sees 
every morning in the mirror instead of blaming super-wealthy 
straw men.

Meanwhile, voters in Los Angeles elevated real estate developer 
Rick Caruso to the run-off election in the mayoral race there in
November, placing him AHEAD of heavy favorite and redoubtable
progressive state representative Karen Bass by about five percentage
points. Caruso's strategy? Promising to be more aggressive on crime
and to clean up LA's multiplying homeless camps. Oh, the progressive
gang of public unions, environmental radicals, and trial lawyers will
do their damnedest to defeat Caruso in the run-off come November. 
But they will face stiff resistance from the people of Los Angeles who 
have had all the lawlessness and disorder that they can stand. They 
have come to realize that their only recourse in taking back their city 
from the forces of social and physical destruction is their votes. 

This rebellion will likely catch on in the other cities I have mentioned.
Would that this would soon happen in Milwaukee as well.


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