Tuesday, June 7, 2022

"Look Ma, No Plan!"

With inflation making a comeback, with a vengeance I might add,
it's no wonder that many Americans have become anxious and 
apprehensive about our economy. Inflation has not been a problem
since the late 1970s and early 1980s, as it has hovered around 2 - 3%
from then until just President Biden's first 1 1/2 years in office (!).

What happened to cause this economic calamity? Biden and Congres-
sional Democrats sent federal spending on a rocket ride, flooding the
economy with so many dollars that we came to the point of what many
economists described as "too many dollars chasing too few goods". 
The supply of many goods was adversely affected when supply chain
difficulties arose, what with the dramatic increase in oil and gas prices
making transportation to market more costly. Biden blocked the oil 
pipeline which would have connected the United States with the 
Canadian oil fields, which we would have relied on in the face of
Biden clamping down on oil drilling in the U.S., a move which ---
along with the building of the oil pipeline with Canada --- pleased
his radical environmentalist supporters no end. Demand for gas
has been steadily on the rise since the loosening of the Coronavirus
regulations, with people getting out more to go to work and to go
out for leisurely pursuits. So, when demand surpasses supply,
inflation results. Add to that a low unemployment rate and you
have people having more disposable income. This is the type of
inflation called "demand-pull inflation", and it is the type which
we now have in no small part due to Biden's spending programs
(can you imagine what our economy would be like if Biden was
able to get his so-called "Build Back Better" plan passed in 
Congress? $570 billion for green energy, $752 billion for child
care and universal pre-K, and $8 billion for elder care?) So how
does Clueless Joe explain his spending as being good for tamping
down inflation? He has no inflation-fighting plan, and this 
emperor has no clothes. 

Biden's Treasury Secretary admitted that in June 2021 inflation 
could reach 3% . Biden called it "temporary", and that "One month
does not make a trend." But by December, inflation was streaking
at 6.8%, a 40-year high. And in order to pay for all of his wild 
spending Biden wants to raise taxes on U.S. taxes, which would 
take away their advantage over their overseas competition, and 
would really be paid for by the consumers who buy their products
because the companies will just pass the taxes along to them by 
raising their prices for their goods. Furthermore, Biden also wants 
to raise taxes on billionaires, but even his progressive backers
admit that there are only 664 of them. Biden would have to raise
taxes on millionaires, then the upper-middle class, then ... where 
would he stop? 

President Biden's support would stop, to be sure. Those voters who 
though him to be a safer bet than President Trump would have a 
rethink and decide not to give Biden another term in the White House.
And trying to further BS the people by writing a bunch of op-ed
pieces in newspapers around the country into believing that things
are not as bad as they seem but instead are improving won't even give
the prez "three yards and a cloud of dust" in terms of ground gained 
with the electorate.  

Your anticipatory Peasant is ready for 2024. How about you?


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