Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Thanksgiving Through the Tears

Thanksgiving shall be here the day after tomorrow, and it will
be observed with a tinge of sadness. Just the day before yesterday,
Waukesha, my county seat and a Wisconsin city that I have a long
history with, held its Christmas parade --- the biggest Christmas
parade in the state since Milwaukee discontinued theirs. It was 
always a joyous event, but this year it had a tragic twist: 
a driver of an SUV sped through the parade route on Main Street,
and ran into and over many participants and attendees. Five have 
died, while over forty (the count at the present time) are injured,
some severely. As more details regarding this tragedy are made 
known your sorrowful Peasant will update you, my loyal readers.

In the meantime, count yourselves lucky and be thankful that you
are safe and sound wherever you are, and give thanks for being so
as well as for all the good and beautiful things in your lives --- 
your families, your homes, your jobs, your physical, emotional,
financial, career, social, romantic and every kind of health that
a human being can possibly have. For all in this world is fleeting,
and it and we can go at any time. Let us, then, enjoy our many 
blessings while we can, and let's hug our spouses, children, 
brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, parents, grandparents, all our
family members, and our pets, as many of us count our dear
cats, dogs, and other pets as family too (I certainly count my
lovely cat Brownie as family!). For before very long our time
draws to a close, and believe me time zips by before we realize
it's gone. We can depart anytime, anywhere at all. 

Your thankful Peasant is overjoyed about the blessings I have 
been given. And that includes each and every one of you, my
wonderful readers!


Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Go For Broke; Make 'em Go Broke!

Saule Omarova is President Biden's nominee for Comptroller
of the Currency. And she has an idea for combating climate 

In a video interview that she gave last February this Cornell 
professor was talking about U.S. national investment authority.
She sounds like someone Biden would nominate for Comptroller
or a similar position. The conversation oddly turned to climate 
change and how it would affect fossil fuel producers. She said
the most breathtaking statement regarding the smaller ones in the 
field: "A lot of the smaller players in that industry are going to,
probably, go bankrupt in short order --- at least, we want them 
to go bankrupt if we want to tackle climate change.  

Now let Omarova's words sink in. She wants to put some businesses
out of business, chucking heretofore working employees out the 
door, interrupting their means of making a living for their families
and themselves just to enact some crackpot program which will not,
despite its billing, solve climate change. Her attitude is,
I want to get this program to fight climate change up and running,
and if it hurts some workers by depriving them of their paychecks
and benefits, it's no big deal because these peasants, their families
and all, are no big deal. 

Omarova then added that the establishment of a National Capital
Management Corporation would make things better by "becom(ing)
a kind of equity investor at that point, taking over management of
those companies and basically leading them through restructuring 
to a new technological business model". Got that? First, put the
private firms out of business, then get government central planners
working on restructuring them in a way that would suit the political
class' tastes. The peasants in the private sector, you see, are far too
stupid, let alone insensitive to the environment and the climate to
allow them to continue to work and to allow them and their businesses
to keep functioning the way they have always done. Government 
knows everything; the peasants know nothing. 

As Comptroller Omarova would have lots of authority to regulate 
banks. She is signaling that her fondest wish is to refuse capital to the 
companies she despises and wants to see go bankrupt. Par for the  
modern Democrat Party apparatchik. Thanks and praise to the 
Wall Street Journal for their article in their editorial section shining 
light on her power lust and her grandiose scheme. Now We the People 
must contact our senators and tell them to vote her nomination down. 


Thursday, November 11, 2021

Regarding Veterans Day ...

Once again, your humble and grateful Peasant wishes 
to thank our courageous veterans from all our military's
branches, who fought in the most recent wars which our
country was involved in, serving our United States of
America with bravery, dedication, and grit --- making
many sacrifices along the way; all gave some, while 
some gave all. 

As I have paid tribute to all our wonderful vets on this 
blog on Veterans Days past, I ask myself "What more 
can I say?" So I'll just say here today, this Veterans Day:

*If you like speaking your mind, thank a vet!

*If you enjoy the services at your house of worship, 
thank a vet!

*If you like going hunting with your shotgun or rifle,
thank a vet!

*If you appreciate being able to defend yourself, your 
family, your home or your business with same, thank a vet!

*If you enjoy your liberty, your very freedom which is
yours by virtue of being a citizen of this great and magnificent
country, birthed in bloodshed and nourished in trials and
soul-trying circumstances, springing up through the soil
of shifting fortunes and human machinations like a bright
and beautiful flower with generations of veterans the gardeners
helping the flower along, THANK A VET! 

Remember, as The Peasant says: Freedom isn't free; freedom costs.
But freedom isn't a luxury, it's a necessity! And our vets have 
always paid the price without counting the cost.


Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Big Brother's Kid Sister

The negotiations over the $3.5 trillion (more likely $4 trillion)
so-called Infrastructure Bill of President Biden's and his fellow
Democrats are foremost on the minds of many in Washington
but Biden has another bee in his bonnet: Supercharging the 
regulatory state. Toward that end, he has nominated progressive
(read: radical left-winger) Gigi Sohn to the Federal Communi-
cations Commission. Biden and his White House crew have 
praised Sohn as "one of the nation's leading public advocates
for open, affordable, and democratic communication networks."
Translated into truth-speak, this statement of enthusiastic 
support means Sohn is in favor of utilizing the FCC's regulatory
power to handcuff broadband providers and to diminish 
the First Amendment rights of conservatives. 

Sohn founded Public Knowledge, a lefty group that has long 
worked for increased government control of the internet as 
well as the media in general. She was a major force in the 
battle to enact the "net neutrality" regulation which classified
broadband providers as common carriers under Title II of the
Communications Act of 1934, as well as the Wheeler rule, 
created by Obama FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler (to whom 
Sohn was a counselor) which banned broadband carriers 
from charging heavy-bandwidth using websites. i.e. Facebook
higher prices to carry their content. You know the lefties' rule
regarding a company making a profit; profits must be punished
and restrained in the name of economic justice. Broadband 
investment declined, before making a comeback when then-
President Trump's FCC tossed out the Wheeler rule. 

Progressives want the government to regulate broadband rates
like electricity prices, and Sohn is rather warm to the idea.
Furthermore, Sohn is certainly no friend of the First Amendment
as she is very keen on using the FCC's regulatory power to 
censor conservative media and revive a version of its antiquated
and outmoded Fairness Doctrine which made sense in the days of 
far fewer television and radio stations and the internet was not 
yet invented, but not today now that there are dozens of internet
sites, more television networks, and more radio networks as well.
Sohn especially has it in for Fox News: "For all my concerns
about #Facebook, I believe that Fox News has the most negative
impact on our democracy." Could Sohn be concerned about more
American TV audience members turning conservative, therefore
eschewing the Liberal Establishment media and their dreck?

Additionally, Sohn has suggested using the FCC's power over 
broadcast licenses to censor conservative outlets, such as Fox
News. She claims to be a supporter of "a diversity of voices in
the media" but doesn't want to extend that diversity to conservatives.
That's the left-wingers' idea of diversity: everyone, regardless of
racial, gender, gender-preference, and other classifications make
a mighty chorus, but no righty voices are welcome and no one 
in the chorus is allowed to sing from the conservative songbook.

The FCC is currently evenly divided, 2-2, and if Sohn is confirmed
(and she definitely should NOT be!) the Dems will make a 
blitzkrieg to enact the progressive agenda in the agency. Biden 
will be all too happy to do this favor for the predominant progressive
wing of the Democrat Party, as they helped him to get elected,
reasoning that at least Biden is not anything at all like Trump. 
If these people get their way, the First Amendment will be on 
its deathbed.

Sohn clearly cannot be placed on the FCC. Furthermore, Biden may
make her Chairwoman as soon as she is safely aboard the FCC
ship. He's done something like this before, nominating and getting
far left-wing Lina Khan on the Federal Trade Commission, then
making her the FTC's Chairwoman. 

The Senate Commerce Committee will hold a confirmation hearing
next week. All senators on the committee should ask her some tough,
probing questions, regardless of their party affiliations, for this is not a 
matter of political loyalties; this is a matter of adherence to and 
preservation of constitutional law. 


Thursday, November 4, 2021

Captain Kirk Gives a Royal A**whooping

A follow-up to the story of William Shatner's trip
to outer space: the actor who played Captain Kirk
on Star Trek has gotten into a shootout with Prince
William of Great Britain, who recently made some 
pointed remarks about Shatner's record-setting trip.

In an interview with a BBC reporter, Prince William
Stated "We need some of the world's greatest brains
and minds fixed on trying to repair this planet, not
trying to find the next place to go and live." He then
followed his missive with a crack about Shatner's 
spaceship having created a carbon footprint while
making a flight for the purpose of leisure. Really?

To begin with, there are precisely no inhabitants of 
our planet seeking to move to another planet. Zero,
zip, nada. As for the alleged carbon footprint, the rocket
carrying Shatner and a few other passengers was  
powered by liquid hydrogen and oxygen. 
An atmospheric scientist told LiveScience.com just last
July that "The main emissions will be water and some 
minor combustion products, and virtually no CO2."
So much for carbon footprints. Now, building the 
rocket and sending it into space does create some 
carbon emissions, but not to the degree that Prince
William and other like-minded people claim.
Besides, putting on a royal wedding with a bunch of
guests from around the world and a military flyover
produces much more carbon emissions, Billy Boy.

So what was William Shatner's response to Prince 
William? In an interview with Entertainment Tonight,
Shatner remarked "He's a lovely, gentle, educated man,
but he's got the wrong idea, the idea here is not to go, 
'Yeah, look at me, I'm in space!' " Shatner also said that 
the Blue Origin flight was just another "baby step" into
the heavens. And your favorite Peasant would like to add
that the aforementioned space flight, along with all of 
those that took place before, let alone all of the earthly 
journeys to see what is on other continents and on the 
other side of our world raises human ambitions, including
helping its human inhabitants to increase their knowledge 
and understanding of the world. Does Prince William 
believe that this is a bad thing, or didn't he consider 
this truth? Pity he didn't do the latter before flapping
his royal yap.

In closing, isn't it better to have American billionaires 
competing with NASA and with other nation's
governments for the business of space travel, much like
air travel in airplanes? And to have other billionaires from
other countries such as Richard Branson in this field of
endeavor as well? I always thought that competition 
between providers of goods and services was a good thing.
What say you, Prince William?