Monday, December 30, 2019

A Promising New Year

Friends, with 2020 just two days away, your favorite Peasant
wants to wish you all a most happy, prosperous, healthy, and
magnificent new year! And remember: President Trump is up
for re-election in this bright and beautiful new year, so come
Election Day be prepared by making sure that you are regis-
tered to vote in your communities, and get yourselves to your
polling precincts (bring family, friends, neighbors, and
co-workers!) to support our fantastic and courageous president.
This is for not only our freedom, prosperity and well-being,
but for that of our children, their children, and the further
coming generations; we cannot have our national rebirth
and revamping interrupted by a Democrat victory!

The coming new year has a treasure of promise in it, let us
take hold of it and utilize it and its promise to make a
year of success on all fronts!

God bless you all and God bless America!


Monday, December 23, 2019

Merry Christmas Everybody!

The Peasant wants to wish you all, my grand and faithful readers,
a beautiful, blessed, joyful, abundant, loving, heavenly, magnificent
Merry Christmas! May you get to be with your families, friends,
and sweethearts; may you all have lots of embracing and kissing,
may you all exchange wonderful Christmas presents, may you all
enjoy listening to and singing all the beautiful Christmas carols
as well as the contemporary Christmas songs (The Christmas Song,
I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas, and so forth), may you
be uplifted and brightened by your church services and become
closer to He who is the reason for the season, and finally may you
all be renewed, refreshed, and ready for the New Year (and may
it be a truly happy one!).

God bless!


Thursday, December 19, 2019

Bernie's Big Surprise

When it seems like the same old ground has been picked over and
trampled to dust, and all seems like the same old same old, business
as usual, the foregone conclusion, and of course the ubiquitous
conventional wisdom reigning supreme in the world of politics,
something completely unexpected, unforeseen, and seemingly
impossible happens to shake up a mundane scene. Such an occurrence
happened recently with socialist Senator Bernie Sanders.

Sanders, who is running for president again, was asked at a rally
in Iowa a few weeks ago whether he favors mandatory buybacks
for AR-15s and AK-47s, an idea favored by at least some of his
opponents for the Democrat Party's presidential nomination and
many Democrats at the state government level around the country.
His answer? First, my grand readers, sit down and draw a deep breath:
"A mandatory buyback is essentially confiscation, which I think is
unconstitutional. It means that I'm going to walk into your house and
take something whether you like it or not. I don't think that stands up
to constitutional scrutiny."

I know. Believe me, I know. I saw this story in the November 14 edition
of the Wall Street Journal, and I read, then re-read it (four times!) to
see if I was reading it right. Imagine that, the presidential candidate
from the Democrats' field of candidates considered by many to be
the most radical candidate in the pack openly opposing an almost
cherished brainchild in his political circles, and citing the Constitution
to back up his assertion! Perhaps the Milwaukee Brewers will go
to the World Series next year, and win it in a four-game sweep!
The Age of Miracles is truly in force!

May Bernie's brief but notable flight of factuality not prove to be a
rarity, a mere one-off, but a turning point for the senator from
Vermont in which he will discover the Constitution as an entire
document, one that is remarkably unique in the history of nations
and their governance by restricting not the people but their
government, thus guaranteeing the freedom of the former while
protecting them from the rapacious urges of the latter. Why,
ol' Bernie could feel a brand new "Bern", one which would guide
him to the joys of limited government and away from the looks-
good-on-paper-but-fails-in-practice ideology of socialism.
Perhaps his followers would join him on this voyage of political
and economic discovery?


Thursday, December 12, 2019

A Dog That Has Her Day

President Trump honored the military dog which
was injured in the raid that killed Islamic State
leader Abu bakr al-Baghdadi.

The dog, a Belgian Malinois named Conan, was
feted in a Rose Garden ceremony, which was
attended by First Lady Melania Trump and
Vice President Mike Pence. President Trump
met with the soldiers involved in the successful
raid and also gave Conan an award, calling the
heroic dog "so brilliant, so smart."

Conan was sent into a tunnel to subdue Baghdadi
in the raid on a compound in Syria where Baghdadi
was hiding with some of his family. Hiding behind
three of his children, Baghdadi detonated a suicide
vest, killing himself and the children as well as
collapsing part of the tunnel, which injured Conan.
The soldiers rescued Conan and got the dog to medical
staff who treated her, and having since recovered has
returned to active duty.

Some have criticized giving Conan all this adulation,
thinking it frivolous to so honor a dog. Your grateful
Peasant says that since we honor police dogs when
they perform heroic tasks in the field, especially
when they are wounded or killed, giving them
rewards such as medals, why not do the same
for our military canines? They share the daunting
work and the inherent dangers with their military
handlers, so why not show them our gratitude like
we do for our human soldiers, marines, and sailors?
They are even regarded as soldiers and such by the
branches in which they serve; what's all the fuss?

This story illustrates well the loyalty that the animal
called "Man's best friend" has for his humans in whose
charge they are placed. They, without questioning or
hesitation, do whatever they are asked by their handlers
no matter the danger, without regard for their own safety.
This is regarded as bravery, a necessary trait for those
serving in the military, a trait valued and given awards for.
Especially in showing courage above and beyond duty's
call. Why can't we so honor our military animals?

Hats off to President Trump for his honoring and giving
laud to Conan, the army dog who served so gallantly
in battle. And a special salute to Conan.


Thursday, December 5, 2019

A New Democrat Presidential Candidate (Could He Pass a Saliva Test?)

Former New York mayor and billionaire media magnate
Michael Bloomberg has recently declared himself a
candidate for the office of President of the United States,
having mulled over the option for more than a year.
What he would bring to the Dem's race for the party's
laurels is that, unlike U.S. Senators Bernie Sanders and
Elizabeth Warren he doesn't want to grab any of one's
monetary assets (a so-called "wealth tax"); and unlike
Beto O'Rourke does not want to grab anyone's guns, just
the sugary-sweet treats many people enjoy, the extra-ounces
"Big Gulp" soda pop drinks. Remember his edict to ban
the sale of large-size cups of soda in New York when he
was that city's mayor? He thought it would help improve
and enhance New Yorkers' health if they didn't ingest so
much sugar via their sweet fizzy drinks. Yes, I know,
nanny statism on tap care of "Nanny" Bloomberg.
At least he would leave people's investment and real
estate assets alone. By the by, Beto had to say bye-bye
when his already-floundering campaign was finally sunk
by his anti-gun scheme which turned off moderate
Democrats (there's still a few of them around, believe it
or not) and independents most likely to vote in the
Democrats' primaries and caucuses. Your bemused Peasant
can't think of how a pro-gun, pro-2nd Amendment state
like Texas could ever support such a candidate for president,
including one from their own state.

Bloomberg has other advantages as a candidate vis-a-vis
the rest of the Democrats' wacky field: Where Bloomberg
is coherent, clear, and smooth when he speaks, ex-Vice
President Joe Biden struggles to put a coherent sentence
together when he's on the stump, and "Uncle Joe" is
lumbered by Ukrainian baggage via his and his son Hunter's
ties to a Ukrainian energy holding firm, Burisma Holdings
and the growing scandal emanating from there. Sen. Elizabeth
Warren's ("I've got a plan for that!") plans for Medicare and
for the economy have even die-hard liberals in the Democrat
Party saying "Now just wait a minute, lady!". Sen. Bernie
Sanders, the far-left darling of the progressives four years
ago, recently had a heart attack while on the campaign trail,
causing many progs to reconsider their support of Bernie
in favor of the slightly younger Sen. Warren. Joe Biden
and his son, Hunter, are enmeshed in the Ukrainian
energy firm Burisma and its list of growing controversies,
along with the growing scandal emanating from there.
South Bend, Indiana's mayor Pete Buttigieg has at best
a mediocre record as that city's mayor, and many in his city
think he is willfully ignoring the plight of South Bend's
more run-down, racially diverse, economically depressed
neighborhoods. Sen. Kamala Harris, once well-regarded,
was shown to be the Empress With No Clothes after a fast
start with her campaign, only to be so exposed by some of
her rivals for the Dem's nomination as being woefully
unprepared. The rest of the field is just barely hanging in
there, and Bloomberg shouldn't have any trouble with
any of these tail-enders.

Being a highly successful businessman, and a billionaire
at that, would be a sore point with the many progressive
activists which dominate the Democrat Party, who hold
the vast wealth of such people against them (that's how
come ex-hedge fund manager and environmental gadfly
Tom Steyer never caught the breeze of momentum in
his sails, or should I say his windmills?), even if they hold
the same views as they on the issues of greatest concern
in their squalid party. Bloomberg will be best advised to
build a groundswell within the party to support him by
appealing to those Dems who think that their party has
gone too far leftward. There are some such Dems, enough
to make some noise along the road to their convention
in Milwaukee as well as at their bash. It could be rather
fun to watch.

But a word of caution to my fellow conservatives: whatever
qualms that you may have about President Trump, despite
his stellar performance in office, especially on the economy,
know that Michael Bloomberg is no conservative, nor even
a moderate; he merely looks like one of these next to the
Democrats' field of candidates. Bloomberg is, in fact,
a solidly staunch liberal who backs gun control (just short
of grabbing people's guns a' la Beto), abortion on demand,
and environmental regulations which would cripple some
industries and put at least one (coal) out of business.
Furthermore, Bloomberg LP, Bloomberg's media company,
announced through Bloomberg Editor in Chief John
Micklethwait "We will write about virtually all aspects
of this presidential contest," but "We will continue
our tradition of not investigating Mike (and his family
foundation) and we will extend the same policy to his
rivals in the Democratic primaries." Ah, but wait: said
in the same announcement they will "continue
to investigate the Trump administration, as the
government of the day." You see the ethical hole in the
road just ahead: What would happen if Bloomberg wins
the Democrats' nomination, and Trump the Republican's
blessing (and he is very likely to do so, as he has token
opposition who cannot possibly pose a serious challenge
for the GOP nod)? Micklethwait goes on to say that this
question will be reassessed if his boss is successful in
gaining the Democrats' nomination. Indeed.

Bloomberg's publication, while having a pro-market flavor
in its financial reporting, tacks left in its reporting on just
about everything else. What makes anyone think that this
would change, or at least be suspended in case of a Trump-
Bloomberg showdown next year? Especially given the
firm's passing on coverage of Bloomberg himself and
his fellow Democrat candidates? Very, very troubling,
and does not bode well for ethical journalism and its

But all that being said, Bloomberg could still play a
role in educating people about the dangers of
so-called Medicare for All (which is really socialized
medicine by another name) the perniciousness of a
wealth tax, and the problems generated by raising the top
marginal tax rate to 70% (or more), and the dangers
to the middle class when the wealthy have been taxed to
the breaking point by a President Sanders or a President
Warren and they STILL would not have enough money
to pay for their socialist wet dream programs. And although
Bloomberg is 77, he is in markedly better health than
Sen. Sanders who recently suffered a heart attack while
campaigning, and Joe Biden who had bleeding in one eye
while giving a speech (a sign of dangerously high blood
pressure?); both of these men are in their 70s as well.

Personally, I don't see Michael Bloomberg winning the
Democrats' presidential nomination. But I do see him
making more than a few Democrat voters and, just
as importantly, more than a few Democrat delegates
in Milwaukee think long and hard about the issues and
the corresponding views held by the candidates.
And to compare them with those of Mayor Bloomberg's.

Could this trigger the return toward the political center
for the waywardly left-wing Democrat Party? This would
be an even more significant accomplishment for
Michael Bloomberg than winning that party's presidential
nomination, even winning the presidential election.

Bloomberg for spoiler, not for president.


Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Peasant Begins His Thanksgiving Vacation

Friends, your overworked Peasant is taking a few weeks off
to celebrate Thanksgiving and to recharge my batteries. I am in
the middle of writing some wonderful posts to share with you, my
wonderful and loyal readers, and am setting up my apartment to
host small (but fun-filled) parties and song circle sessions for our
Chuck Ward Celtic Song Circle. Add to that my becoming a foster
parent for another at-risk cat, a lovely little girl cat named Brownie.

Furthermore, I shall be participating in the inaugural meeting of
the Conservatives and Republicans of Greater Milwaukee on
Saturday, November 16. I was invited by my friend and fellow
activist, Thomas Brian, with whom I showed up to protest the
debut of the Milwaukee Streetcar, a/k/a the "Trommy", a/k/a
"(Mayor Thomas) Barrett's Folly", which I posted about at the
time last autumn. I shall share with you about the gathering,
which is to be held at Aliotto's Restaurant in Wauwatosa.
If any of you would like to come, it will be on from 3:00 to
6:00 PM at Alioto's, 3401 N. Mayfair Road, Wauwatosa, WI.
For those who might not be able to make it, especially those
of you who live outside of the Milwaukee area and maybe
outside of Wisconsin, you are welcome to send donations
to this fledgling conservative group at:

P.O. Box 14801
West Allis, WI  53214

We will be taking on the Democrats and other liberals across
many political subjects, especially their legislative initiatives
at the state and local levels. I am jazzed about this new bunch!

And I shall be busy with some home improvement projects as well.
No rest for The Peasant, but I shall lighten my load to a reasonable
and manageable one. After which I shall return to you, my great
and good friends! In the meantime, have a Happy Thanksgiving
with your families and friends, and let us all be thankful that we
live in the United States of America --- where we have freedom,
prosperity, and abundance!

God bless you all! And God bless America!


Monday, November 11, 2019

Gratitude to our Vets!

As today, my fabulous readers, is Veterans Day,
take the time to let the vets in your lives know
that you are grateful for their service and sacrifice.
Parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, siblings,
cousins, friends, neighbors, co-workers, vets
in their uniforms marching in Veterans Day
parades, shake their hands and tell them you're
thankful to them for service to our country.
As a matter of fact, this is something we all can,
and should do, every day --- not just this special
day, fitting though it be.

Remember: if you like your freedom, thank a vet!
It's certainly nor the politicians who are in uniform,
carrying guns and packs, engaging enemy forces
in battle in far-flung parts of the world that most
Americans have never heard of, oftentimes battling
severe weather along with the enemies, having to kill
or be killed, facing privations, fighting to stop our
enemies before they can get anywhere near our borders
and shores.

God bless our veterans, and God bless America!


Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Abdul Kayoum, R.I.P.

This gentleman may not be well known to some of you,
my wonderful readers, and will not be known at all to
the rest of you. But his life is a testament to the oppor-
tunities and the freedom to pursue them that our wonder-
ful country affords to immigrants from all around the
world, even making possible for who occupied the highest
strata in their native countries to rise even higher.

Abdul Kayoum, 84, Afghan prince-turned immigrant-turned
U.S. entrepreneur, champion of conservative political and
economic principles, recently passed from this world.
A second cousin to the last king of Afghanistan, Mohammad
Zahir Shah and known as "Abe" to his family and closest
friends, Abdul Kayoum's unique and inspiring life began
in the royal household in Afghanistan where he
learned the recipes of the exquisite entrees prepared by
the chefs in the royal kitchen which he would later
recreate for the patrons of his Afghani restaurant,
the Caravan Serai, in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Abe
perfected his cooking skills, also adding American
favorites as well as favorites from around the Middle
East and southern Europe while working in restaurants
in several states after arriving on our shores. Along the way
he met and married a delightful beauty from North Dakota,
Carol, with whom they would make their family and later
their family enterprise, their Serai (Afghani for "inn")
which was the first Afghani restaurant in the United States.
Here was where your culinary adventurer Peasant met Abe
and his family.

As a student at the nearby University of Saint Thomas
drawing close to graduation, I became a regular patron
myself, and was befriended by the Kayoum family.
Shortly after graduation Abe offered me a position
as host, working both lunch and dinner hours and
holding some supervisory duties --- and offered
endless free food with all the spices and aromas
of the exotic dishes once made for royalty, now
given to a Peasant! I felt as if I had died and gone
to heaven's kitchen to spend eternity dining on the
astonishingly delicious exotic entrees from Abe's
part of the world!

Over time I worked off and on at the Serai, sometimes
working there part-time while working a regular full-
time job in my career field to help Abe and later his
eldest daughter Nancy to bridge gaps in personnel in
especially busy times. I had many conversations with
Abe about the restaurant business, business in general,
politics (we both lauded President Ronald Reagan and
his policies of limited government, lower taxes,
a stronger military, and the reaffirmation of our
commitments to our allies), and life. We also talked
about everyday stuff going on in our lives. Whenever
I brought a date, a family member, or a friend to dine
at the Serai I would make sure that Abe would be on
duty that evening so I could introduce them to each
other. Abe was one of the most charming people I
ever had the pleasure to have known, so much so
that he even made staunch liberals at ease when
they would come for a meal and sometimes talk
politics. Abe could disagree without being disagree-
able, and with the times then being less confrontational
the lefty guests did the same, and they would even form
lasting friendships which had the liberals come to
the Serai regularly. At least one Saint Paul mayor,
several city council members, an occasional member
of the nearby state legislature, people from both
major political parties were seen coming dining in
the Abe's wonderful and wondrous restaurant over
the years. Partisanship was checked at the Caravan
Serai's door, and great food shared by and among great
company was the order of the day.

After many years at the helm of the Serai Abe got the
itch to try new entrepreneurial endeavors; he sold his
interest in the restaurant to Nancy, got licenses to sell
real estate and insurance, and enjoyed further success
in both fields. Nancy, being the epitome of "like father,
like daughter", began a side business as a caterer.
Her catering business did so well that it became more
profitable than the Serai, so she closed the restaurant
and operated her catering business full-time for over
a decade before selling that and trying her hand at
other things, those sadly I do not know about for we
had lost contact with each other over time. Abe died
last summer, and I just learned of his passing just this
week (!). Although I didn't get the opportunity to
pay my last respects by attending his funeral, I am
now doing so in writing and posting this tribute to
my dear friend, a royal from another land who rose
even higher in coming to America and creating a
wildly successful career and life for himself.
Abe, you are exactly what the United States and
its promise of opportunity and becoming more than
one could ever dare conceive of becoming! And you
did it while maintaining your humility, your values,
and your love of people and the desire to be of service
to them by cooking indescribably delicious delicacies
of your home country and the surrounding region
while passing on the beauty and the history of your
native Afghanistan, may someday she will once again
find peace and begin healing and repair of her cities,
her society, and her soul after years of war and attendant
turmoil. And I know that you are currently enjoying that
truly perfect peace which only heaven can provide.

Until it's my turn to answer the invitation to partake of
our Lord's heavenly hospitality, I close my tribute to you
with not a farewell but "until we meet again". Thank you
for being a huge part of my life! Requiescat in pace.


Thursday, October 31, 2019

Halloween Greetings!

Your pal The Peasant wishes you, my grand and wonderful readers
a wonderful and fun-filled Halloween! Here's an idea for making
the occasion even more spook-tacular:

Go trick-or-treating wearing a business suit, highly-polished shoes,
and a Donald Trump mask! If you feel that you are a bit long in the
tooth for it, those of you with young children, grandchildren,
nieces and/or nephews (you can do this with the kids of friends too!),
can go trick-or-treating together! Go out in your neighborhoods,
or --- if you all are feeling especially gutsy --- go out in a heavily-
Democratic neighborhood! A nice touch would be some MAGA caps.
Oh, if you are going to do this in a Dem community, it may be more
prudent to wear some good running shoes. But hey, it's Halloween,
and there's nothing like using the day to get up the noses of the
lefties for a great Halloween trick!

Anyway, whatever your planned Halloween activities, may you have
a ball! We'll get together again in the coming week!


Thursday, October 24, 2019

Economic Folly, California Style

In recent years, a state once famously lauded for
being a place of undreamed of prosperity not only
throughout the United States but in many other
countries, resulting in many people moving to
California from these places, has done a shocking
180 degree turn through raising existing taxes
through the ceiling and creating a truckload of
new taxes, all to the pain of individual and corporate
taxpayers. The cure for the pain felt by both has been
to pack up and leave California for places where
prosperity is not punished but rather is encouraged.
Liberals, both in and outside of California have
claimed that taxpayer migration is not a result of
the increases in the quantity and the rates of taxation
there, nor is it at all harmful (?!) to state tax revenue.
They also seem to think that the hard-earned money
of well-to-do Californians would be better used by
the state government in terms of doing more
economic good for everyone there, a common
delusion among left-wingers. Some even think that
California should take a page from far left-wing
Democrat candidates for the presidency, Senators
Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren and also go
after the assets of the wealthier people of that
state (assets such as investment portfolios, bank
accounts, etc.).

However, Stanford economists Joshua Rauh and
Ryan Shyu studied how upper-tax bracket income
earners responded to a 2012 referendum,
Proposition 30, wholeheartedly supported by Democrats
that raised the top marginal rate on California taxpayers
with over $1 million in income to 13.3% from 10.3%.
Additionally, the top rates of individuals earning over
$250,000 also increased between one and two percentage
points. The Stanford study discovered the inevitable
result; a sizeable uptick in the rate of departure by
taxpayers with $5+ million in income following the
Prop. 30 tax increases, and a similar outflow for earners
in the brackets between $2 million and $5 million.

Recently reported on by the Wall Street Journal,
the point that all this makes is that the likelihood of
a wealthy resident of California moving out of state
increased by approximately 40% after Prop. 30. And
after the recent federal tax reform which has rendered
state and local taxes no longer 100% deductible, the
bite of the increased tax burden has been more fully felt
by California's wealthier residents, resulting in an
increased incentive to move to a lower-tax locale.

Other consequences of the Prop. 30 tax hikes revealed
by the study include high earners responding to them
by, among various strategies for reducing their tax bills,
simply working less, that is to say, reducing billable hours.
Some other big earners deferred compensation.

In short, the study estimates that migration out of California
along with taxpayer behavioral responses have taken away
45.2% of the expected revenue gains California was counting
on from the dramatic tax increase on top earning taxpayers.
This shoots a huge hole in the longtime argument of liberal
economists that the wealthy don't care about marginal tax
rates and increasing the top income tax rate to 70% will
neither affect revenues nor incentives to work. Moreover,
America's wealthy have cared greatly about marginal tax
rates for decades, at least since the 1940s when they simply
stopped paying the higher taxes on their earnings which
were just beyond the top marginal tax line and the federal
government, in the middle of fighting a war and later
trying to return the country to and maintain a peacetime
footing, merely gave these folks and their businesses
a wink and a nod. Uncle Sam knew that the economy
would have been thrown into some instability if he were
to have gone after the biggest individual and corporate
earners to shake loose some much-needed revenue with
aggressive tax collecting methods employed by the IRS
and instead let these parties be. This resulted in further
expansion of investing in and expanding businesses,
especially those which made and supplied important
materiel for the war effort, and later Apparently California's
state government hasn't learned anything from our
economic history, if ever it bothered to make the effort;
hence, California's severe economic woes. The top
marginal tax rate in the 1940s? 94%. Throughout the
1950s, '60s and '70s this rate settled back to no lower
than 70%.

In light of this remarkably revealing study, the Democrat
regime in Sacramento should reconsider their eagerness
to further plunder the earnings of their state's biggest income
earners. For one thing, whenever the next recession arrives
these Dems will have to tap into the middle class even more
than they presently do just to pay the tab for all of their
big spending dream programs they have created in the present
boom times once the state's economy goes from boom to
KA-BOOM! And still more wealthy California residents
will flee to states with lower or no income taxes.

But does anyone really think that California's Dem governor
and legislature will heed any of these warnings inherent in
the analysis of economists Rauh and Shyu? As we, my grand
readers, visit here today California's ruling Democrats are
campaigning hard to get a referendum in 2020 to remove
their state's constitutional tax cap on commercial property.
If it is accepted by the state's electorate then Californians
can kiss their private sector jobs goodbye, for businesses
will pack and move just as high income earners currently are,
packing up and taking Californians' jobs with them.

Let's see how that state's Democrat rulers deal with a bankrupt
ghost town of a state. California we have gone, back to where we
started from, la la la, la la la, la la la la, ...


Thursday, October 17, 2019

Playing Political Football With The Family

So many things, too many things these days have become
politicized in the ongoing and escalating political war
over what direction our country should take in establishing
and maintaining a manner of governance. Thus it should
come as no surprise that the family, the bedrock of
American life and society, is now considered to be fair
game for the politicizers, especially those on the Left.
A new poll shows that a paltry 33% of liberals "agree
that marriage is needed to create strong families,"
according to the Institute for Family Studies.
The numbers, by the way, for conservatives are 80%
in agreement and 55% of moderates.

Here, the conservatives hit the bullseye. Children get both
emotional and material security, and indeed a loving
household with a mother who shows lots of sensitivity and
empathy and a father who is engaged and protective.
Now, children who are raised by same-sex parents, or by a
single mother or by other nontraditional arrangements
can be emotionally healthy and well adjusted. That being
said, children need a balance of secure attachment and
healthy separation, which the two-parent family model
certainly provides. Mothers are best at nurturing, while
fathers instruct their children to control their aggression
and become independent, learning to assume responsibility
for their words and actions.

Children of single parents, because of the family makeup
and environment in which they were raised, miss out
on being able to observe a loving relationship between two
adults, and this can pose difficulties for them when they
grow up and form relationships which could lead to starting
families. Adults, especially in families, are models which
the children emulate, as they are the children's immediate
point of reference.

Traditional family structures have made possible a division
of labor in which the father is the breadwinner and the mother
is the caretaker for the children. This setup has become more
challenging for such families, especially in challenging
financial times, i.e a recession, but single parents have it
even harder. They are more likely to experience poverty
and the children are more likely to have emotional and
behavioral problems which can disrupt their education
(dropping out of school) and therefore not getting the basis
for a profitable career, making them more susceptible to
longer-lasting poverty, which could last them the rest of their
lives. Some of them even get involved in criminal activity.

The liberals' denial of some family structures being less than
ideal has lead to government policies which have made for
more nontraditional-model families and less of the traditional
-model ones, with all the attendant troubles in the former,
including more dependence upon the government for basic
needs and subsistence. Perhaps now is the best time to
re-channel governmental efforts toward encouraging the
formation and maintenance of the traditional family
structure for single parent families. These families will
benefit by having more stability and more wherewithal
to meet their needs, and taxpayers will have a consider-
ably reduced burden. The only ones who will not be
among the winners in this scenario will be the so-called
anti-poverty advocates who try to get as many impoverished
families as possible onto the welfare rolls and think that is
all that is needed to help them. Such help these families
can do without, the taxpayers can certainly do without
the onerous tax burden, and we all can do without the social
burdens which accompany the present arrangement.


Thursday, October 10, 2019

Need Just a Bit of Time

Friends, once again I am having one of those occasions
where I am caught short on time to create a post for your
enjoyment, and I do apologize; this has been an incredibly
hectic week! But don't fret, your faithful Peasant shall be
with you next week with an article so good that you'll find
it worth waiting an extra week for!

In the meantime, know that you, my grand and wonderful
readers, are always on my mind. We'll have a grand time
when I return!

Thanks for your continued friendship, readership, and support!


Thursday, October 3, 2019

What Happened to the Moderate Democrats?

Since the Reagan presidency, which marked the ascendancy
of the conservatives in the Republican party and in American
politics, liberal pundits have lamented the decline of both the
numbers and the influence of the moderate/liberal Republicans
in both. George Romney, Nelson Rockefeller, John Anderson
(who later left the Republican party to run for the Presidency
against Republican nominee and eventual election winner
Ronald Reagan, and incumbent Democrat President
Jimmy Carter in 1980), and modern era example William
Weld all come to mind when this species of political animal
comes up in conversation. Not adverse to a large and growing
government, very soft and conciliatory on the social issues
i.e. abortion, welfare, and such, and voting in Congress with
the Democrats at least as often as with their own party, these
Republicans (now derisively labeled "RINOS" --- an acronym
meaning Republicans in Name Only) have lost much ground
to their conservative intraparty party foes and much support
from both the party faithful and the general electorate over
recent years.

Meanwhile, there is an ongoing political purge on the Democrats'
side of the aisle in which the Dems are doing all they can to make
their moderates unwelcome; conservative Democrats? They've
either gone over to the GOP, went independent, or just plain faded
away. This, by the way, includes both office seekers and voters.
One such purge effort is currently taking place in Illinois, where
incumbent moderate and pro-life Democrat Rep. Dan Lipinski is
facing another bruising re-election bid, again being challenged by
progressive hopeful Marie Newman who unsuccessfully ran against
Rep. Lipinski in their party's 2018 primary despite receiving
considerable funding and publicity from like-minded 3rd District
activists and their organizations, including Planned Parenthood's
PAC. And now they all are waging a second battle to unseat a
Democrat who won't bow to their party's political orthodoxy
and embrace unfettered rights to abortion, among other out-of-
the-mainstream planks in its rickety platform. Lipinski, by the by,
is the last pro-life Democrat presently in the House.

Lipinski edged to victory against Newman in 2018 by 2%, translating
to an approximately 2,000 vote margin in Illinois' 3rd District Dem
primary, but district progressives and some political observers have
suggested that the district has shifted just a bit to the Left, just enough
so that Lipinski could lose this time around. The district, by the by,
is solidly Democratic, so there is no realistic chance of a GOP
nominee winning the seat in the general election. As far as your
observant Peasant is aware, the Republicans therefore are not
planning to field a candidate for that seat.

That said, there are many voters in the Illinois Third that find Rep.
Lipinski too moderate for their tastes; some even say he's a conser-
vative. Well, next to their political leanings I'm sure that Lipinski
looks quite Reaganesque. Of course this is why the Newman bid is
part of the Democrat Party's plan to sweep itself clean of incumbents
and office seekers, as well as party officials who are not sufficiently
left wing, with their stands on abortion being a key litmus test.
And Dan Lipinski, even with his legitimate liberal bona fides,
is right in their crosshairs. He's only moderately liberal, if that,
by today's Democrat Party standards, so he just won't do.

As far as Lipinski's record on other issues of great importance to
the Democrats, there is even more evidence to sufficiently condemn
him as far as the ever-leftward lurching party is concerned; he had
the audacity to vote against Obamacare while supporting the pairing
of religious liberty protections with a big anti-discrimination bill,
the Equality Act (George Orwell, call your office!). Now, Lipinski
in fact supports Obamacare as a compromise alternative to the
Medicare for All scheme which Newman supports, stating that
the latter would "hurt Third District residents by taking away private
health insurance from 170 million Americans and eliminating
Medicare for seniors," while sending most people's taxes on a rocket
ride. Lipinski votes almost entirely with his party in the House, and
has voted only 5% of the time with the wishes of President Trump,
the bane of the far-left contingent which has overtaken the Democrat
Party. But to these raving extremists this is nowhere near good enough,
so Dan Lipinski must go. And did I mention that Rep. Lipinski came
out in opposition to the so-called Green New Deal, a brainchild of
the most radical members of Congress, one of which is a certain
congresswoman from New York City who has been getting a truck
load of press for her unabashedly socialist brand of politics and the
resultant ideas from same, the Green New Deal being but one.
Among the things it is purported to do is to drastically reduce
carbon emissions over the next few decades, resorting to (no blarney!)
doing away with air travel. That's right, the airlines would be put out
of business, leaving buses, trains, and at least for the present cars
as options for long distance travel. I wonder what this radical rep,
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has planned for ocean liners? What
would she have people do if they needed to travel to, say, Europe,
Asia, or some other place across an ocean or two? Another black
mark against the veteran Illinois congressman, making another
reason for his radicalized party to purge him from their ranks.
And no lamentation from the aforementioned liberal pundits
re: the decline of the moderate/conservative Democrats.

Oh, and progressive Dem darlings Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and
Sen. Bernie Sanders (technically an independent but votes nearly all
of the time with the Democrats), both presidential candidates, have
endorsed Marie Newman for the party's 3rd District nomination.
Some big guns are trained on Dan Lipinski, who explains his views
and votes thus: "Look, I'm a Democrat because I believe the govern-
ment needs to help people who are in need some way, ... and to me,
protecting the unborn is part of that." And for this noble sentiment
his party wants to send him packing. Let us hope, my great and big-
hearted readers, that the people of Dan Lipinski's district will once
again him to Congress, because he has truly shown the humanity
which the farther-left types in the Democrat Party boast having but
not possessing. This veteran House member has truly demonstrated
his concern and care for the smallest and weakest among us; trying
to make government responsive and of service to all, be they already
born or waiting to be born.

This is what liberals used to be like. Dan Lipinski is a member of a
dying breed, soon to become extinct if the more extreme elements
currently in charge of the Democrat Party get their way. They have
already primaried many members of Congress like Dan Lipinski,
replacing them with substantially more left-leaning candidates
like Ocasio-Cortez. And the result of all this is the loss of one of
the country's two major political parties to extremism, following
its flirtation with totalitarianism. If past presidents Franklin D.
Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy were to come back to life today
and see their party the way it now is, they would suffer from
something far worse than culture shock; they would weep for
their Democrat Party and for the country over its embrace of
ideas and positions most Americans would never so do. And
their party's present leaders along with the present rank-and-filers
would tell them to get their right-wing selves out and don't get
hit by the door as they exit.

The price of extremism is frighteningly high. And in tacking
farther leftward every day, jettisoning sensible, more mainstream
reliables such as Rep. Dan Lipinski from their ranks, the
Democrats are digging their political grave. With their radical
blinders over their eyes, they are unable to see what they are
doing to themselves. But the people see, and they shall respond
at election time by turning their backs on the Democrats for
their infatuation with ideas alien to the American ethos while
turning their backs on the people, along with a deaf ear on their
wishes and concerns. Some Americans may desire a robust,
active government, but most want no part of a government so big
that its activity encroaches upon their liberty and prosperity.
This is something that the Democrats have thus far failed to
grasp, and it shall prove to be their undoing.


Monday, September 23, 2019

Gratitude for and Celebration of Ten Magnificent Years!

My dear, loyal, wonderful readers, today we have reached
a momentous milestone; we have been meeting here at this
online site for ten years to absorb, examine, and discuss
the political and economic news of the day, to discern
the heroes, the heels, those who made things happen,
those who watched things happen, and those who wondered
what the hell happened. The good, the bad, and the ugly
(apologies to Clint Eastwood), the innocent and the guilty.
The effects of the actions taken by the players in the political
arena and the good (or bad) they have wrought. Recognizing
the stars in the conservative movement, both those established
in our firmament and those on the rise. Bidding farewell to
those who left the arena and the world, having helped to
make both better for their having been in them. And certainly
taking time to count our blessings from living in the most
free, the most prosperous, the most welcoming, the most
opportunity affording, the most wonderful country on the
face of the earth --- the United States of America.

When your faithful Peasant began this blog on September 23,
2009, it was for these purposes: to draw attention to stories
from the realms of politics and economics which the lamestream
media either gave little space or air time to, or ignored altogether,
and to rally conservatives around to this blog so as to give them
a place to visit to see these stories presented, and to be done in
a way which doesn't pussyfoot about playing at diplomacy and
niceties, rather getting straight to the heart of the matter and
calling a spade a spade. Your favorite Peasant has endeavored to
state some things in a way that many of you would state yourselves
and do when you are discussing these stories at your dining room
tables, in your local barber shops, at your golf courses, in your
offices, or in your backyards while hosting cookouts. These are
my personal objectives in publishing this very blog, as well as
to give you, my fellow conservatives comfort, succor, humor,
and good cheer, especially at times when we seem to see our
political fortunes slipping away, or at least stymied and stalled.
Always bear in mind, my friends: A war is made up of many
battles, some will be won, some lost. But as long as we do not
tire from the efforts to secure victory, do not lose faith in our-
selves nor our confidence in our ability to keep the pressure
on the enemy, and stay true to our bedrock values which
are the base for our beliefs, we shall gain the victory.

And now we gear up for another ten years (and hopefully many
more after that!) of our vitally important work of defending our
country and our way of life, meeting here each week to study
the relevant topics of the moment and figure out the best way
forward, and having a little levity to lighten our spirits and
indulge in laughter now and then. Think of this blog as being
akin to a USO canteen for weary soldiers, sailors, marines
and airmen; for we are the very warriors who without pause
are fighting to preserve everything we have, cherish and enjoy
as Americans, and to pass it forward to the coming generations.

Your grateful Peasant wishes you, my grand readers and friends,
God's blessings on you and your families. Thank you for your
steadfast support and your wonderful company. And God bless


Thursday, September 19, 2019

Some Positive Bipartisanship?

Recently, U.S. Senators Bill Cassidy (R, La.) and Kyrsten Sinema
(D, Az.) coauthored the first bipartisan plan to create a federal
paid-parental leave program. Its features include a proviso for
new parents to obtain an advance of up to $5,000 on their child
tax credit to lighten the costs in the first year of having a child,
including adopting a child. The bill would offset the expense
by reducing the parents' credit for the next ten years.

The Democrats have a plan of their own, which in true Democrat
fashion is a much more expansive paid-leave program.
The aforementioned bipartisan plan, along with two bills drafted
and sponsored by Republican lawmakers, are creative ways of
repurposing existing funds to facilitate parents' efforts to support
new arrivals, again either by birth or adoption. In addition, this
legislation will force the Democrats to determine and state their
priority: either making family leave easier or, as is their pleasure,
raising taxes. If they choose the former, they will certainly be
helping to effect and promote the bipartisan cooperation and
compromise that they are forever claiming they desire. If they
go with the latter, the Dems will have to go before the public
and defend their decision to impose a further economic burden
on the taxpayers. Oh, the schadenfreude!


Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Carol Buckley, R.I.P.

William and Aloise Steiner Buckley had a remarkable family;
ten children, each of whom possessed a powerful intellect, an
unquenchable thirst for knowledge, a love of and undying
fidelity to the Catholic faith, and belief in and support of the
rights of the individual over the encroachment of an insatiable
government with an unquenchable thirst for power. Their
staunchly conservative parents taught them very well.

This brood, which included the late founder of National Review
magazine, William F. Buckley Jr., also numbered Carol Buckley
as its youngest member. The last to be born and the next to last
to depart (James L. Buckley, former U.S. Senator and retired
Senior Judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of
Columbia Circuit will have that distinction), Carol Buckley
was a part-time editor and writer, oftentimes a contributor to
her brother Bill's renown journal of conservative political
ideas, as well as an addiction counselor. She wrote one book,
At The Still Point (Simon and Schuster, 1996) in which she
detailed her life as the youngest member of the Buckley

Inheriting the family trait of possession of a lightening-quick
wit, kind-hearted and generous, always willing to assist people
less fortunate than she, Carol Buckley is survived by five
children (one predeceased her) and several grandchildren.
The octogenarian was also an energetic advocate for the
welfare of pets, having been involved with the charity,
Sweet Paws Rescue of Essex, Massachusetts, and has
requested that donations be made to this organization
in lieu of flowers. If any of you, my wonderful readers,
would like to make a donation contact them thus:

Sweet Paws Rescue
P.O. Box 752
Essex, MA  01929

If you prefer to contact and contribute to them online:

As has her siblings, Carol Buckley made an indelible mark
on literature, journalism, politics, and humanity. She had
done the Buckley family proud. Well done, Madam.
Requeiscat in Pace.


Thursday, September 5, 2019

Gratitude and Applause!

Yesterday, on one of Milwaukee's local conservative talk shows,
U.S. Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner, my representative in the House,
after a 44 year career in public service, first serving in the Wisconsin
Assembly and the Senate before serving in Congress for 40 years,
announced that he would not seek re-election next year. At 76,
Rep. Sensenbrenner will take life easy but shall still keep abreast
of the political realm in which he has served his Wisconsin 5th
Congressional District constituents long and faithfully.

Having signaled his planned departure on Mark Belling's show,
Sensenbrenner reputation is that of one of the most conservative
and most Constitution-minded members in either chamber of 
Congress. His knowledge of the Constitution has made him a
prime choice of his fellow congressional Republicans for
Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, also having served
immediately prior to that post as Chairman of the House Science
Commitee in which he also performed superbly. His is an act
which will be a tough one to follow.

Sometimes genial, even affable, sometimes crusty, always speaking
plainly without worrying about whether he would offend any
politically correct snowflake types or the establishment press
but always focused laser-like on the needs of his constituents
and on constitutional provisions and strictures, making sure that
constitutional protections of their (and all Americans') rights,
freedom, and prosperity were observed and respected regardless
of which party held the House and regardless of who was in the
Oval Office, Jim Sensenbrenner will surely be missed but will
always be gratefully appreciated. The Peasant wishes you well
in your leisure, sir. Thank you for your many years of unwavering


Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Family Values At Their Finest

This week a champion of family values, a stalwart conservative
in all ways, and a dynamic congressman suddenly resigned his
seat in the House of Representatives to spend more time with
his family back in Wisconsin, where he and his wife are
expecting a baby soon, a baby entering this world with a heart
condition which threatens the little child's life even as she
is waiting to be born. U.S. Representative Sean Duffy (R-WI)
announced his resignation on Monday of this week, to take
effect September 23. Sean Duffy simply wants to be there for
his newest and neediest child, as well as for his wife Rachel
Campos-Duffy and their eight other children.

Duffy wrote on his Facebook page, "As you all know, raising a
family is hard work ... it's especially true for one as large and
busy as mine. Being away from home in Washington four days
a week is challenging, and for that reason, I have always been
open to signs from God when it comes to balancing my desire
to serve both my family and my country." Duffy has been in
the House for 8 1/2 years, representing a district in northern
Wisconsin which previously was long held by a Democrat
who decided against running for another term when Duffy
first announced his candidacy for that seat. Duffy stated that
he and his family just recently learned that their baby, due in
October, has this deadly malady and that their baby will "need
even more love, time, and attention due to complications,
including a heart condition."

"With much prayer, I have decided that this is the right time
for me to take a break from public service in order to be the
support that my wife, baby and family need right now," he
continued, saying to his constituents that he loved being their
representative in the House but that his family was his first
love and most important responsibility. He also said that he
is not leaving politics forever, just for this critical time to
be on hand for his family. The Peasant says to Sean Duffy
"Bravo and God bless!". He has served his district well,
and has also done his constituents and all Wisconsinites
proud, never more so than in doing this self-sacrificing
act. Would that we had more public servants, both elected
and appointed, who have this ethic, this moral compass,
this sense of proportion and priority. And perhaps maybe,
just maybe, see Sean Duffy toss his hat in the political
ring again some day.

God bless you, Rep. Sean Duffy, and your family.
You have set the standard for what family values, a conservative
touchstone, are all --- and should be --- about. You are a
role model and a beacon for us all. Thank you, sir, for your
service and your example.


Thursday, August 22, 2019

Back From Ireland on Lake Michigan!

After four days of Irish culture (especially the music!),
singing with my Chuck Ward Celtic Song Circle pals,
visiting old friends and making new ones, having some
beers with my cousin Finbarr Clancy of the High Kings
while checking out another band, whose members Finbarr
knows well and loves their music, Rum Ragged, from
Canada (a wonderful band, I do concur), and enjoying
wonderful weather throughout the event, your red, white
and blue (and green) Peasant is gearing up for a return to
the business at hand with you, my fantastic readers!

Next week we'll have a new story to examine and discuss,
giving comfort to the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable
(those who made themselves comfortable by afflicting others)
as always. By the by, have I ever mentioned to you that
Cousin Finbarr is also a conservative? And judging by the
news coming out of his native Ireland, the Emerald Isle
could use a few more folks like my cousin.

Be that as it may, I'll see you all next week!


Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Time for The Peasant's Irish Holiday

Friends, your busy Peasant is readying himself for the 2019 Milwaukee
Irish Fest, which begins on Thursday this week. Among the many
things which I have to tend to are preparing with my fellow singers in
our Chuck Ward Celtic Song Circle, as we are going to have some small
but wonderful little gigs around the festival grounds during each day
of the fest, including at the end of each day of the event.

This is going to be big for our humble little circle of singers! We have
an opportunity to become even better known around Milwaukee and
the vicinity, as well as to recruit new members. And your musical
Peasant will get to visit with relatives from the Emerald Isle itself
along with local friends and friends from farther afield, including
Eire itself (That's Gaelic for Ireland, by the by).

As a consequence, there shall not be any article this week for you,
but we'll get back to business the following week, right here at
PWAP. Thank you all for your kind understanding and indulgence;
this annual event is important to me in so many ways, and it
rounds out my summers in a most pleasurable way. And of course,
I'll tell you all how our song circle performances went!

Until next week!


Thursday, August 8, 2019

William Schultz, R.I.P.

A mentor and a source of inspiration to more than one generation
of distinguished conservative thinkers and writers, an undeniable
force for conservatism in a field long since dominated by liberals,
William Schultz was the one to seek out for advice and guidance
for conservatives making careers in journalism. New York born
and bred, and an alumnus of Antioch College --- neither of these
places being favorable environs for anyone on the Right --- Schultz
signed the Sharon Statement in 1960, thus joining forces with
William F. Buckley Jr. and his then-spanking new conservative
organization for young conservative activists, the Young Americans
for Freedom. Over the course of his long and storied career, Schultz
collaborated with the editorial staff of Human Events; was the
Washington editor for Readers Digest for several decades, leading
the venerable publication to report on the moral and political
bankruptcy of Communism in the waning years of the Cold War,
as well as exposing the folly and the fallacies of Hillary Clinton's
national health insurance plan in the '90s.

The list of literary and journalistic stars who were taken by Schultz
under his wing include Fred Barnes, Jonah Goldberg, Robert Novak,
and William E. Simon, the last listed here having also been
Secretary of the Treasury during the Nixon Administration.
William Schultz thus left a grand journalistic and political legacy
upon leaving this world for otherworldly pastures at the age of 80.

Well done, sir. Resquiescat en pace.


Thursday, August 1, 2019

Advocating One Thing While Doing Another

There is a burgeoning field of candidates vying for the Democrat
Party's presidential nomination, with 24 hopefuls at the moment
jockeying for position as they come out of the gate for the start
of the White House race. One of them is Tom Steyer, a hedge
fund manager-turned-presidential aspirant, billionaire,
and liberal activist whose specialty is environmental issues
but also wants to lessen what he sees as the impact of corporate
money in politics: "I believe our democracy is corrupted by
corporate money, and the only way to bring real change is from
the outside by giving more power to the American people,"
Steyer said in a recent statement. "That's why I'm running for

So let's see how Tom Steyer's record to date supports (or not)
his avowed stands of these issues. In recent years, he has shared
of his vast fortune with the Democrat Party to the tune of
$350 million, much of it dedicated to fighting climate change.
He is going to fund his long-shot campaign for President with
$100 million of his own money; Forbes estimates his fortune
to be around $1.6 billion. Steyer amassed his wealth through
Farallon Capital Management LLC, the hedge fund he founded
in 1986 and personally operated for 27 years. Yet he complains
about the influence of corporate money in the political arena,
claiming he wants there to be less of the big bucks there.
By 2007, Farallon became one of the world's largest hedge funds,
with $37 billion in funds. During Steyer's time as its manager,
it lent over a billion dollars to coal-mining projects in other

Having been a consistent Democrat donor for over thirty years,
he increased his presence in the party as a fundraiser during
John Kerry's unsuccessful 2004 presidential effort. In 2008,
Farallon lost 36% of its funds' values as real estate markets
in the U.S. and other countries went bearish. Itching to become
more involved in politics, Steyer stayed on to see his hedge fund
firm through the aftermath until stabilization took root. In 2012
he announced to his clients that he was going to focus on
philanthropic activities, which he had begun some years before,
naming a successor to take over the firm. His choice,
Andrew Spokes, was previously in charge of the unit that
financed the international coal projects. Doesn't sound terribly
green to me, unless you are thinking of monetary green.
Here, one must ask the question of how does Tom Steyer square
these investment activities with his environmental advocacy
of battling climate change, which those on the Left like Steyer
wholeheartedly believe is due to human activity rather than
nature's caprices.

Ah, but Steyer has involved himself (and his money) in other
interesting things as well. In 2007 Steyer was asked by
Californian Democrat operative Chris Lehane to help fund
the campaign to defeat a proposed ballot initiative in that state
which would have apportioned California's presidential electors
in a way which would have benefited Republican presidential
nominees. Steyer's $1 million infusion into that campaign
helped it to succeed, as did the $5 million he gave to the effort
to defeat a proposition to overturn a state law to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions, giving some financial easement
to California's businesses which have long been bound up in
red tape and high taxes as the cost of doing business in

And we haven't even discussed Steyer's maniacal fixation on
impeaching and removing President Donald Trump from
office; now that the impeachment scheme has fallen flat,
Steyer fancies himself as a "White Knight" who will ride in
and save our country from the villainous, awful President
Trump. Oh yes, Steyer has a particularly bad case of TDS
(Trump Derangement Syndrome), a disease quite prevalent
on the left side of the political divide.

All this by someone who wants to lessen the influence of big
money from the corporate sector in politics; brilliant idea of
Steyer's, get corporate big money out of politics by putting
your own corporate big money in. And now this man wants
to be our next president? The Peasant thinks not.


Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Mile High Kremlin?

Every now and then a third-party candidate for public office,
sometimes at the state level, sometimes at the local level, gets
elected --- running on some dubious tickets, running with some
dubious platforms with dubious planks. On June 5 in Denver
this very phenomenon happened; a communist won a seat on the
Mile High City's council.

Your faithful Peasant has not been able to ascertain whether or
not Candi CdeBaca (no, that is not a typo; this really is her name
and how she spells it), the successful candidate is a member and
nominee of the Communist Party or if she is just an adherent to
the ideology, but she declared while campaigning that she would
be a strong voice for replacing our capitalist economic system
with communism.

In a debate she explained "I don't believe that our current economic
system actually works. Capitalism by design is extractive and in order
to generate profit in a capitalist system something has to be exploited.
That's land, labor or resources. And I think that we're in late phase of
capitalism and we know it doesn't work and we've got to move into
something new. And I believe in community ownership of land,
labor, and resources and distribution of those resources. And so
whatever that morphs into I think will serve community the best.
And I'm excited to usher it in by any means necessary."
Now make note of that last sentence, especially the last four words.
CdeBaca is letting on just how communists operate, to bring about
the political and economic system that they want to implement
wherever they are. They care not for anyone's constitution (especially
ours!), nor anyone's customs, nor anyone's political preferences
(look at what they do in countries where they rule to those who
dare to dissent against the dominant political orthodoxy),
they just sweep everything and everyone in their way to the side
and force their system upon all.

Sadly, many of our schools --- especially our public schools --- don't
teach what communism is and does when communists hold power.
The Cold War scarcely gets a mention, the horrors of the Soviet Union
and Mao's China barely a footnote. So the most recent generations of
Americans are rendered ignorant of this terrible ideology and its
dictators who each ruled their nations with a red-painted iron fist
while proclaiming them democracies and free lands. And when
one of them runs for office in the United States these younger
voters who received such woefully inadequate education in history
gets conned into thinking that under communism they wouldn't have
to toil so hard for their subsistence, that everyone would own
everything together, and no one would lack for money, food, shelter,
education, or medical care. Add to that so-called teachers in these
schools that denigrate capitalism and its fruits which we Americans
enjoy thanks to having an economic system in which we all can
participate in and make our own way in our self-chosen careers,
including these indoctrinators masquerading badly as educators.

We not only must take back our government and place it again
firmly under the Constitution, we also must take back our
education system as well. Otherwise, totalitarians such as
Candi CdeBaca will, little by little, become more numerous
at all levels of our government and before we know it our
freedoms, our liberty, our prosperity, and our way of life
will disappear, perhaps forever. And these enemies of ours
won't have to fire a single shot. Freedom is hard to obtain but
so easy to lose, and almost impossible to regain.


Thursday, July 18, 2019

A Golden Anniversary of a Golden Moment

July 20, 1969 was a day of great excitement and anticipation
for me, an eleven-year-old lad who like so many other children
enjoyed summer and all the activities of the warm season. But
on this unique day I remained indoors glued to the television,
for this was the day in which American astronauts were to
become the first humans to step out onto a different planet
--- taking that "One small step for man, one giant step for
mankind" --- walking on the Earth's moon, the overriding
goal of the flight of Apollo 11.

I had enjoyed the Space/Science Fiction TV show Star Trek
along with books and comics pertaining to that genre, but all
that was relative "kid stuff" compared to astronauts, OUR
astronauts, preparing to actually take a stroll on a planet other
than our Earth. We would not only be achieving a feat that
many had once considered an impossibility, but we would be
beating our greatest rival and blood enemy the Soviet Union
to claim the accomplishment as our own. After all, it was the
Soviets who were the first to put a satellite up in space, and
they were the first to put people (and animals) in space as well.
National pride, along with the preservation of technological
superiority, were at stake. Even an eleven-year-old boy in
a small Wisconsin town realized this.

When I saw Commander Neil Armstrong step out of the capsule
which carried the three astronauts to the moon, I felt a feeling
that to this day I cannot clearly describe, except to say that I
was immensely proud of my country, of NASA, and of our trio
of courageous astronauts who made the perilous trip. Buzz Aldrin
followed Armstrong, and Armstrong took a photograph of his
crew mate that also had Armstrong's own image in the picture,
thanks to the reflection of Armstrong on Aldrin's helmet visor.
Aldrin would then knock a golf ball about on the moon's rocky
surface, and a photograph was also taken of Armstrong's boot
print from his taking that historic step. I felt so thankful to be
an American, to be one of the "can do" people, as many from
other nations had called us over the years leading up to this
incredible moment. I felt such pride in being an American
from this triumph of courage and technological advancement
exhibited by my fellow Americans at NASA and in the military
(all three of the astronauts on Apollo 11 were in a branch of the
service). The crew of the magical flight were like supermen to me.
And I did some walking myself, walking on air from the emotions
coursing through my young body that day.

Now we are celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of that tremendous
adventure, and its victorious finish. Neil Armstrong passed away in
August of 2012, but he is remembered and saluted with his crew,
Lunar Module pilot Buzz Aldrin and command module pilot
Michael Collins for their stretching humanity's reach in this world
and the universe, to take hold of the new, the unknown, the mysterious,
and the exciting in the yearning to discover and learn about as
much of our surroundings as is humanly possible in the quest for
knowledge about our place in this boundless expanse that is our
universe --- and how we can utilize that knowledge for the good
of all. We are now discussing, with seriousness, traveling to Mars
to see what there is on that farther located planet in our solar system.
There is even talk of settling on that planet, as our forefathers had
settled the land that would become our country back when no one
was certain of what was over on the other side of our world.
And if we one day go there, and if we establish a community there,
it will be done by those among us who stand on the shoulders of
the Apollo 11 astronauts, who stood on the shoulders of the previous
astronauts who went into space to orbit our planet, who in turn stood
on the shoulders of those who traveled to, explored, and settled many
of the far-reaching lands of our world through the centuries. For this
is the makeup of humans; the insatiable curiosity about what all
is around us, and the burning desire to know all about what is
on Earth and in the sky. And in the American space program's
achievements to this end, we Americans further cement our reputation
as the "can do" people.


Wednesday, July 10, 2019

H. Ross Perot's Legacy: The Lessons From the 1992 Presidential Election

Self-made billionaire and political maverick H. Ross Perot passed away
this week, leaving many stories about his rather unique life, including
his historic 1992 presidential campaign in which he ran as an
independent against an incumbent Republican president (George H.W.
Bush) and the Democrat's nominee William J. Clinton. What made
his campaign historic was that he won 10% or more of the popular
vote in several states, siphoning off enough votes which many political
observers believed would have gone to President Bush, thus causing
Bush to lose the election and the presidency.

But further analysis is warranted here, for there is more than meets the
eye to this story. President Bush had astronomical favorability numbers
in the polls after winning election to the presidency. What caused his
tailspin and crash was the results of a deal which he entered into with
Congressional Democrats pertaining to the budget: The Dems wanted
to increase taxes in order to decrease the national budget deficit (HA!),
while President Bush wanted to hold to his word which he gave at the
1988 Republican National Convention ("Read my lips: no new taxes!).
During his negotiations with Congress in his efforts to obtain a budget
which would meet his requirements on taxes he faced stiff opposition
from both chambers of Congress, as they were under the Democrats'
control. Bush agreed to a compromise which would let the Democrats
raise several existing taxes in exchange for spending cuts favored by
the president. The upshot of it all was that the Dems both raised taxes
and increased spending, pulling an unconscionable "Gotcha!" The
economy went into a tailspin, causing President Bush's ratings to do
likewise as the country became engulfed in a resultant recession. And
the surest way to ruin a presidential re-election campaign is to have
an economic calamity; If Bush hadn't agreed to that fateful budget
bargain which even a four-year-old child would have known better
than to enter into, the economy would have remained robust and
with the successful prosecution of the first Gulf War, President Bush
would certainly have been handily re-elected, dispatching both Gov.
Clinton and the billionaire Perot, with the latter failing to gain 10 %
in any states; Perot would have just gone down in U.S. electoral
history as just another independent or third-party presidential
candidate gaining maybe barely a single percentage point of the
popular vote.

To his credit, it must be said, H. Ross Perot was a colorful,
charismatic, and sometimes rather fun candidate. He was also
quite good at pointing out, in fine detail, the economic pro-
blems our country faced, along with trade imbalances. But for
all his showmanship and attention to the tiniest details, Perot
was deficient in giving any solutions to said problems.
Perot was also an outsider (not necessarily a bad thing), and
in some ways may have paved the way for another outsider
to run for, and get elected to the presidency, namely the
present incumbent. And said incumbent ran against a nominee
from the political party whose outgoing incumbent was respon-
sible for a very sickly economy accompanied by sky-high
unemployment numbers, not to mention a health insurance
scheme which proved to be anything but affordable (The
Affordable Health Care Act).

In the end, H. Ross Perot's candidacy for the presidency was
an example in color, flash, audacity, and a bit of excitement.
But what helped Perot to be a factor in the race was a moment
of weakness in the incumbent's performance and the effects
in had on the country. Perot could have done even better if
he had given even a hint of an idea for a solution to each
or any of the problems that he so expertly outlined and
detailed. But Perot did leave us a lesson to be learned in the
workings of a presidential election and its vicissitudes, a
lesson which will be discussed by electoral historians for
generations to come. That lesson is: if an independent or
third-party presidential candidate is to have even a ghost
of a chance in a presidential election, he'd better have some
ideas for how to tackle the big and pressing problems,
especially those affecting the economy, to share when
in a debate. And if the incumbent is compromised by
having compromised away an important pledge not to
raise taxes, then that will be the combination of factors
that could boost said candidate.

Mr. Perot, rest in peace.


Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Independence Day Joy!

Friends, may you all have a grand Independence Day
(fourth of July), celebrating our great country's birthday
(243 years young!) with family and friends, enjoying
parades, fireworks, cookouts, warm summer weather,
a swim in a pool or at a beach, or at a swimming hole,
and a rousing softball game at a park either playing or
watching. And while you indulge in these fun activities,
please think of the brave men and women who went
through hell in order to give us a heaven on earth for
a country where, among other things, we could enjoy
the aforementioned activities on July 4 (or on any day).

Enjoy! And please save a hot dog and some potato salad
for your favorite Peasant! Would that we all could save
some of both along with some beers for our courageous


Thursday, June 27, 2019

A Senate Candidate Who Should Instead Run for the Border

Roy Moore, former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice
and Republican U.S. Senate candidate in 2017 who lost
what should have been an easily winnable race in a
solid red state to a far-left Democrat because of accusations
of improperly touching and making sexual advances toward
teenage girls has again declared himself a Senate candidate.

Although claiming the accusations against him were "smear
campaign", Judge Moore lost the by-election to fill the U.S.
Senate seat vacated by Jeff Sessions upon the latter's
appointment and confirmation to be United States
Attorney General to Democrat Doug Jones, a former United
States Attorney who in fact defeated Moore in the 2017
election to serve the portion of the term which Jeff Sessions
had remaining. Some of the accusations were from some
decades earlier, and Moore's gainsaying of them all was not
sufficient to dispel the concerns of many Alabama voters.
But there's more to Moore and his controversies than meets
the eye:

Moore was twice a guest on a conspiracy-theorist radio show
in Maine, the Aroostook Watchmen program whose co-hosts
promote "false flag" theories about the 9-11 attacks, the
Sandy Hook Massacre, the Boston Marathon Bombing,
and other mass shootings and terrorist attacks. Apparently
Moore is known throughout his home state for sharing some
of these views regarding these tragedies, never mind the
lack of solid evidence to support the claims made and held
by this radio show's hosts and much of their audience.
Furthermore, Judge Moore opined on this show that getting
rid of all of the amendments to the U.S. Constitution after
the Tenth Amendment would "eliminate many problems".
What problems could Moore have been referring to?
Removing these later amendments would mean jettisoning
the Thirteenth Amendment (which abolished slavery); the
the Fourteenth Amendment (which preserves equal protection
under the law); the Fifteenth Amendment (which prevents the
government from denying persons the right to vote based on
race, color, or previous condition of servitude); and the
Nineteenth Amendment (which guaranteed Women's Suffrage,
whereas women could, among other things, have the right
to vote). Could the former Alabama Supreme Court
Chief Justice have a problem with any of the benefits to our
country that these amendments guarantee? While campaign-
ing in 2017 Moore was asked about his remarks, to which
he stated that he didn't favor the repeal of these amendments
but rather was commenting on "the historical trend since the
ratification of the Bill of Rights (the first ten amendments)
of federal empowerment over state empowerment."
Your diligent Peasant here opines that any encroachment
of federal government over state and, for that matter, local
government has been due to the rather creative reading and
interpretation of the Constitution as a document by power-
hungry politicians, the kind that we shine our light of scrutiny
upon here on this blog, not due to the existence of said
amendments following the Tenth Amendment.
Any conservative, especially one in government in any
capacity, knows this --- or should. What gives, Judge Moore?

Moore also opposes the teaching of the theory of evolution
in school because it has been the cause of an increase in
drive-by shootings, with criminals "acting like animals
because we've taught them they come from animals."
All your astounded Peasant can say in response to this
claim is "Wow!" ---- just "Wow"! Now, I happen to think
that schools should be able to present the arguments re:
the origins of our world and her life forms in a straight-up,
unbiased, place each sides points on the table and let the
students form their own opinions. Sadly, Judge Moore's
main objection to even mentioning evolution in the
schools is so nonsensical and devoid of facts and logic
that it embarrasses the creationist side of the debate,
so that it would make it difficult, if not impossible
for minds not yet made up to even seriously consider
the merits of the creationists' overall argument.

Add to this Moore's track record of losing Republican
primaries as well as general elections for various offices,
including governor, in Alabama --- largely due to his
breathtakingly wild statements such as those mentioned
here in this piece and his association with conspiracy
theorists and political extremists throughout his rather
colorful political career. President Trump, who had
backed Moore's previous candidacy (albeit unenthusi-
astically), advised Moore to drop his campaign for the
Senate because of all his baggage, some of which
undoubtedly cost him the 2017 special election for
said Senate seat in a state where any Republican candidate
would have been a slam dunk --- that is, any Republican
candidate who isn't Judge Roy Moore. Given how
politically conservative Alabama is, therefore how strong
the GOP is in that state, one wouldn't think it would be
difficult to find a suitable candidate to run against
Senator Jones in next year's election, a candidate with
at the very least a reasonable chance to win, wouldn't
one? At the very least, a candidate that wouldn't be
an embarrassment to both the Republican party and
the state of Alabama.

Let us hope that the Republicans in Alabama share the
president's concerns and sentiments, lest the Democrats
entrench themselves further in Alabama's political soil
and gain a stepping stone to winning control of the Senate.


Thursday, June 20, 2019

Oops! Tripped Up Again!

Friends, your favorite Peasant has become tied up with
business commitments, personal tasks, and a few other
things which has taken up much of my time this week,
so I have no post to share with you today. But as always,
and like general Douglas MacArthur, I shall return!

I thank you all for your understanding and indulgence,
and shall have something for you next week. And I shall
let you in on the things which have taken up an increasing
amount of your increasingly busy Peasant's time. Although
I can't wait to get together with you, my fantastic readers,
I think you'll find what I've been doing very worthwhile
and even charitable.

So we'll gather together here next week and we'll get
caught up on everything. Again, I give you my gratitude
for bearing with me; I'll make it all worth your while!


Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Remembering an American Icon

Today, June 11 of the year 2019 is a rather bittersweet day
of commemoration; on this day, forty years ago, a fine
and famous actor in many films who became almost as big
an American symbol as the Bald Eagle and the American
flag itself through his portrayal as the tough, rugged,
determined American in many westerns, war movies, and
some other films as well, John Wayne (a/k/a "The Duke")
passed away. But because of his enduring, and even growing
popularity through the years, with new generations of
movie lovers getting acquainted with the man and his image,
one would think that Wayne is merely taking a lengthy hiatus
for a vacation or to work on a spectacular film project that
would outdo all his previous work in film.

Eighty-three of The Duke's movies were westerns, which he
is best known for, although Wayne appeared in some memorable
war movies which showed American grit and resolve in the wars
she had fought in. His film characters throughout his long and
illustrious career had these common traits: they were mannerly
with women, firm and resolute when facing down their enemies,
unapologetic in speaking the truth (and never, EVER, lying),
and brimming with a healthy manliness --- exuding true
masculinity rather than reckless machismo. Marshall "Rooster"
Cogburn (the role for which he won an Oscar), U.S. Marine
Sergeant Stryker (the role for which he was nominated for and
almost won an Oscar), Chicago Police Detective Brannigan,
who chased a mobster to London to bring him in, and
the dying gunfighter John Bernard Books in his career finale,
where his character spoke of his personal code: "I won't be
wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on.
I don't do these things to people, and I require the same!"
were all characters which exemplified these virtues, even
when partially covered by a rough, almost crude, exterior.
And when one of them faced what seemed to be insur-
mountable challenges, they didn't do what so many male
characters in movies (not to mention television shows)
of today do; trying to "get in touch" with their "feminine
side", to "dialogue" with the bad guy, or have a panic attack.
They also didn't apologize for their manly nature or their
way of dealing with difficulty, for fear of alienating anyone's
"sensibilities" (a/k/a "hurting one's feelings"). They all did
what they had to do to get the job done. And they invariably
succeeded, political correctness and related nonsense be

These qualities in Wayne's screen characters were not only
what made him a sensation with moviegoers over several
decades, they were much like the man himself. In many
interviews Wayne told of how he took on roles in which he
portrayed men that shared his mindset, his outlook, ethos,
values, and parts of his personality. He truly put some of
himself into every role he played; what we saw was what
we got. And we loved it! In recent years those of us who
are his fans, along with people tired of weak, effete, wimpy
males have come to admire and appreciate John Wayne
all the more, especially Wayne's political views and love
for our country, neither of which he would tone down
in order to get along in ever-liberal Hollywood. And
what do you know: fellow actors, directors, movie moguls
and entertainment reporters who despised Wayne's
politics and outspokenness loved him for his courage to
speak out, and they certainly loved the revenue that his
films brought in to their studios. They knew and appreciated
box office magic! And for the aforementioned reasons his
films are still wildly popular today, with people renting
or buying John Wayne movies, watching them on TV,
going to libraries showing his films, and forming/joining
fan clubs to honor their hero of screen and real life.

Born in America's heartland --- Winterset, Iowa to be
precise, growing up there and in Glendale, California,
playing football at the University of Southern California
after unsuccessfully applying to enroll at the Unites States
Naval Academy, entertaining our troops in three wars,
always showing them in a positive, patriotic light
in his films, and involving himself in campaigns waged
by conservative office seekers (one of which was his long-
time friend, fellow actor and fellow conservative activist
Ronald Reagan), as well as charitable activities, these
are among the reasons why John Wayne is as popular
today as he was in his lifetime, and why forty years
after his death he remains a favorite with movie fans
(he is STILL one of the top ten draws among film actors
today, even though he has been deceased all these years)
as well as with people like Wayne who love and cherish
our country, along with the freedoms it offers to native-
born and immigrant alike. A man from the heart of America,
with a heart as big as America. The recipient of the Presidential
Medal of Freedom for his presenting the best in America
in his work, regardless of whatever heat he would receive
from the sour, sorry, vapid industry that he labored in.
The embodiment of what it means to be an American, both
on and off the silver screen, with neither apologies nor regrets.
A patriot who talked up our great country instead of trashing
or apologizing for it in an industry and a city filled with
sissified ingrates, radical chic sycophants, mindless drones,
and spineless suck-ups who long have done so, and sadly
new generations of them now do. But their ilk will continue
to come and go; John Wayne will always be the iconic symbol
of the goodness and greatness of the United States, her people,
and her way of life, for countless generations to come.


Thursday, June 6, 2019

Thoughts on the 75th Anniversary of D-Day

On June 6, 1944 an event happened that changed the course of
the Second World War, the direction of Europe, and that of the 
world; The Allied powers launched a gigantic offensive on the 
French coast to attack and drive back the German Army in a 
prolonged, grinding, frightful effort to free the heart of the 
European continent from tyranny's grasp. Many men made 
tremendous sacrifices, each paying a frightening price to free
a handful of nations without counting the cost. All gave some,
some gave all. All made an indelible mark on the world, on
humanity, and on history that fateful day. And today ---
this June 6 --- is the 75th anniversary of that very day.

Your grateful Peasant cannot add anything to the story of that 
day, nor can I restate anything in order to paint a broader, 
more vivid picture. But I can and shall state here on this 
humble blog, and have in fact done as much here recently, 
that freedom isn't free, freedom costs. However, freedom isn't 
a luxury but a necessity. This is the lesson to be learned from
this monumental battle which turned the war, shaped three
continents, and wrote a new and better history for the human 


Thursday, May 30, 2019

Phillip Lomblo, R.I.P.

Just before this most recent Memorial Day your loyal Peasant
made a sorrowful discovery, one whose timing was quite fitting
for this day of remembrance for our departed fellow Americans
who served and sacrificed for us in our military. A dear friend,
fellow conservative activist, and a helluva patriot, Phillip Lomblo,
passed away several years ago, and after many inquiries as to
where he was and how he could be contacted your persistent
Peasant bit the bullet and searched some obituary listings; I deeply
regret to say that it was there that I found my friend.

I met Phillip when I was employed by an international advertising/
marketing firm in their Milwaukee office back in my corporate days,
Phillip having joined some time after I did and joined me in the
department that I was working in. We became fast friends, and spent
a hearty amount of time together after hours talking about our shared
politics, our religious faiths --- he was an Anglican; most unusual for
someone of Italian nationality or ancestry! Phillip liked to say
that the Anglicans are actually more catholic than the Catholics;
I playfully disputed that, bringing up the Anglican Church's origins;
being founded and established by a self-serving English king
who didn't like being told "No" by anyone, not even by the Pope.
But Phillip Lomblo (his family name was Lombloghini but shortened it
after coming to the United States) was an outstanding American,
a true gentleman, and a man of God who did the best he could to be
what our Heavenly Father wants us to be. A high school football star,
Phillip enlisted in the Army and saw action in the Vietnam War
as an paratrooper in the renown 101st Airborne unit, a/k/a
The Screaming Eagles. Sleeping in rice paddies, fighting in jungles,
earning and receiving medals for heroism, and rising to the rank
of First Sergeant, Phillip Lomblo came home and embarked upon
a career in law enforcement. Serving as a police officer in
Indianapolis and Wauwatosa, Wisconsin (in my neck of the Wisconsin
woods) Phillip dealt with all kinds, and I mean ALL kinds.
He told me of the time he was called to handle a domestic disturbance
and dealt with a woman who was so angry that she took off in her car,
necessitating pursuit. And, by the by, she just happened to be
buck naked. After a few years on the force in Wauwatosa, and a battle
with cancer which took away his once-muscular physique but not
his life (Phillip was double-damn tough and a damn tough out!).
he decided to try some less demanding work, and along the way he
wound up where I was working. I shall always treasure the day he
came to our company and our department, to be a fellow Marketing
Research Associate. I left the company in a dispute I had regarding
some ethical qualms I had with what I was expected to do for one
particular client firm, and Phillip backed me 100%. He told me of
a company he previously worked for where, like the one we were
employed by, once had a positive and even fun work environment,
only to turn into a dark and dreary, gut-grinding, soul-sucking,
integrity-crushing house of pain and suffering. Having been through
it before, Phillip told me to "do what you have to do", and
said that he'd miss me at the office but to stick to my values.
An indispensable ally as well as a loyal friend, that was Phillip.

We stayed in touch for a time after my departure from that firm,
and got together whenever we could. Sadly, neither of us knew
how much time would remain for us to keep connected. And we
both got so busy with the "busyness" of life that we failed to
stay in contact, a common malady which afflicts so many people
in our workaday world, an old and familiar lament.
Such are the vicissitudes of life.

Phillip moved to Florida later on to be with his daughter and other
family members, as he was divorced and wanted to be near to his
closest relations for his golden years. He spent the rest of his earthly
life with them before accepting our Lord's invitation to share His
heavenly home and hospitality. Although I am sad to know that I
will not be able to further enjoy his cheerful company, his stories
of his war experiences and police tales, his take on the latest
political news, and his cheering me up when I needed a boost,
I have the comfort of knowing that Phillip is but a prayer away.
God rest you, Phil. It was a privilege and a pleasure to have known
you even for barely the blink of an eye in this world, and I look
forward to getting together again with you when I, too, am invited
to partake of our Lord's heavenly hospitality. Oh, the stories we'll
each have to share!

One final note: Phillip told me of his having written his account of
his years in Vietnam, that he had completed his manuscript and was
searching for a publisher to publish and market his book. Sadly, he
never found a willing publisher; may his family, in a loving tribute
to Phillip, take up the effort and work to get his story out. It will
be a great read for people who enjoy an autobiography with
excitement and color, and certainly for Americans who want to
read about an American who loved his country and served,
rather than denigrated her. Not an anti-hero but an authentic hero,
a hero who lived an authentically American life. Well done,
my grand friend. Requiescat in Pace.