Friday, May 28, 2021

On Memorial Day ...

Every Memorial Day your patriotic Peasant goes a bit beyond
the boundary and pays tribute to our veterans retired but still
living as well as those now departed, in particular those who
died in battle. I mean no disrespect, I just give my gratitude 
and pay tribute to all of our veterans each and every day, even
if it's simply by saying a brief prayer.

That being said, I shall not color outside the lines; I simply want
to give thanks for the service and sacrifice of the courageous 
Americans down through our country's history, as they secured
our freedom as a nation and a people. Some of my ancestors are
among their ranks, having sacrificed everything themselves.

Please give these brave souls a thought and a prayer while you,
my grand readers, enjoy your Memorial Day holiday. They are 
the reason that we enjoy our cookouts and gatherings of family
and friends, as well as our many freedoms. 

God bless them. God bless you. And God bless America.


Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Unusual Allies

U.S. Attorney General under President Trump, Bill Barr,
has been fighting a battle to keep an internal Department
of Justice memo from being made public --- and he has
gained the support of President Biden's AG Merrick
Garland. Recently the Justice Department announced that 
it would appeal federal Judge Amy Berman Jackson's order
to make available to the public an internal DOJ memo
from the Trump era dealing with the Robert Mueller report.
Most of the Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee
are against the appeal and have openly said so.

A March 2019 Office of Legal Counsel memo advising then-
AG Barr on how to handle the Mueller findings. Barr and his 
department refused to make the memo public because it is 
part of protected internal deliberations. In her May 3 order, 
Judge Jackson claimed that the OLC memo isn't protected 
because AG Barr had made up his mind. The DOJ already
released the first 1 1/2 pages of the memo, but have kept
the rest out of the public eye. To fail to do so would have 

During the process the DOJ has laid bare Judge Jackson's 
order for being a tool for judicial overreach and all the 
attendant mischief it was meant to do. Current AG Garland
has come out in support of keeping the internal deliberations 
private, thereby siding with his predecessor former AG Barr.
Although this will get the Democrats' knickers in a twist,
what has occurred here is just what a nonpartisan and fair-
minded Justice Department and its policy, in fact, is. 
Well done, AGs Barr and Garland. The Trump and 
Biden administrations now have some serious common 


Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Pipeline Political Punch-up

Since Joe Biden ascended to the presidency, Democrats and
fellow travelers alike clamored more than ever before for 
a halt to construction and operation of pipelines made to 
move crude oil and natural gas from the United States to 
Canada. Under President Trump our country had at last 
become energy independent, ceasing to be reliant on oil 
from other nations, especially those in the Middle East
(they tend not to be neither terribly friendly nor helpful
to us); since Biden became president he had become a big,
sharp thorn in the side of the oil industry, and wants to 
take measures which could threaten our energy 
independence, going from major importers to major 
exporters of oil. President Biden, you see, wants to keep 
the far-left wing of his party happy, as they were instrumental 
in his electoral victory last November. This, therefore, is a
quid pro quo (perhaps a quid pro Joe?). 

Speaking of Democrats and fellow travelers, Michigan Gov.
Gretchen Whitmer has ordered the shutdown of the Line 5
pipeline, which carries over half a million barrels of crude
oil and natural gas daily, crossing the Great Lakes for a 
5-mile trip at the Straits of Mackinac. The crossing is 
dependent upon a 1953 easement, which Gov. Whitmer
is threatening to cancel, claiming to have environmental
concerns (wink, wink). 

This is what the consequences of this shutdown would look
like; studying the Eastern Seaboard and what they suffered
when hackers halted operations on the Colonial Pipeline.
This particular pipeline serves 45% of the region's fuel needs,
and the hackers' malicious mischief caused skyrocketing 
gas prices, gas stations going dry, and many blocks-long lines
of vehicles whose drivers would pay just about anything for
a full tank of gas out of desperation. Federal and state 
governments waived safety and environmental rules to 
aid fuel delivery by truck, rail and ship. 

Line 5 has operated across these straits for nearly seven 
decades without incident. But this means nothing to 
President Biden and his fellow Dems, let alone the 
fellow travelers. Canada wants to preserve Line 5 and
all means of moving crude oil and natural gas. 
President Biden, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
and Michigan's Governor Whitmer need to sit down and
find a solution that soothes environmental concerns on
both sides of the border. So many Americans and 
Canadians depend heavily on the pipelines for their 
homes, businesses, and jobs. Without Line 5, the 
suffering would be epic, and there would not necessarily
be a cleaner energy future for anyone on the North 
American continent.


Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Rush Limbaugh, R.I.P.

On the very day I was rushed to the hospital, heart attack
and all, the man who transformed AM radio, creating a
new industry within an existing industry, while making 
not just fans but friends among millions of people who 
never met him face-to-face but rather over the airwaves,
drawn to him by his distinctive voice and magnetizing
persona --- passed away, losing his battle with lung cancer.
Rush Limbaugh, aged 70, was, and is, the Father of 
Conservative talk radio as we have come to know it,
bringing it up from a handful of local and regional
markets to a single national market with a vast audience 
to match.

El Rushbo, as he was referred to by his legion of fans,
leaves a legacy of sharp, crisp news analysis from a 
conservative point of view along with friendship, 
warmth, and fine humor. Rush, a humble man at 
his core, had a huge role in conservative politics
and conservatism itself, and could instantly strengthen
a cause and give heft to an argument. Rush even captured 
the attention of the man referred to as the Godfather
of American Conservatism and the founder of National
Review, William F. Buckley Jr. They also formed a 
friendship which lasted right up to Buckley's passing 
in 2008. 

He was also a generous man; many of Rush's acts of 
generosity he kept quiet so as to shun the publicity
he would have received, taking his secret benevolence
with him upon leaving this world. And he fought the 
Big C with tenacity, toughness, and courage.

Your mournful Peasant never had the opportunity to
meet Rush in person, but had listened frequently to 
his radio show and watched his television show in
the '90s, coming to know him as a source of not
only information of importance to conservatives but
a bringer of good cheer, especially when times
were tough for those of us on the right. His show
is still on, hosted by past guest hosts and interspersed
with taped segments of Rush's commentary; a grand 
and unique tribute to a great radio show host.
It eases the pain of the loss. 

Rush, you used to say on your show that we your
friends and fans meant more to you than you ever
will to us; but you have always meant much more,
so much more to me than I ever will to you. 
You gave me hope, positivity, and inspiration.
These things (especially the third one) led me to
publish this blog, which I have been so doing 
for the nearly twelve years. If I could reach and 
influence one tenth of the people whom you did
with my PWAP, I will go to my final reward 
happy and proud! Thanks Rush for everything!

Requiescat in Pace. 


Wednesday, May 5, 2021

The GOP's Golden Opportunity

The House Republicans have wonderful prospects for 
winning five net seats needed to regain the majority in
2022 --- provided that they don't collapse into intramural
brawling over last year's election. However, that is just
what they seem to be engaging in. 

There are two factions butting heads in the House of 
Representatives; one is pro-Trump, the other very much
anti-. Rep. Liz Cheney, who is with the latter, is a member
of the Republicans' House Leadership, and has survived an
attempt to boot her off after she was one of ten Republicans
who voted to impeach President Trump after the ruckus 
which took place at the capitol on January 6. Furthermore,
 Rep. Cheney openly disagrees with those in the GOP who 
have stated that the 2020 presidential election was stolen.
She responded to the 45th president's statement:
"The Fraudulent Presidential Election of 2020 will be, 
from this day forth, known as THE BIG LIE!"
with "The 2020 presidential election was not stolen. 
Anyone who claims it was is spreading THE BIG LIE,
turning their back on the rule of law, and poisoning 
our democratic system." I suppose it didn't, and still 
doesn't, mean anything to Rep. Cheney that several states
had instances where lo and behold (!) some bags of uncounted
votes were "found", and some other interesting occurrences
happened as well, i.e. changing election rules via lawsuits
to take advantage of the COVID pandemic, to name but a few 

Your thoughtful Peasant has an answer for this growing threat 
to GOP party unity at a time when unity is exactly what the
party needs: Don't toss Cheney from the GOP Leadership, but
find a way to diminish her influence so she won't cause any more
trouble for the former president or his supporters on Capitol Hill.
This will be helpful in building an agenda for the future which
will prevent current president Biden from making any more 
Big Government-enhancing mischief. A fight over whether or 
not to keep Liz Cheney in her position will divide the party at a 
time when it can least afford to be divided. 

And a close eye should be kept on Cheney and like-minded 
Republicans going forward.