Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Shooting the Second Amendment

New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham (D) came up 
with an idea for greatly reducing gun violence in the city
of Albuquerque and its entire county: Suspend the Second 
Amendment to the Constitution, oh, just for thirty days,
to see if her action will drive down the number of shootings
in that part of her state. Just an emergency order to promote
and preserve public safety, no need to get your BVDs in a 

Gov. Grisham claims that as governor, she has the power to 
suspend the right, guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment no less,
to carry firearms in public across both city and state for 30 
days, and to see how that works out. If it doesn't significantly
cut down on gun-related crimes, then Grisham would give it
some more time to bring about her sought-after results.
The gov says that she expects legal challenges to her action
(Gee, Gov, ya think?) but claims that she simply had to do
something because, well, an 11-year-old boy was a recent 
victim of said shooting. So why not punish the law-abiding
gun owners by suspending the 2nd Amendment? Brilliant!
Never mind that the criminals won't put away or turn in 
THEIR guns; this was never about them anyway! Raw
power is the name of the game here!

Strong opposition to Gov. Grisham and her putting 2A on the 
shelf is already brewing. The Albuquerque Police Chief,
Harold Medina, has publicly stated that he won't enforce 
the governor's order because it is unconstitutional (and he's 
right). This is what fascism looks like. When someone in 
government just goes ahead with issuing an emergency order,
violating precious constitutional rights in the process, that is,
indeed, fascism. Furthermore, this measure will tie the hands of 
law-abiding gun owners, making it difficult for them to defend
themselves, their families, their homes, businesses, vehicles,
and such. Hey, Governor, FYI; they aren't the ones running 
around shooting people! Therefore, Gov. Grisham is either 
1) horribly naive regarding the effectiveness of gun control measures 
or, 2) Grisham knows that her temporary suspension of the 
2nd Amendment will not reduce the total of gun crimes 
one iota, it's just that she wants to grab and wield power which
she has no legal right to possess in the first place. To sum it up,
Gov. Grisham is either dumb or diabolical. She should at the very 
least know that the Constitution cannot be suspended or dispensed 
with by anyone in government --- especially by anyone at the 
state level. Apparently she neither knows nor cares. So Grisham
does some virtue signaling by suspending the Constitution's
Second Amendment. 

Gun rights groups are getting involved as we speak, joining forces
with Police Chief Medina. So are lawmakers and sheriffs from 
both political parties (!). Count on this battle to wind up in court
pretty soon. And then? Stay tuned ... 


Saturday, September 23, 2023

A Joyous Anniversary!

Today we mark fourteen years together online! 

14 years since I first put words to blog and established
my place in cyberspace. And all of you, my wonderful 
readers, came along to join me! 

In recent years there has been a plethora of news stories
about a plethora of events affecting our country. Many of
these events are the likes of which your astounded Peasant
never thought he'd see in our United States! But to be 
forewarned is to be forearmed, and with our knowledge of
these disturbing and shocking things we can create ways
to counter them and conquer our enemies from within,
restoring our nation to what it was and was always meant 
to be, namely the beacon of hope and freedom to the world.

That we should remain a free, sovereign, and prosperous
people, not having to bow and curtsey to any dictator here
on our home ground nor from afar in another country. 

To have the rule of law as established in our Constitution,
and be governed accordingly so as to remain a country of laws
rather than a country of people who make laws. And, most
certainly, to have a government of, by, and for the people;
not of, by, and for a small but oppressive elite class.

And, all the while, to studiously ingest the political and economic
news each week to separate the chaff from the wheat; to identify
and praise the heroes as well as to identify and castigate the 
heels among us --- and to have loads of fun doing all this!

Thank you all for readership and encouragement. 

Thank you for coming along on this quest. 

God bless you all, and God bless America.


Wednesday, September 20, 2023

A People With Two Opposing Views on Which Way to Go

For years there has been friction between liberal and 
conservative black people regarding the political 
direction that the country --- especially black people 
themselves --- should move in.  The former think that
improvement of their lives and their outlook on same 
will be best provided by left-of-center politics and 
politicians, with emphasis on an ever-present helping
hand, while the latter preferring limited government and 
a limited role in their lives, allowing for them to find
or make their own path to their personal success.
Former President Barack Obama, the United State's 
one and only black president to date, has weighed in 
on a related matter: Republican presidential candidate  
Sen. Tim Scott, who is black himself.  Obama has 
shown disdain for the South Carolinian, inveighing 
against Sen. Scott's positivity about the United States:
"There's a long history of African-American or other 
minority candidates within the Republican Party who
will validate America and say, 'Everything's great, 
and we can make it,' ". 

For one thing, Obama gets it wrong about Scott's 
view on our country. Scott does not claim "everything's 
great," but Sen. Scott does argue that his family history 
has been a story about going "from cotton to Congress"
in the period of his grandfather's lifetime, demonstrating 
while America certainly has long had its obstacles,
they are not insurmountable and that the country is 
fundamentally good. Obama carped that Scott's rhetoric
isn't sufficiently "undergirded with an honest accounting
of our past and our present." Obama is one of the last 
people who should criticize Sen. Scott, nor anyone else 
for that matter, for a lack of honesty, given his track record 
regarding his own honesty and his relationship with the truth
while in the White House ("If you like your health care plan,
you'll be able to keep your health care plan!" for one example).
If Sen. Tim Scott's words are troublesome to the former 
president, then that's on him, not on Sen. Scott. 


Wednesday, September 13, 2023

James Buckley, R.I.P.

Just earlier this year your beloved Peasant congratulated
James Buckley, older brother to William F. Buckley Jr. and 
the fourth of the ten renown Buckley children of William Sr.
and Aloise Buckley on reaching his 100th birthday --- 
the great centennial in age! Now, I sadly inform you, my grand 
readers, of his passing. His final day of his long and amazing
life was August 18.

What more can I say about this man and his accomplishments 
in the service of our country? And he was a member of a 
distinguished family which he and his siblings made even
more distinguished through their careers with their work
to make our United States an even greater, more liberty-
oriented, and with a more politically aware people seeking
a more reasonable, less mendacious, constitutionally 
restrained federal government, making for a more just
and harmonious life for the citizenry. 

We now salute and give a hearty farewell to the last living
member of the remarkable and renown brood of the Buckley
family. James has now followed his nine siblings to their
last homing and their well-earned final rewards. The Buckleys
made our country all the better for their having lived in it
and worked diligently in its service.

Requiescat in pace.


Thursday, September 7, 2023

Charter Schools Win a Huge Victory

In Manhattan, a recent development regarding the nationwide
battle for charter schools as a choice for parents who want 
their children to receive better educations than they would 
in the usual public schools occurred.

A Manhattan judge rejected a last-minute attempt by the 
United Federation of Teachers to obtain a court-ordered
block to prevent two Success Academy schools from
opening as planned. The union was challenging the city's
decision to grant Success Academy space for its schools
on grounds the approval did not take into account a new 
law requiring that public schools reduce class sizes.
In June the charters were placed under a temporary 
restraining order limiting repairs they could do to their 
allocated spaces to ready them for the coming school

The UFT's filing came rather late, mere days before 
the schools' opening, claiming the "myriad harms and
safety concerns" made by building improvements 
Success was already carrying out had become "urgent."  
Gee, how "urgent" was the need to act upon taking steps
to ensure the safety of the both the students and teachers
in the already existing public schools in New York?
What, pray, has been done to cut down on violent behavior
and general thuggery? By the by, one can also make this 
inquiry about the public schools in other U.S. cities, 
also certainly in my nearest big city of Milwaukee,
and the answer to these questions would be the same.

Judge Lyle Frank deserves to be commended for his wise
rulings, slamming the door on this effort by the UFT.
Judge Frank stopped the latest example of the never-ending
harassment the teachers unions toss at whatever might,
just might make some pesky competition for the unions' 
inept, corrupt, failing schools. The war is far from over but
a key battle was won.

As of this writing the NYC Department of Education reported
that the 2022 K-12 enrollment in regular public schools was
906,977 --- down almost 10% from 2019-2020. During this 
same time period charter schools increased to 141,091 
students from 129,523, much to the consternation of, along with
the grinding and gnashing of teachers union teeth.

Success Academy is one of the best charter school networks 
in the country. It offers better options for children who are 
languishing in the traditional public schools. And the more 
that the teachers unions drag them into court the more that they
are demonstrating two things: their fight for the substandard 
status quo in education in their wretched schools for children 
from kindergarten up to and including 12th grade, and their 
contempt, disdain, and unbridled arrogance toward these 
students, their parents, and the taxpayers.