Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Two Kinds of Justice

Now you, my sharp and wonderful readers know about 
the troubles that the president's son, Hunter Biden, has 
gotten enmeshed in; but being the son of THAT Biden,
our not-really-a-straight-arrow President Joe, and there-
fore a high-up member of the Liberal Establishment he
won't be going off to prison anytime soon, if at all.
Your outraged yet calm Peasant shall explain: 

We all know about Hunter Biden's dubious dealings with 
Burisma, a major corporation in Ukraine which is a holding
company for some energy and production firms. His mis-
adventures have gone beyond all that: multiple tax-evasion,
each charge carrying a potential penalty of five years in 
prison; making a false statement (he denied his drug abuse,
which by the way kept him from joining the Navy, even 
though his president papa tried to get him in using his 
influence) on a required federal firearms form, based on  
which he obtained a handgun illegally and irresponsibly 
played with it while in the company of an "escort" 
(as shown in a video from his controversy-laden laptop).
The gun in question was later lost near, of all places, 
a school. The charge related to the illegally-gotten gun?
Up to ten years under lock and key. But the Department 
of Justice let him plead guilty to misdemeanor tax charges,
allowing for a sentence of probation, meaning the president's
brat won't have to go to, or anywhere near a prison. On the 
gun offense? A diversion settlement that will help the Biden
son avoid both a conviction and a stretch in prison!

Any regular work-a-day slob that would do any of what
Hunter Biden did and get caught would go straight 
behind bars, no ifs, ands, or buts. A veritable prince of 
the establishment, however, would not even get a slap on 
the wrist. One rule for the elite, another rule for the peasants.

Crime and punishment in the United States (groan). 


Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Joe Linskens, R.I.P.

I recently learned of the passing of an avid reader of this blog
and a dear friend. Joe Linskens, an 84-year-old retired Army
National Guard soldier who attained the rank of Master Sergeant
then later a Master Machinist at Kearney & Trecker, was a frequent 
visit to the Elm Grove (WI) Library, as was I when I lived nearby the
library in an adjacent part of Wauwatosa, and thus we met. 
We became fast friends, with much in common despite our ages;
Joe was a fellow conservative and didn't have time for the 
spinelessness and craven behavior of more than a few in the 
Republican Party; not standing up for conservative principles,
always looking for an easy out invariably leading to compromises
amounting to giving in to the Democrats, and your favorite Peasant
sharing the same frustrations. 

Joe recommended some wonderful books on politics, banking,
and our economy to me, while I introduced Joe to my blog,
of which he became a faithful and constant reader. Sometimes he
would enjoy a post so much that he'd give me a twenty-dollar bill
to go out and buy myself a wonderful lunch or dinner. It was the 
first money that I would make with my blog.

We talked about many things: our Catholic faith, the state of our 
country, historical things, and how military life was for Joe.
We also shared a great love for our country, and I thanked him
for his service in the Army National Guard as well as for his 
readership of Peasant With A Pitchfork. I met his charming wife 
Ann, who last I was aware is still around and continuing to live 
in the Elm Grove condominium in which she and Joe lived for 
many years. 

Joe, I can't thank you enough for your friendship, your companionship,
and your stories about your life and times, and certainly for your 
being a constant reader of PWAP, your support and encouragement!
Until it's my turn to receive God's invitation to partake of His 
heavenly hospitality, we shall indeed meet again. See you then!

Requiescat in pace.


Thursday, January 18, 2024

Is a Mayor of a City the Mayor to All Its People?

Your inquisitive Peasant came across this story in the latest
issue of National Review. I am posting NR's take on the 
events regarding the story word for word, as I cannot do 
it justice by adding anything to it or introducing a 
perspective from a different angle. Here it is:

"Boston Mayor Michelle Wu sent an invitation for an 
"electeds of color" holiday party to state officials who 
didn't meet that criterion. She publicly regretted the 
faux pas. She did not regret, but certainly should have,
her agreement to host an "electeds of color" gathering
in the first place. Individuals have the right to associate 
with or dissociate from whomever they wish, however
divisively, but public servants --- in their capacity as 
public servants --- shouldn't self-segregate from their 
colleagues and fellow citizens. The mayor is a 
Massachusite and a Boston first, and in her public role 
she should identify with her entire political community."

The Week, National Review  February 2024 

The Peasant thanks National Review for printing this 


Monday, January 8, 2024

On Universities (and Other Institutions), Plagiarists, Plagiarism, and Wokeism

Plagiarism is occasionally a problem which crops up 
on university campuses, usually in connection with a student
or several students banding together to obtain someone's 
work in order to copy, or illicitly base their work based on the
obtained texts created by others. It rarely makes news when 
it is done by students; when it is done by faculty or by the 
president of a school, then one hears of it on the six o'clock
news, reads it in a newspaper, or encounters it online.

Your faithful Peasant is going to share with you a case regarding
the latter. Harvard President Claudine Gay recently stepped down
from her position after being caught at more than a few instances 
of such activity. Now, with Harvard being regarded as one of the 
leading institutions of higher education in these United States one
would think that it would act to protect its image and reputation
in the face of such a scandal. But Harvard has a different set of 

Harvard's bigwigs don't want to lose Claudine Gray; they in fact
staunchly defend her and will not hold against her the thievery of
other people's work. In fact, they have offered her a senior faculty
teaching position! Contrast this to what they would do, and have
in fact done, to students caught plagiarizing. Furthermore, 
Gray checks two important boxes for a modern, progressive,
elite and elitist institution: she is both black and female. 

Wokeism rears its ugly head in this story. Gray wrote a response
piece to what all was discovered about her and why she resigned 
from the presidency of Harvard which was published by the
New York Times on January 4. She wrote "Those who had 
relentlessly campaigned to oust me since the fall often trafficked
in lies and ad hominem insults, not reasoned argument.
They recycled tired racial stereotypes about Black talent and 
temperament,". Gay gave little notice to the substantive criticism
of her management of Harvard and her abject failure to take action
against antisemitism on Harvard's campus, with Jewish students 
made uncomfortable in the bigotry-charged environment which 
ex-President Gay allowed, if not encouraged, to take root. 

Former New York Times editorial page editor James Bennet wrote
in the Economist toward last year's end that his former employer
"is becoming the publication through which America's progressive
elite talks to itself about an America that does not really exist."
This is also the case with places like Harvard University. 
This is also the crux of the indoctrination of a nation, 
one generation at a time.

Gay writes that the campaign to oust her "was merely a single skirmish
in a broader war to unravel public faith in pillars of American society"
and that "trusted institutions of all types --- from public health 
agencies to news organizations --- will continue to fall victim to 
coordinated attempts to undermine their legitimacy and ruin their 
leaders' credibility."

Now let's unpack Claudine Gay's statement and examine everything 
thoroughly, shall we? First, the unravelling of public faith in the 
pillars of our society was begun from within, what with leaders 
who have introduced and implemented radical ideas and programs
which have hurt the institutions which they were hired to steward
with judicious leadership. Elite institutions, including but not at all
limited to the media (certainly including social media), big business
(formerly a bastion of conservative politics and economics), and
public health organizations have eroded their own credibility and 
fueled public distrust. They have followed the rhetoric of former
First Lady, U.S. Senator, Secretary of State, and presidential 
candidate Hilary Clinton denouncing as deplorables the great mass 
of the country that doesn't share the Left's extreme views, i.e. if you 
favor voter ID laws then you're a racist; if you oppose modern
progressive cultural strictures on expression of thoughts and ideas
regarding gender identity and pronoun usage then you're a bigot; 
if you dare to question left-wing climate policies or even the idea 
that climate change is solely a consequence of human activity then
you're an anti-science ignoramus. 

An example involving a once highly regarded medical publication:
The Lancet, a once-eminent and greatly respected scientific journal,
published a 49-page denunciation of former President Donald Trump's
policies in 2021. Its composition claimed that Trump's policies were
"appeals to racism, nativism, and religious bigotry (which) have 
emboldened white nationalists and vigilantes, and encouraged police
violence and, at the end of his term in office, insurrection" and 
"threaten an upswing in armed conflict." Sounds like the Lancet is
transitioning from writing about medicine to writing fiction.
But this is the lunacy which the Left has engaged in to defame and 
destroy Donald Trump and his chances of winning back the presidency.
The Lancet merely joined the cacophonous chorus. Claudine Gay is
already a highly visible and audible member. 

Is it any wonder that, according to a recent Gallup Poll, just 18% 
of the American people said they had a great deal or a lot of confidence
in newspapers, and 14% said likewise of big business, while confidence 
in higher education has dropped to 36% this year from 67% in 2015.

Gay further writes that campaigns against institutions "often start
with attacks on education and expertise, because these are the tools 
that best equip communities to see through propaganda." How 
amusing coming from her! Elites like Gay use their education 
and expertise to indoctrinate and enforce ideological conformity in 
their institutions, vilifying and misrepresenting the arguments of their 
critics instead of engaging with them in clean, honest debate, which
quite frankly they are afraid to do because they know they won't win.
That is why they strain to shut up and shut out their critics. 
It's also why they have one set of rules for their own, and another 
set for everyone else. And the public's cynicism toward these 
institutions grows all the while. 

These institutions have lost the respect of the public because of their 
wild rocket rides over to the fringes of rational thought. Once they
stop these flights of dreadful fancy and work to rebuild the 
foundations upon which they were established, if they ever desire to,
that lost respect will slowly return. Will this happen? Time will tell.



Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Interesting Interest Rates

The Federal Reserve is currently holding the federal funds rate 
at 5.5%. Fed Chairman Jerome Powell said, and not for the first
time, that the Fed remains committed to its 2% long-run inflation 
target, which is a good thing. The Fed will undoubtedly face more 
pressure to cut interest rates than to raise them, but hopefully the
Fed will hold fast. However, it is disappointing that the Federal
Open Market Committee statement does not have any warning 
about the negative effects of deficit spending, for that is the 
thing that makes fighting inflation all the more difficult.
Anyway, such a warning would only have the same effect
on Congress and the current president as a warning against 
drug abuse with mention of its negative effects would have on
drug abusers. So, Happy New Year (sigh).