Thursday, August 30, 2018

John McCain, R.I.P.

Your quizzical Peasant wants to pay tribute to the recently
deceased longtime United States senator, Vietnam War
POW, Naval Academy graduate, and former presidential
candidate John McCain. The problem is, just what do I
say here in this blog?

We humans are truly complex beings. There are good things
and bad things about us, the noble and the shameful in each
of us. With some of us, there are many elements of both that
just scream out at one; such people seem to alternate between
the opposites so vividly that they stand out a mile. The late
Republican senator from Arizona was one of these.
Sometimes bold of action, sometimes petty of demeanor,
sometimes a staunch friend and ally, sometimes a rabid
detractor and a bitter foe. Tabbed a maverick by many in
the U.S. Senate on both sides of the aisle and by many
political observers, McCain sometimes went for the option
in a disagreement which he thought would work best and
serve the people best. Other times he seemed to take a
route which served just himself, consequences be damned.
The Arizona Republican was a strong, unwavering defender
of the unborn in the battle over abortion. A longtime
critic of President Obama's Affordable Health Care Act,
he nevertheless voted against its repeal in the first year
of President Trump's presidency, to the dismay and
disgust of his fellow Republicans in the Senate and
in the party as a whole. And he reportedly did so to
nurse a personal grudge against President Trump,
with whom he rarely agreed with politically; McCain
was one of the biggest "Never Trumpers" in the
Republican Party.

When he knew that further efforts to treat his brain cancer
would prove fruitless, McCain gave instructions to his
family and his staff to not invite the president to his
funeral service, nor his 2004 GOP running mate
former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. The latter added
whatever excitement to their ticket that it had, and almost
closed the gap in the polls leading up to the election,
while the public found McCain to be just a grumpy old
pol just hanging on for one more hurrah. When the
biased press savaged Palin at every turn neither McCain
nor his campaign staff did anything to come to Palin's
defense. And some in the party, including McCain's
cohorts,  were reportedly relieved that the ticket lost
so that Palin wouldn't steal the show as Vice President.

Yet during a campaign rally that year while talking on the
mic with some of the attendees, one woman made some
hostile remarks about McCain's opponent and eventual
election winner Barack Obama which called into question
his loyalties (U.S. or Islam?), to which McCain interrupted
to say that her allegations were not true and very unfair
before walking away with mic in hand. So much for the
charge against him by the Left of being racist, the very
accusation that they make as a matter of course against
Republican presidential candidates in general.
Here McCain showed his better angels for all to witness.

While your fair-minded Peasant recognizes this positive
quality in the man, I also cannot forget and will be a long
time in forgiving his self-serving moments which cropped
up among his service to others moments in his political
career, such as voting to not repeal Obama's craptacular
health coverage program just to spite President Trump.
But he did one thing in his life for which I shall always
have not a small measure of respect for him; when he was
a POW in the infamous North Vietnamese prison camp
nicknamed "the Hanoi Hilton" he was offered the chance
of release ahead of his fellow U.S. POWs, as he was
regarded as a "prince" by his captors when they learned
that he was a third generation Naval officer and Annapolis
alumnus. McCain, a U.S. Navy captain and fighter pilot,
was having none of it. He turned down their offer, saying
that he wanted other American POWs who were there
longer than he was (he would remain imprisoned at the
prison camp for over five years) to be released first,
otherwise no deal. This, after endless torture and privation
while kept in captivity by the North Vietnamese;
for the rest of his life McCain could not raise his arms
above his head. He had to have someone brush and comb
his hair for him, for his arms were broken multiple times
and were never set properly to heal correctly.

So, your faithful Peasant wishes Senator John McCain
God's love and mercy, and gives his condolences to
McCain's family, friends, colleagues and constituents.
All who knew or knew of John McCain have formed
opinions about him and his service, but it will require
a higher, greater wisdom to judge the man, his life,
and his soul. Rest in Peace, Senator.


Thursday, August 23, 2018

The Border War

In recent years a raging battle has engaged many Americans;
the battle over who should be welcomed into our country, and
how much security should we employ at our entry points,
including our national borders, and whether or not people
who enter our country illegally should be kept from the
consequences for not only their means of entry but also for
their actions while they are here.

One irrefutable fact must be acknowledged here: the fact that
for a country to be a country it must have and maintain
definable borders. Borders define a country by geographic
territory, the scope of residence by a people united by a main
language, law, and customs. A country's people through their
government can and should determine the flow of people
entering the country, including of course immigrants, as well
as visitors on business or vacation. But our Left is having none
of it; they want to welcome all and sundry here, borders be
damned along with our immigration laws. And in these
waves of all and sundry have been some criminal elements
which have preyed upon some Americans after their arrival,
committing various crimes against them including murder.

You remember the murder of Kate Steinle, a young woman
out for a stroll along the wharves of San Francisco, a
"sanctuary city", with her father. She was shot by an illegal
immigrant who had already been deported five times and
snuck back into our country after each deportation. When
the killer went to court he was let off scot-free, having
been sentenced to time served upon arrest for his ghastly
crime of shooting a person whom he didn't know, who
never did him any harm. Just a bloodlust driving the
thug to murder Steinle, who died in her father's arms.
The city's officials who wrote and enacted the horrible
law declaring San Francisco a sanctuary city in which
people in the country illegally who come to the city
cannot be turned over to ICE (Immigration and Customs
Enforcement) for the process of deportation, regardless
the crime(s) committed by said offender hailed the
court's ruling as a victory for their despicable cause,
celebrating in the face of the grief-stricken father
there in the courtroom and in a press conference
which followed. That was their way of giving the
finger to Steinle, her father, and to all who want our
government to regulate our borders with our safety in

Just a few days ago, the body of a young woman, a
student at the University of Iowa, was found in an
cornfield not far from her Brooklyn, Iowa home.
Mollie Tibbets, just 20 years of age, disappeared
while out jogging and was missing for a full month.
The police investigation turned up an illegal alien
who went by a false name with the aid of a stolen ID,
even using it to gain work on a local farm. He
followed and assaulted Tibbets, causing a massive
head injury which likely was the cause of death,
then abandoning her body in the cornfield where
it was found. The case is presently going to trial,
and the open borders advocates are hoping for the
same result as the one in San Francisco. Meanwhile,
U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) weighed in on
the Tibbets murder in predictable fashion; a backer
of eased immigration laws, she had this to say on

"I'm so sorry for the family here, ... (but) one of the
things we have to remember here is that we need an
immigration system that is effective, that focuses on
where real problems are ... "

Cold and callous, is she not? Sen. Warren thinks that
it's not a "real problem" when dangerous criminals
who enter our country illegally kills someone. She
went on to say that our present immigration policy
separates children from their families at our borders,
and that the children are not seen by their parents for
days or weeks afterward. But somehow it is not a
problem if the parents of a child who was murdered
by a bloodthirsty thug who has no legal right to be here
never sees their child again as a result. And the
frightening thing, the maddening thing is that the
left-wing senator is far from the only government
official who holds such sentiments. Notice how these
people are all on the Left? Once again, the lefties
are showing their preferential treatment for criminals,
be they homegrown or from elsewhere. Law abiding
citizens? Victims of crime? Mere peasants, no big
deal! What's all the fuss? Besides, this is such a rotten
and immoral country that it deserves to have this happen,
to take it down a few pegs! It's an awful country with
awful people, and it's time for its comeuppance.
That's how the Left views the United States. This is
also the substance of their support for the veritable
erasure of our borders, as they can hasten the demise
of our country by diminishing border protection and
increasing entry of elements who will never contribute
anything positive to our society but rather be like
a cancer, eating away at our society and good order.
Establishing sanctuary cities is the main method of
carrying out their nefarious scheme. By the by, your
angry Peasant is sad to report that Milwaukee has
also been established a sanctuary city as well by its
left-wing municipal leaders.

Maintaining borders not only preserves a country, it
preserves public safety. Keep out the people who
try to illegally enter, and you'll keep out those who
would do the populace harm. And no, I'm not at all
saying that all who come here by other than legal
means are violent criminals, but certainly some of
them have proven to be so. Stronger border
enforcement (building The Wall, as President Trump
wants to do, would help), plus allowing ICE to do
its job without being hampered by stringent rules
which would result in the diminishment of safety
for all would likely have prevented the murders
of these young women who had lots of living
ahead of them, who had dreams and goals and
aspirations which now will never be fulfilled.
Instead, they have families and friends who are
mourning their sudden, untimely and violent
deaths, while elected public officials belittle
them and their deceased loved ones.


Thursday, August 16, 2018

A True Conservative Wins in Wisconsin!

Your pleased as all-get-out Peasant is happy and proud
to announce that State Sen. Leah Vukmir, my longtime
state assemblywoman and senator won the Wisconsin
Republican Primary to run for the U.S. Senate challenging
incumbent Democrat Tammy Baldwin. My heartiest
congratulations to you, Leah, on your momentous
victory! Now Baldwin will have to face a double-threat;
a conservative woman who will neither let the radical
feminists speak nor act for her, and a woman who
unapologetically stands for the values which enhances
families and guides our state and our nation. Furthermore,
Baldwin cannot accuse her opponent of being incapable
of understanding a woman's point of view and political
desires, because she is going to face a woman in the
general election!

Leah had to overcome a vigorous challenge from former
Democrat-turned-Republican Kevin Nicholson, a former
Marine who saw combat in Iraq and Afghanistan. Although
I was impressed by the latter's background and being
mindful of the fact that newcomer candidates for office
can be successful candidates and officeholders (President
Trump and our U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson are prime examples),
I was leary of the ads that the Club for Growth and some
other political advocacy organizations produced which
falsely accused Vukmir of being "establishment", of being
anti-Trump, and/or some other criticisms that have no basis
in truth. I saw some of these ads online and on TV, as well
as having heard some which were aired on the radio.
While it was one thing to tout Nicholson as an outsider,
and therefore a fresh alternative, it was disingenuous
at best and malicious at worst to run ads which not only
distorted Leah's record in Madison but some which
besmirched her character as well. It simply goes to show
that there are people and groups in or affiliated with the
Republican Party that don't want true conservatives who
will follow the Constitution and the will of their constituents.
Nicholson may well be a conservative, but he hasn't the track
record to bear that out while Vukmir is likely the most
conservative legislator in Madison and will be a force for
conservatism, constitutional rule of law, and for advancing
the president's vision and ideas. Although if Nicholson is,
as he claims, to be disenchanted with the ever-leftward
drift of the Democrats and wants to embrace conservatism
and join the Republican Party he is certainly welcome to
do so. However, he didn't get off to an auspicious start
with this little episode. And few, if any could be sure as
to just how conservative Nicholson would have been
if elected to the Senate, as he has no record to go unlike

Moreover, when asked by one of our wonderful local radio
talkers Dan O'Donnell is he would disavow and disassociate
himself from these malicious ads, Nicholson just begged
the question rather than answer it; he merely danced
around it like a ballerina. When asked this same question by
other local radio show hosts he offered nothing different, and
that bothered your favorite Peasant greatly. I'm certain that
many other conservative voters in the Badger State were
put off by all of this. We want to send Baldwin packing,
but we're also conscientious as to who we will replace her
with. Simply having an "R" next to a candidate's name is
not sufficient; we must have a candidate of substance and
proven good character, and this week we have chosen
just such a candidate.

Good on ya, Leah! The Peasant promises his full support
to you all the way to and including Election Day! You
have done us, your district's constituents proud and we
know you'll do Wisconsin proud in Washington.


Thursday, August 9, 2018

A Socialist Zeitgeist in the Democrat Party?

In some Democrat primaries around the country some
avowed socialists have made some noise, a few even
scoring upsets against longtime entrenched incumbents
to win the party's nomination and get on the ballot for
the general election in November. One of these nominees,
one Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, stunningly defeated
incumbent U.S. Rep. Joseph Crowley to run on the
Democrats' ticket for the 12th Congressional District
seat. No mean feat, for Crowley is the fourth-ranking
House Democrat, and had been a real possibility to
succeed House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi if
she were to be jettisoned by a majority of House

Now, Crowley is by no measure a conservative;
he is, in fact, one of the most liberal members
in the House Democrats' caucus. But next to
socialist firebrand Ocasio-Cortez he looks like
another Ronald Reagan. Consider Ocasio-Cortez'
stands and ideas:

Like former presidential hopeful and fellow socialist
U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders, whom she was an organizer
for, Ocasio-Cortez supports free college education,
free healthcare, open borders (believing that there are
no "illegal immigrants") and sanctuary cities, and
wants to end capitalism. It has been said that socialists
who seek office as candidates of the Democrat Party
are at least honest about their politics and political
ideas, and 28-year-old Ocasio-Cortez is certainly that.
She backs up her first two policy brainchildren thus:
" ... It's that we .. you know, they say 'How are you
going to pay for it?' as though they haven't used those
same ways to pay for unlimited wars, to pay for trillion
dollar tax cuts and tax cut extensions. They use these
mechanisms to pay for these things all the time."
But she neglects to say just what those "same ways"
and "mechanisms" are, the tax cuts enacted by President
Trump and the GOP are benefitting workers and families
while enabling businesses big and small to ignite job
growth, we were able to find and eliminate some of the
deadliest radical Muslim terrorists (including the master-
mind behind the 9/11 attacks, Osama Bin Laden) in
our "unlimited wars" thereby making the world a little
less dangerous, and the benefits from these unnamed
"same ways" and "mechanisms" have helped to
rebuild our economy and to strengthen our military
to aid our fighting forces in their task of stopping the
forces of jihad. By the by, did I mention that she
studied economics at Harvard?

On foreign policy matters Ocasio-Cortez is laughingly
ignorant. When she was a recent guest on the reintroduced
political talk show Firing Line Ocasio-Cortez claimed
that Israel is occupying Palestine (!) --- never mind the fact
that there is no such nation called Palestine, and that the
long-running conflict there has centered on the attempts
by Israel's hostile neighbors who are supporting the
Palestinian people while said neighbors are seeking Israel's
destruction and obliteration. She topped it off by admit-
ting on the show that she didn't know very much about
said conflict. This just after winning the Democrats'
nomination to run for Congress --- and her popularity
in her district hasn't diminished, nor has her appeal with
far Left activists from around the country. To them,
she's the greatest thing since ice cream.

After eight years of President Obama and the Democrats
trashing national security and making a hash of our
foreign policy, including Obama going on an "apology
tour" to apologize to our enemies for our alleged arrogance
and self-serving behavior in our dealings with them and
with the world in general, it has been refreshing to see
President Trump turning these around. In less than one
year he has smashed ISIS, made Russia think twice
about making further mischief in the Middle East and
in Ukraine, froze the flow of money into Iran which
will make it difficult for the mullahs to further pursue
the development of a nuclear arsenal with which to
threaten Israel and other American allies in the region,
and has opened serious peace talks with North Korea
for the first time in history. And all that the Marxist
maiden from Queens can do is berate the president
for involving us in "unlimited wars". FYI, Miss O-C,
it was President Obama who got us into four such
"unlimited wars", extending the war in Afghanistan
beyond any useful purpose, and transforming a war
which we were winning (Iraq) into a bloody hash
with the rise of ISIS and the emergence of various
warlords with their thuggish minions. And through
it all, you were an enthusiastic supporter of Obama.

Back on the home front, Ocasio-Cortez claims the
Democrats are better on family values than the
Republicans. This, the party of abortion, single-
parent homes and the casting of sexual responsi-
bility to the wind. And this walking political
disaster has an excellent chance of being elected
as the next U.S. Representative from New York's
12th District.

And this is what many Democrats hail as the future
of their party, and what they are working for to have
as the future of our country. The Democrat Party has
embraced full-on extremism, and the Republican
Party had better strengthen its spine and its resolve
to stop this wayward one-time mainstream political
party. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez may be a joke,
but her aims and those of an increasing number of
Democrat Party members are anything but.


Thursday, August 2, 2018

The Governor Who Does Unto Others --- Then Runs!

New Jersey's Governor Phil Murphy, a very liberal Democrat,
has been a busy bee since taking office last year; he has raised
taxes for nearly everyone in his state, proposed a so-called
"millionaire's tax" to ensure that New Jersey's millionaires
will pay their supposed "fair share" to shoulder the costs of
Murphy's massive social spending, and has fought tooth and
attempts in the state legislature initiated by his own party (!)
to rein in certain gubernatorial powers Murphy has, due to
their fears about how much revenue he wants his taxes and
programs to raise each year, as the New Jersey guv strives to
wring out of the taxpaying citizenry and businesses all the
money that he can, especially millionaires. The power to
formulate state revenue estimates is essential to determining
how much the state will need to increase taxes in order to
fund spending priorities. The Democrats in the legislature
(and they are in firm control of both chambers with huge
pluralities!) want to transfer this role to a three-member
panel which would supposedly remove the politics from
budget drafting and increase transparency. But Governor
Murphy protests this idea vehemently, stating through a
spokesman that the New Jersey Constitution "carefully
divides the authority in the budget process between ...
the legislature and the Executive (branch) ... "; whether
or not such a measure is constitutionally allowable
according to New Jersey's Constitution, your inquiring
Peasant has no knowledge but would love to find out
and share the facts with you, my grand readers. But the
takeaway here is that New Jersey has a governor who is
such a big tax-and-spender that legislators in his party
are actually drawing a line and telling him "No, you
are being excessive with the budget!". Robert Ripley,
call your office (ever visit the Believe It or Not! Museum?).

Governor Murphy is also doing his very best not to deliver
on a campaign promise to ease overcrowding and to address
service problems with the New Jersey Transit System.
Although Murphy promised to add additional rail cars
to the lines, after leasing eight cars from the Maryland
Transit Administration he stunningly returned them after
just two months (?). One commuter commented that "If (his)
Uber bill was any measure of success, improvement would
not be the term I would use," Many NJTS riders resorted to
Uber and Lyft rides as well as taxis to commute to and from
their jobs due to the two aforementioned transit system

Away from his office and the legislature, Governor Murphy
has other troubles to deal with: he is a co-owner of a woman's
soccer team, Sky Blue FC, which is facing allegations that
it is grossly mismanaged, provides inadequate living
arrangements and poor practice facilities for its players.
According to Fox News, some of the players were made to
live with an elderly man who consistently made inappropriate
comments to them and made them generally uncomfortable.
Governor Murphy purchased the team ten years ago, supposedly
to show his daughter, herself a soccer player, that women can
play at the professional level as well as at the amateur level.
A wonderful gesture. But Murphy didn't provide his charges
with facilities worthy of a professional soccer team, or really
any soccer team; the training facility he provided has no
lockers, no running water, and inadequate laundry facilities
where they can wash their uniforms, necessitating their
practicing in body odor-permeated clothes. When confronted
with these facts in an interview, Governor Murphy replied
"I don't find the status quo tolerable, and they deserve better,"
but to date has not made any effort to provide better for his
team. Although having invested half a million dollars in the
club, Murphy seems to have shown precious little interest
in it.

Finally, the governor's troubles include his wayward 20-year-old
-son Joshua Murphy. The lad campaigned tirelessly for his dad
in the 2016 election campaign in which the father was elected
governor. In his spare time, though, he managed to get arrested
for underage drinking and disorderly conduct, having shouted
obscenities at the police officer who came to investigate reports
of rowdyism on Joshua's college campus. A few months later
he rolled his car down an embankment (he was not seriously

So what does this under pressure governor do as a response to
all of this? He took an eleven-day trip to Italy, where the guv has
a 7 million dollar vacation home. He took this little flyer just six
months into his term as governor. And he is sticking New Jersey's
taxpayers with the tab for his personal protection --- $100,000!

With all the trouble he has at home, much of it of his own making,
Governor Phil Murphy might want to stay in Italy. And also pick
up the tab for his protection and other needs. In the meantime,
New Jersey's electorate may want to rethink their having had
elected him governor.