Thursday, July 31, 2014

A Much-Needed Equalizer

There's a bill before Congress at the present, a bill which
would require that since members of our military are made
to fly coach as opposed to first class on commercial airline
flights then so should members of Congress. It is that simple
and straightforward.

Members of both chambers of Congress have it so cushy;
fancy dining rooms, bars, gym memberships, out-of-this-
world medical coverage plans, subsidized meals and gas for
their cars, both government and private, all paid for by we
taxpayers, including those in the military. And the
Congressional folk get to fly first class if they so choose,
and many of them do. And again, on our dime. But our
people in uniform have to fly coach, or tourist class,
as it seems that it would be an outrage for these brave,
hard-working, risk-taking men and women to have any of
the cushy, clubby, comfy trappings that the Congressional
crowd get to enjoy! Even (GASP!) flying in roomier,
comfier seats on airline jets! After all, our military folk
only defend our country from deadly enemies and assist
our allies in their struggles with same, placing their lives
on the line, living, fighting, and sometimes dying in hellish
places with hellish conditions, all so we here stateside can
enjoy the fruits of being Americans, and our Congressional
representatives enjoying these and much more.

Your bemused Peasant can't wait to see who in the House
and the Senate will oppose this legislation, and what their
stated reasons will be. This is a bill that every American
can, and should support. Call, write, or e-mail your repre-
sentatives and senators to let them know that you, my
wonderful readers, support this bill and that you want to
see it passed by both chambers ASAP and sent to the
Oval Office to be signed into law. The bill, H.R. 4632,
is known as the "If Our Military Has to Fly Coach Then
So Should Congress Act". A straightforward bill with a
straightforward title. And believe me, those in either
house who would fight this fair and just legislation will
show themselves to be true elitist pigs, and will deserve
electoral slaughter in November!


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