Thursday, August 16, 2018

A True Conservative Wins in Wisconsin!

Your pleased as all-get-out Peasant is happy and proud
to announce that State Sen. Leah Vukmir, my longtime
state assemblywoman and senator won the Wisconsin
Republican Primary to run for the U.S. Senate challenging
incumbent Democrat Tammy Baldwin. My heartiest
congratulations to you, Leah, on your momentous
victory! Now Baldwin will have to face a double-threat;
a conservative woman who will neither let the radical
feminists speak nor act for her, and a woman who
unapologetically stands for the values which enhances
families and guides our state and our nation. Furthermore,
Baldwin cannot accuse her opponent of being incapable
of understanding a woman's point of view and political
desires, because she is going to face a woman in the
general election!

Leah had to overcome a vigorous challenge from former
Democrat-turned-Republican Kevin Nicholson, a former
Marine who saw combat in Iraq and Afghanistan. Although
I was impressed by the latter's background and being
mindful of the fact that newcomer candidates for office
can be successful candidates and officeholders (President
Trump and our U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson are prime examples),
I was leary of the ads that the Club for Growth and some
other political advocacy organizations produced which
falsely accused Vukmir of being "establishment", of being
anti-Trump, and/or some other criticisms that have no basis
in truth. I saw some of these ads online and on TV, as well
as having heard some which were aired on the radio.
While it was one thing to tout Nicholson as an outsider,
and therefore a fresh alternative, it was disingenuous
at best and malicious at worst to run ads which not only
distorted Leah's record in Madison but some which
besmirched her character as well. It simply goes to show
that there are people and groups in or affiliated with the
Republican Party that don't want true conservatives who
will follow the Constitution and the will of their constituents.
Nicholson may well be a conservative, but he hasn't the track
record to bear that out while Vukmir is likely the most
conservative legislator in Madison and will be a force for
conservatism, constitutional rule of law, and for advancing
the president's vision and ideas. Although if Nicholson is,
as he claims, to be disenchanted with the ever-leftward
drift of the Democrats and wants to embrace conservatism
and join the Republican Party he is certainly welcome to
do so. However, he didn't get off to an auspicious start
with this little episode. And few, if any could be sure as
to just how conservative Nicholson would have been
if elected to the Senate, as he has no record to go unlike

Moreover, when asked by one of our wonderful local radio
talkers Dan O'Donnell is he would disavow and disassociate
himself from these malicious ads, Nicholson just begged
the question rather than answer it; he merely danced
around it like a ballerina. When asked this same question by
other local radio show hosts he offered nothing different, and
that bothered your favorite Peasant greatly. I'm certain that
many other conservative voters in the Badger State were
put off by all of this. We want to send Baldwin packing,
but we're also conscientious as to who we will replace her
with. Simply having an "R" next to a candidate's name is
not sufficient; we must have a candidate of substance and
proven good character, and this week we have chosen
just such a candidate.

Good on ya, Leah! The Peasant promises his full support
to you all the way to and including Election Day! You
have done us, your district's constituents proud and we
know you'll do Wisconsin proud in Washington.


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