Sunday, November 11, 2018

Veterans Day Gratitude

Today, November 11, is Veterans Day, the day we Americans
give thanks to all our veterans, past and present, those among
the living and those who made the Ultimate Sacrifice so that
we can have a country with a way of life filled with abundance,
a cornucopia of freedom, comfort, safety and security. Although
one should give thanks every day for these gifts that our brave
and selfless veterans made possible for us, and in fact many of
us do, it is good to have a nationally established and recognized
day to focus our attention on all this, especially with our workaday
lives and their relentless schedules of duties and recreation too
easily fill our time and our heads to the point that we tend to take
what we have as citizens of a free and strong country for granted.

Please take time, all who are reading this post today, to thank our
vets for these fruits of their hard and dangerous work on our behalf.
At the very least, say a prayer to them, to ask God's blessings on them
and their families, and to take heavenly good care of those who have
gone to glory, including of course by way of a battlefield. We owe
these courageous men and women a debt so great that we can never
even begin to repay, but that does not excuse us from trying.

I realize that Memorial Day is the day to honor our passed veterans
and that Veterans Day is the day to honor our living vets, but your
grateful Peasant's gratitude for our all our veterans knows no bounds,
so I always have an overflow! Please don't be put off by this, as I
mean only the utmost gratitude and respect. And I am thus grateful
each and every day of the year!

The Peasant salutes you, all who have served, suffered, sacrificed,
and toiled to make and keep our country great and free. God bless.


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