Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Mile High Kremlin?

Every now and then a third-party candidate for public office,
sometimes at the state level, sometimes at the local level, gets
elected --- running on some dubious tickets, running with some
dubious platforms with dubious planks. On June 5 in Denver
this very phenomenon happened; a communist won a seat on the
Mile High City's council.

Your faithful Peasant has not been able to ascertain whether or
not Candi CdeBaca (no, that is not a typo; this really is her name
and how she spells it), the successful candidate is a member and
nominee of the Communist Party or if she is just an adherent to
the ideology, but she declared while campaigning that she would
be a strong voice for replacing our capitalist economic system
with communism.

In a debate she explained "I don't believe that our current economic
system actually works. Capitalism by design is extractive and in order
to generate profit in a capitalist system something has to be exploited.
That's land, labor or resources. And I think that we're in late phase of
capitalism and we know it doesn't work and we've got to move into
something new. And I believe in community ownership of land,
labor, and resources and distribution of those resources. And so
whatever that morphs into I think will serve community the best.
And I'm excited to usher it in by any means necessary."
Now make note of that last sentence, especially the last four words.
CdeBaca is letting on just how communists operate, to bring about
the political and economic system that they want to implement
wherever they are. They care not for anyone's constitution (especially
ours!), nor anyone's customs, nor anyone's political preferences
(look at what they do in countries where they rule to those who
dare to dissent against the dominant political orthodoxy),
they just sweep everything and everyone in their way to the side
and force their system upon all.

Sadly, many of our schools --- especially our public schools --- don't
teach what communism is and does when communists hold power.
The Cold War scarcely gets a mention, the horrors of the Soviet Union
and Mao's China barely a footnote. So the most recent generations of
Americans are rendered ignorant of this terrible ideology and its
dictators who each ruled their nations with a red-painted iron fist
while proclaiming them democracies and free lands. And when
one of them runs for office in the United States these younger
voters who received such woefully inadequate education in history
gets conned into thinking that under communism they wouldn't have
to toil so hard for their subsistence, that everyone would own
everything together, and no one would lack for money, food, shelter,
education, or medical care. Add to that so-called teachers in these
schools that denigrate capitalism and its fruits which we Americans
enjoy thanks to having an economic system in which we all can
participate in and make our own way in our self-chosen careers,
including these indoctrinators masquerading badly as educators.

We not only must take back our government and place it again
firmly under the Constitution, we also must take back our
education system as well. Otherwise, totalitarians such as
Candi CdeBaca will, little by little, become more numerous
at all levels of our government and before we know it our
freedoms, our liberty, our prosperity, and our way of life
will disappear, perhaps forever. And these enemies of ours
won't have to fire a single shot. Freedom is hard to obtain but
so easy to lose, and almost impossible to regain.


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