Saturday, February 15, 2020

A Quick Note of Endorsement

For my readers in Wisconsin, your mindful Peasant wants to
remind you that Tuesday, February 18 is a primary election
day. On the ballot will be interim State Supreme Court
Justice Dan Kelly, who was appointed by Gov. Scot Walker
to serve the remainder of retiring Justice David Prosser's
term on the state's highest court. Like Prosser a judicial
conservative, adhering tightly to the Wisconsin Constitution,
Justice Kelly will continue to be one of the present five
voices for judicial restraint and constitutional prudence
out of the seven justices on Wisconsin's top court.

It is imperative that we come out to the polls to vote for
Kelly, as we cannot ensure his being on the ballot in the
general election later this year if we are not at the polls.
Primaries are as important as the general elections, for
they are a part of a funnel-like process in choosing a
candidate for elective office. If you see a candidate
whom you think will be a standout in the office being
contested early on in the election season, you must
support your candidate by helping said candidate to
win the primary in order to advance to the general.
As it is a habit of many voters to skip the primaries
while turning out for the generals, this being so for
voters from both major parties, this is all the more
reason to get to the polls this Tuesday to vote for
Justice Kelly; I do not know if this will be an open
primary, in which all the candidates from both parties
will be running against each other or a closed primary
which will have Republicans running against same,
ditto for the Democrats, so if it turns out to be the former
we must see to it that Kelly gets enough votes to send him
on to the general election. It would be a tragedy if the
general election had only liberals to choose from
and Dan Kelly having to sit on the sideline on Election

One more reason that makes this election, primary and all
so vital, is that the conservative majority on the Wisconsin
Supreme Court along with the Republican-controlled state
legislature make our buffer against the left-wing ideas of
current Gov. Tony Evers and the Democrats. This includes
protecting Gov. Walker's reforms, including Act 10. We
don't dare let up as we did when Justice Rebecca Dallet
defeated a conservative judge for a seat on the court which
cut the conservative majority to 4-3, necessitating us to
fight like hellcats to help Justice Brian Hagedorn to win
a very close race to get that fifth seat back. Not as many
of our voters came out to the polls for that one. We need
to maintain our solid majority, and not take any of the seats
in conservative hands for granted! So please join your
favorite Peasant in going to the polls, heading to your
polling precincts to cast your votes for Daniel Kelly
to give him a full 10-year term. Our prosperity, our
liberties, and our quality of life in our wonderful state
is in our hands.

See you at the polls!


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