Thursday, June 4, 2020

So Much to Catch Up On!

IT'S GREAT TO BE BACK!!! It's grand to be together with you,
my dear, wonderful, enthusiastic, grand readers! These last
couple of months have been straight from some sort of a twilight
zone; Rod Serling could have thought this up!

I posted a notice to you all when I learned that, along with almost
everything else, the libraries in Wisconsin would be locked down
as part of the "Safer at Home" rules created and implemented by
my state's gubernatorial administration, making it impossible to
get in to my local library to post on this blog. Although I have a
mobile phone which accesses the internet, it doesn't work very
well; in fact, it's slow as molasses, when it does get me to where
I want to go online I am invariably kicked out of said place after
a few minutes, so I didn't want to try blogging under such circum-
stances, as my blood pressure is high enough without the extra

And in that interim, so much has happened on our political scene
as well as with our economy. And it tortured me to not be able to
comment on it all, sharing my thoughts and observations with you!
But now that the lockdowns are easing here in the Badger State,
and I hope they are easing in whichever states many of you reside
in as well, I am back at the New Berlin Public Library and seated
before a computer in their lovely and spacious computer lab, typing
this blog piece for you all!

We've got a lot to catch up on, but we now have all the time in the
world for that. Meantime, I'll start shopping for an affordable,
reliable, second-hand computer, perhaps a nice laptop or a tablet.
And if I can get an unbelievable deal on a brand new one of these,
heaven! My financial picture is brightening, and I now can make plans
for such purchases as well as purchases for other things I've needed
but had to postpone while things were tight for so long. Then we'll
be able to get together without any lengthy interruptions!

So we'll gather here again for our weekly get-togethers as before,
starting right this minute! Thank you all for hanging tough, keeping
calm, and carrying on! God bless you all, and God bless America!


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