Thursday, July 16, 2020

The Battles of President Trump

The three year drama over President Donald J. Trump being
president of our grand country has climaxed with the acquittal
by the United States Senate of President Trump of charges 
that he abused his presidential power and obstructed Congress. 
With the vote count for conviction and removal from office 
far short of the 67-vote requirement, President Trump shall
remain in office to serve out his term, and will not be prevented
from running for a second term. Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT)
was the sole Republican senator to vote for conviction on either
charge, voting to remove the president on the first charge.
But this means nothing to the Democrats, nor to the Left.

Ever since Trump was elected, never mind being inaugurated, 
the Democrats and the far-left outside of the party have been
crying "Foul!", "Unfair!" and worse. They made countless 
attempts either to block him from taking office or to remove 
him from same. Regarding the former, they tried to sway 
members of the Electoral College from states which Trump
won to not vote for him. Concerning the latter, they have tried 
accusing and blaming the 45th president of and for a host of
nonsensical hogwash, including attempting to coerce a foreign
government (Ukraine) and entice another (Russia) into interfering
with the presidential election won by Trump. They even tried 
to get him kicked out of office over things which may (or may
not) have happened in Trump's pre-presidential past. They
tried to pin on the man everything, it seems, but being a serial
killer! The Democrat-controlled House of Representatives, 
run by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi who, by the way, has tried 
mightily to obstruct nearly everything President Trump tried 
to do by defeating or holding up legislation which would have,
for one example, fully funded the construction of the border wall
on our southern border to stop further illegal immigration, 
a project supported by a growing number of Americans, proving 
that the Dems and their fellow lefties have been trying to make 
the country ungovernable for the president. Finally, the House Dems
drew up impeachment papers in attempting to remove President
Trump from office, claiming him to be a threat to our democracy
and to national security. The Articles of Impeachment were 
delivered to the Senate, performed in theatrical solemnity by
Speaker Pelosi and some of her fellow Dems, putting on a show 
for both their supporters and for their own egos. 

Well, everything was hashed out on the House floor, with each
of the Pelosi cabal's charges found to have no factual substance,
no merit, and no credibility. One of their impeachment floor 
managers, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), looked more and more
desperate as he kept launching a charge, hoping it would give 
some weight to the two impeachment charges; they all went over
like an air force of lead balloons. When the Senate's turn came
the majority Republicans (except for not-a-team-player Sen.
Romney, more on his perfidy later) voted to acquit the besieged
president of both impeachment charges, thus bringing the sham
of a trial to its well-deserved end at last. Soon afterward, 
President Trump gave his State of the Union Address before 
Congress, and he listed his accomplishments, promises kept,
and the resultant upturn of the country followed by outbursts
of thunderous applause from the Republicans while the 
Democrats sat stone-faced, petulantly silent, and looking like
they each lost loads of money on a supposed "sure thing" at
a racetrack. At the end of the president's address to Congress
and the nation, Speaker Pelosi made an act that truly said it 
all for her sorry, corrupt, pathetic party === she tore up the copy
of the SOTU speech given her by President Trump. Now, it is
customary for the president to give a copy of this important 
speech to the Speaker of the House after delivering it to both
Congress and the people; its is a terrible breach of protocol as
well as an appalling lack of manners for the Speaker to destroy 
the copy, especially before all assembled in the House chamber
and all viewing it on TV. The act merely exhibited the pettiness,
petulance, spitefulness, and just plain immature behavior on
Pelosi's part. 

The Democrats in both chambers have stated, prior to the 
impeachment hearings, that there was no time to lose in getting 
the president impeached and removed from office, with the 
general election coming in just nine months and that it was 
imperative, so very urgent, in doing this deed rather than let
the people decide in the election. This signaled the Democrat's 
view of the American people as clearly as clear can be; let's 
not let the peasants decide Trump's fate as far as the presidency 
is concerned, for they voted for him in 2016 and would likely
do so again in November, for they don't have the smarts or the
good sense to vote for our candidate, the hayseed hicks!
They left no doubt as to their opinion of We the People and 
their fitness to choose whom they would have govern over them.

This entire story illustrates just how great the danger is of losing
our republic, our Constitution and constitutional rule of law,
and our freedom. It also illustrates our urgent need to get out 
and vote on Election Day this November. When one of our two
political parties embraces full-on statism, a complete disregard
for the Constitution and its restrictions on the activities of the
government, and an insatiable hunger for power driving said
party toward totalitarianism, that party must be brought down
--- not just at the ballot box, but in both the courts of law and
of public opinion, confidence, and trust. 

And now, the Democrats and the Left are trying to make political
hay out of the Coronovirus episode to get President Trump
hounded out of office by conning the people re: what he has
or has not done to deal with the pandemic. They will not quit,
they will never rest until Trump is gone, by hook or by crook.
They are relentless, and so must we be in supporting the


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