Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Being Educated by the Uneducated

Here is a little news item which brilliantly illustrates
why celebrities, especially those who politically tack
left, are not very good moral arbiters, nor are they good
teachers of recognizing and exposing abuses of human
rights in the world. Although the story began two years ago, 
things have not improved, for the players in this 
morality play not only haven't grown wiser, they have 
gone off on other far-left tangents. 

First, the backstory: in recent years, the National Basketball
Association and China have formed sports and commercial
ties; some Chinese basketball stars were signed by NBA
teams, the most famous player from the Land of the Hidden
Empire being Yao Ming, the imposing center who played
several seasons for the Houston Rockets. Soon, some of
the Chinese stars playing in the U.S. were signed to endorse-
ment deals for athletic wear and other things. Chinese teams
came over to play exhibition games with American teams.
And both countries made loads and loads of money all
the while. 

On October 4, 2019, Daryl Morey --- general manager of the 
Houston Rockets --- tweeted an image with the caption
"Fight for Freedom. Stand With Hong Kong." The reference
was to the battles raging in the streets of Hong Kong between
the brave citizens of the former British territory and the
Communist government who have been tightening its
control over the once-autonomous city-state, whose
autonomy the Chinese communists promised to respect
and not interfere with (a "pie crust promise", if ever there
was one). When the Chi-Coms heard about the tweet they
pitched a royal one all the way from Beijing, retaliating
against the Houston Rockets and the NBA, both of which
have considerable commercial interests in China, and have
had such for quite a while. The Rockets, the other teams
 and their owners, and the league bigwigs themselves all
came down not on the side of Mr. Morey, but on top of him,
figuratively stomping him into the ground for his tweet,
which he soon afterward deleted. Then the Los Angeles
Lakers' LeBron James, one of the league's biggest stars,
put in his two cents (and your infuriated Peasant wouldn't
give two cents for James' two cents!) with these comments:
"We all do have freedom of speech, but at times there are
ramifications for the negative that can happen when you're
not thinking about others and you're only thinking about
yourself," and followed that up with "I don't want to get
into a word- or sentence-feud with Daryl Morey, but I
believe he wasn't educated on the situation at hand, and
he spoke."

So, if your inquisitive Peasant understands LeBron James'
missive, if Morey spoke out in favor of the Chinese
communist government, voicing support for the Chi-Coms'
crackdown on the Hong Kong protesters regardless of
their chosen tactics and their brutality, James would then
think Morey to be well-informed and truly "educated" on
the situation there. And, James has a problem with anyone
publicly uttering any statement of support for the brave
Hong Kong freedom activists being gassed, clubbed,
tased, maced, and arrested for standing up to one of the
world's most totalitarian governments. The totalitarians
in Beijing certainly have a problem with such statements
spoken about them, as they cannot abide the truth about
themselves. So, they put pressure on the whole of the NBA
to bring Morey to heel, to shut him up about the Chinese
and how they are conducting themselves in Hong Kong.

But it is LeBron James and the servile, money-chasing wimps
of the NBA that are the uneducated ones, they are the ones
who are thinking only of themselves here. Do they know,
and if so do they even care, that China is employing violence
to arrest and punish the Hong Kong protesters who only want
China to keep its promise of autonomy for 50 years through
2047, as stipulated in the transfer of governance of Hong Kong
from Great Britain to China. And for that the Chinese
communists behave as communists the world over behave,
all too typically and predictably.  But this is not something
for "woke" self-proclaimed avatars such as LeBron James
to trouble themselves with. And this isn't the first time that
James has spoken out regarding political matters, especially
when he sees an opportunity to castigate the United States
for its supposed social injustices. In 2018 James made a
tweet of his own in which he proclaimed "Injustice Anywhere
Is A Threat to Justice Everywhere --- Our Lives Begin To
End The Day We Become Silent About Things That Matter."
So, employing clear and simple logic, LeBron James and
friends don't think that the plight of the Hong Kongers
matters? Why would this be so? Is it because the Hong 
Kongers are fighting a communist regime, heaven forbid?

LeBron James and other lefties, both those who are serious
advocates for their poisonous politics and those like James
who are merely radical-chic dilettantes, fancy themselves
as being intellectually and morally superior to the people
who don't share their views. They think themselves to be
at the head of the class, because they think themselves
educated and aware, or in their silly parlance, "woke".
These people are only fooling themselves, with their
utter ignorance of the true threats to human rights and
the thugs which pose them, and are therefore flunking
out. Meanwhile, sports fans who are sick and tired of
the purveyors of leftism injecting their favorite sports
broadcasts with left-wing political propaganda will
rightfully rethink watching the NBA's games this
season, and maybe for many seasons yet to come.
And here, in 2021, the overall situation has not at
all improved, so as a result an increasing number of pro
sports fans are becoming ex-pro sports fans as they boycott
pro sports in general, not just pro basketball. And the lefty
millionaire professional athletes and the empty-headed billionaire 
team owners along with the league bigwigs haven't a clue as to


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