Wednesday, February 16, 2022

The Latest Turn in the Convoy Saga

The latest from Canada: the truckers used their rigs 
on Monday to block the Ambassador Bridge which
connects Windsor, Ontario and Detroit, the busiest
international land-border crossing on the continent.

The Ambassador Bridge, which enables over $320 
million in goods each day in cross-border trade,
reopened last Tuesday, but the truckers are carrying 
on with their protest in Ottawa. Unfortunately, while 
carrying on their campaign they temporarily halted
at least some of this trade. Your supportive Peasant
has mixed emotions about that. At least their point 
was driven home to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau,
and the opposition to the Covid-19 overreach has
spread over much of the world. 

However, the PM has a trick or two up one of his
fancy sleeves; he invoked an emergency law which
gives local police federal powers to confiscate
the truckers' rigs and enables Canada's federal government
to freeze the truckers' bank accounts and whatever funds
and accounts that supporters established for them so
that no one can send any money to help them buy gas,
food, and other needed supplies. 

But the truckers are undaunted and unintimidated.
As the Omicron variant of the Covid-19 starts to run
out of steam, after showing itself  to be less deadly
and less people contracting the virus, the truckers are 
letting the governments of Canada and the United
States know that the pandemic restrictions and related 
rules must stop. The Canadian left-wingers have called
the truckers and their supporters "right-wing fanatics"
and "Trumpists", along with far worse names too foul
to relate here. But even the Canadians who don't support 
the protests do favor lifting restrictions, some of which
PM Trudeau foolishly doubled down on. Negative test
requirement and mask mandates have been discontinued
in several provinces. Even some Liberal Party (Trudeau's
party) members of Canada's Parliament have criticized
Trudeau and his recent actions.

Canada's people are very polite, respectful, and obedient
of their government at all levels, and rarely make a fuss.
But they have had their fill of pandemic fearmongering 
and overbearing, domineering government, the latter like
we Americans. Prime Minister Trudeau had better heed 
the angry mood of his fellow Canadians or else risk their
wrath when they express it with their votes.

Stay tuned. There's going to be lots more action as this 
scenario, like the truckers, rolls along.


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