Wednesday, June 22, 2022

The DOD Looks Spaceward

An offbeat but noteworthy story has come to your favorite
Peasant's attention, and I shall share it with you. 

for the first time in about 50 years, the Pentagon has 
publicly briefed a House committee re: sightings of 
UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena; the term of 
many years, UFO, Unidentified Flying Object, 
has been retired by the pertinent departments of our
government). The hearings were for the purpose of 
explaining the operations of a new sub-department 
of sorts within the Department of Defense created 
to find out what's out there; to see what there is to 
see. No harm in that. We should see what is out on
the frontiers of space, especially if something is 
coming our way, i.e. an asteroid, a comet, a space-
ship, etc. It is simply smart security measures for 
our safety. Although there were no admissions that 
anything of the sort is suspected, some questions 
regarding same should, and likely would, be reserved 
for a closed session. Given the government's longtime
unwillingness to even casually discuss this phenomena,
and its threatening to severely punish people, especially
our military personnel, for continuing to press on with such 
questions, this is certainly a major step forward in
delving into the matter and giving it the attention it
so greatly deserves and to bring any and all relevant 
information before the public, thereby respecting 
and serving our right to know. 

After all, our government works for us --- even though 
it often thinks and behaves as if it doesn't. 


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