Wednesday, October 19, 2022

On Unionizing Government Workers

There is a movement afoot to recruit federal government 
workers which is being wholeheartedly cheered on by 
the progressive Democrat members of the House of 
Representatives as well as far-lefties outside of Congress.
And it's apparent that these pro-union enthusiasts have 
no sense of history concerning their party, the thoughts on
unionization of federal government workers held by some 
Democrat presidents going back nearly a hundred years,
or the consequences of such unionization. 

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who was one of the
biggest allies unions have ever had in the White House,
opposed unions for federal government workers because it
would place both employer (Uncle Sam) and workers on
the same side of the negotiating table. Politicians would then
have an incentive with no downside, particularly in the form 
of figuring out to pay for their deals with the fed worker's
union, to give workers what they want on contracts.
Taxpayers, who would end up paying more in taxes for said
deals, would have no one representing them and their interests 
in the resultant unbalanced negotiations. 

So far, aides to eight progressive House members have filed 
petitions with the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights 
to start the unionization process. Staffers have long complained 
about discrimination, pay and working conditions, and during
most of these years of such complaining the Democrats have 
held the House, and many years both the House and Senate,
pointing to the Dems as the ones making for tough working
conditions for staffers and other government employees.
And proving FDR correct as well as prescient, the pro-union
staffers' bosses in Congress are joyously cheering the petitions.
All of this came after a House Resolution in May to allow staff
to collectively bargain for the first time in our country's history.

"I am so proud of the staffers who made a historic move today 
in seeking union recognition," crowed Michigan Rep. Andy
Levin (D). "I am inspired by my staff and all those organizing
who are leading by example," gushed Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar 
(D), who by the way is a member of the very far-left super-pro-
gressive group of U.S. representatives known as "The Squad"
whom your diligent Peasant wrote about in this blog some months 
ago. Again, the members of the House will not be paying their 
salaries; the taxpayers will get the bill. That, and the middle finger.

For the time being, each office must hold a separate unionizing vote,
and happily few offices are taking that step. But this could change 
if the Democrats prevail in this November's mid-term election.
The American people deserve to have elected representatives who
work for them; as well they should, for the people have hired them
by voting them into office, so the representative's staff should also
work for the representatives and for the people who elected them,
not for any labor union. Republicans, note well that one of your 
duties should you take back the House this fall should be to repeal
the union resolution. FDR knew that this would be a bad thing.
Some other Democrats over time, to be sure, have shared this stalwart
Democrat President's negative view of such a setup, proving 
opposition to federal workers' unionizing is not a solely partisan 
maneuver. The ball shall be in the GOP's court should they win
this November. 


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