Monday, November 7, 2022

A Word About Election Day (Which is Tomorrow): VOTE!

Friends, as you are aware tomorrow is Election Day. 
Although the presidency isn't up for grabs (wait a 
couple more years) both the House and the Senate are.
If we can swing both chambers, as the Democrats
have a narrow majority in the former while the latter,
although tied up at 50 seats apiece, is in Democrat
hands with the Dem Vice President holding the 
tie-breaking vote when a tie occurs on legislation 
voted on, then we can have a buffer against President
Biden's radical agenda formed by the radical elements 
which have taken over the Democrat Party in recent years.
There won't be any more "stimulus" programs or 
any other multi-trillion dollar schemes which would 
guarantee we'd never have a low-debt load, let alone
debt-free country again, nor ever again have a balanced 
federal budget.

There also would be no more pushing far-left "educational"
texts, classes. programs, and other components of a radical
agenda on our schoolchildren either. Nor any "gender equity"
ploys such as biological members of one gender having to 
compete in sports against transgender athletes who have
a considerable advantage because they still have the 
musculature of the gender that they naturally had.
And there will be no more laws penalizing people 
who improperly refer to another's gender, that is, 
mistaking the other person's pronoun to be referred to
as, i.e. fines, disciplinary action at work or school, or 
worse. We shall also do away with shockingly lax criminal
laws regarding penalizing criminals. We can dismantle 
the lefties' progressive plan to turn our country into a 
socialist hell, and to eradicate it for all time.

We can restore sanity along with Constitutional rule of law 
in all areas and aspects of American life. We not only can, 
we must, for the sake of not only ourselves and our families 
and communities but also for the generations to come. 
We can restore our country to the kind of country that it was 
meant to be once again. And all we need to do is simply 
to take that all-important first step, which is to vote tomorrow.
You all know who the candidates are that will work with us to 
make all of this possible. But they can't help if we don't exercise 
our right and our duty to vote.

It's easy to register to vote; you can do so at your polling place.
Bring family, friends, neighbors, co-workers and classmates
with you. Get as many people whom you know to the polls as
you can! 

But most importantly, just vote. Please, vote. Vote as if your lives
depend on it, because they do. Our way of life, and the quality of
life for us all, the American people, are on the line. The very things 
which make our lives livable. The reasons why so many people
flocked to our country since its inception, all for having a better 
life. The elements of our national society which has made our
country the envy of the world. 





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