Wednesday, September 26, 2018

The Top Ten Reasons That Milwaukee Does Not Need A Streetcar (Mayor Tom Barrett, Are You Listening?)

Although the tracks have been laid in downtown Milwaukee
and the first new streetcar has made its initial run, there is
still considerable vocal opposition accompanied by pushback
to Mayor Tom Barrett's white elephant on wheels. A group
of such determined citizens, G.R.A.S.P. (Group Resistance
Against Streetcar Planning) has recently been established by
one such activist, Thomas Brian, and has welcomed many
Milwaukeeans aboard in its mission to derail the costly

One of the ways in which G.R.A.S.P. is making its case is
its creation of a list of the top ten reasons that the streetcar
is a bad idea for Milwaukee, a' la David Letterman (remember
his "Top 10" lists from his old TV show? Your bemused
Peasant thought it one of the few genuinely funny features
on that show). But this list is all business in its purpose
and its substance; the cancellation of the Mayor's choo-choo
and the savings of the people's tax monies are its goals.

So here are G.R.A.S.P.' s Top 10 Reasons to Oppose the Streetcar,
as stated on the group's Facebook page (followed here by observa-
tional comments from your favorite Peasant):

1) It wasn't needed. Milwaukee did not, and does not, have a
transportation problem.

Indeed. In my opinion, Milwaukee simply needs a beefing up of
the Milwaukee County Transit System (MCTS) which provides
the bus service for Milwaukee and many of its suburbs. The city
could team up with the county by redirecting some of the funds
allocated to the streetcar instead to the County, under whose
auspices the local bus system operates, to fund the restoration of
some of the routes which were cut back for budgetary reasons.
More drivers could be hired and trained for the route restoration.
As a regular bus rider myself, this would benefit your non-driving
Peasant no end. There is a bus route that goes close by my new
home, but it would be nice if it had more runs during its daily
schedule in the mornings and evenings.

2) 69% of Milwaukee area residents are opposed to the streetcar
(Marquette Law School poll).

Furthermore, many of these residents have strenuously objected
to the shifting of funding of the police and fire departments to
the streetcar, especially with crime rising dramatically in some of
the neighborhoods where they live. Strange priorities, Mayor
Barrett has.

3) It's a waste of federal tax dollars. Federal tax dollars should
be off limits.

Amen to that! Why should anyone outside of Milwaukee have to
pay anything toward this ridiculous scheme? It's bad enough that
local taxpayers are expected to fund it.

4) Fixing potholes and resurfacing our terrible streets is more

I'll offer no argument here! One needs a Humvee or a dune buggy to
traverse some of Milwaukee's crumbling roads without damaging
their vehicles. More badly needed things being ignored, all for the
sake of a mayor whose parents likely never bought Tommy boy a
train set when he was but a wee brat!

5) A poor design from the start. Streetcars should not share traffic
lanes with cars.

A safety hazard to be sure! But then, Milwaukee has a mayor who
doesn't seem terribly concerned with public safety to begin with
(see my earlier remarks re: Reason #2).

6) Many potential safety hazards. Lawsuits are already pending.

Dovetails with Reason #5.

7) The streetcars is going to cause traffic delays and congestion
like we've never seen before.

It's challenging enough to travel through downtown as it is!

8) The streetcar benefits special interests ... developers, general
contractors, investors etc.

The very people who support Mayor Barrett at election time with
their huge wads of cash! We peasants certainly don't have the scratch
to buy a mayor or other official.

9) Project could have been done much cheaper, with less disruption,
with traditional "trolley-type" buses.

And Milwaukee has them! I see them a lot during the many ethnic
festivals, Summerfest, etc. And riding them would be very similar to
riding the buses, and every bit as efficient.

10) The streetcar will not help (the) citizens who need it most, (to)
get to good paying jobs.

Despite claims by the streetcar supporters that the streetcar system
would "spider out" and travel along more streets in Milwaukee,
downtown and the neighborhoods, they would not get workers
and job seekers to where the jobs are. And the ridership is not going
to be high enough to justify expanding the routes of the streetcar;
it will be an uphill battle just to keep up the main route(s) with paltry
revenues resulting from scant ridership.

And there you have it. The streetcar scheme (scam?) is a turkey,
just in time for Thanksgiving. And not nearly as appetizing as
the traditional holiday entree'. Anyone interested in learning more
about G.R.A.S.P. with an eye toward joining, look up the group
on Facebook as well as its founder Thomas Brian. They will be
happy to have you and your efforts in turning back Barrett's Folly.
This is a true grassroots effort to get City Hall to respect the wishes
of the people of Milwaukee.

And tell G.R.A.S.P. that The Peasant sent you!


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