Thursday, February 14, 2019

Virginia's Three-Ring Circus

After the emotion-grinding, heart-wrenching story that your
dauntless Peasant commented on here just last week, I am
pleased to share with you a story (along with my own thoughts
and observations of course!) from Virginia, coming on the
heels of the New York pro-abortion love fest story. Again,
it's a story I've never before seen the likes of, and it's a hoot
(that is, if you're not a Democrat, especially a Virginia

Directly after Democrat Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam
enthused about the then-pending legislation which
would have allowed abortions up to and including the
moment of birth, as well as the option of killing the
baby if it succeeds in being born after the attempted
abortion, a photograph of Northam emerged which
all but knocked this story off of the front page of
newspapers and off the TV screens in that state and
across the country. While a student at the Eastern
Virginia Medical School, Virginia's present-day Gov
posed alongside a buddy, perhaps at a costume party,
for a photograph in rather interesting costumes to say
the least. Northam is in some clownish clothes and is
wearing blackface. The fellow standing with him is
dressed even more provocatively; he's clad in a Ku Klux
Klan outfit, pointed hood and all. Somehow, this eye-
popping picture was discovered and displayed far and
wide --- all over the country, in fact. Some Democrats in
Northam's home state are publicly calling on him to resign;
note that they are not calling for his resignation over his
support for a bill legalizing abortion up to birth and
killing a baby that manages to survive the attempt on its
young life, no, that they think is just peachy. But don
blackface for a silly occasion and pose for a picture
while one's at it? Run the rascal out of Richmond!
Ah, the Dems' notions of what is and isn't politically

So if Northam goes, his successor would be Virginia's
Lieutenant Governor, Justin Fairfax. A bit of poetic
justice here, as Fairfax is black. How nice and tidy,
not to mention politically correct, the way that
Virginia's line of succession has dovetailed with
something so pleasing to the Democrats' lefties.
But hold the phone, there's a fly in the ointment;
it seems that Lt. Gov. Fairfax has been accused by
a woman whom he met at the Democrat's 2004 national
convention in Boston of sexual assault. Uh-oh! This
sort of thing has become a troublesome thing for the
Party of Women's Rights and the ideology which drives
it; remember former U.S. Sen. Al Franken, ex-movie
mogul Harvey Weinstein, et al.? Now this has come
to the stage down Virginia way. As with Gov. Northam,
some Virginia Democrats are calling for Fairfax to

So, if the Lieutenant Governor calls it a day, who then
to succeed him? Virginia's Attorney General Mark Herring.
But Murphy's Law makes some more mischief: The AG
also has some blackface baggage from his younger days
as well! Oh, dear. And once again, Old Virginny's Dems
are calling for yet another resignation: Herring's.
By the by, AG Herring himself had called for Northam
to resign for the Gov's blackface caper! Robert Ripley,
call your office! Here's a "Believe It Or Not!" Story to
beat the ones which came before it!

Your falling down laughing Peasant wonders at this point
who ultimately will have these three state constitutional
offices, especially the top one? The Head Janitor?
The head of capitol security? The Executive Chef in the
Governor's mansion? The head gardener? Oh, the deliciously
humorous possibilities, what with the state's Democrat state
government officials' propensity to get into embarrassing
mischief at whatever points in their lives? A comedy writer
couldn't make this stuff up! And it couldn't be happening
to a more deserving political party! Before your amused
and bemused Peasant pops a rib from laughing long and
hard, I just want to thank these buffoonish hacks for giving
us some light-hearted diversion with loads of hilarity after
the sorrowful news coming from New York and the other
states re: widening the legalization of abortion to include
the heretofore unthinkable and formerly beyond the pale.
All this from one political party! The Democrats sure know
how to put on a show! Whoever thought that moral preening
and hypocrisy could be so much fun to watch?

And they are still deciding where to have their 2020 National
Convention. Milwaukee is one of the choices at this late stage!
Just think of your joyful Peasant's mirth if they choose my neck
of the woods to host their shindig. It may be the biggest, most
fun- and funny business-filled event since the last Schlitz Circus
Parade took place! The Dems will match the circus folks clown
for clown! Oh, I do hope that the Democrat party comes to town
to hold their presidential nomination bash just for the entertainment
value alone!


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