Wednesday, February 6, 2019

A Dark Movement is Afoot

Your politically active Peasant has been so since boyhood;
beginning with closely following the events surrounding
the wild ride that was the 1968 presidential election
(I was ten years old at the time), I have spent just over
half a century keeping up with the people, the events,
and the developments in the realm of American politics
--- local, state, and national, I took it all in. I've seen
just about everything; the good, the bad, the ugly,
and the unbelievable. I've seen things that gladdened me
and gave me hope for our country. I've seen things which
made me sorrowful and worried.  I've seen things which
perplexed me. I've run the gamut of emotions over all
what I've seen on our political scene. But what happened
in recent days simply blows away all else that I've
encountered for its breathtaking magnitude, its stunning
hubris, its shocking audacity, and its callous disregard
for the sanctity of, and cheapening of human life. And
I don't mind telling you, my grand readers, that I am
absolutely frightened to my core.

The New York Legislature, with Democrat majorities
in both of their chambers teamed up with a Democrat
governor (Andrew Cuomo), drafted a bill designed to
allow women to terminate a pregnancy through term
(that is, throughout all nine months of pregnancy
right up to and including the moment of birth), to grant the
right to allow babies born alive as a result of botched
abortions to be left to die unattended by medical staff,
to kill a baby that somehow survives the attempted
abortion, and to allow non-physicians to perform abortions.
Partial-birth abortions would also be allowed under this
soulless legislation. Gov. Cuomo couldn't get the ink out
of his pen fast enough to sign this monstrosity into law.
He then ordered the lights of the Freedom Tower lit to
commemorate and celebrate the obscene new law. By
the by, there is a plaque on the tower (which was built on
the site where the World Trade Center towers stood)
marking the deaths of the men, women, and children,
including babies still in the wombs of their mothers
who perished with them that terrible day. An unsettling
irony, to be sure, but one that escaped the notice of
a governor who never met an abortion that he didn't like.
Furthermore, this governor even stated publicly that
people who are not in favor of "choice" regarding abortion
are not welcome in the state of New York (!). What will
Cuomo do, make like an sheriff in a western movie and
give all pro-lifers in New York until sundown to get out
of the town, or in this instance, the state?

Virginia, Vermont, Rhode Island, and Illinois have had
similar bills drawn up; happily the Virginia legislation
failed to pass so it won't be signed into law by their
viciously pro-abortion governor Ralph Northam.
Vermont has a bill which does all this plus: it denies
an unborn baby any "independent rights"; in other words,
an unborn baby under this law could be aborted for
any and all reasons as it would remove any and all
rights it once had. If the mother is in a car accident and
the unborn child dies as a result, the fetus would not be
legally considered a victim and therefore would not
count as a fatality. Your appalled Peasant has not yet had
a look at the other such bills in the other aforementioned
states, but I have learned that there are other bills of this
hideous nature being debated in legislatures in several
other states as I type this post.

These ghoulish bills were written as a sort of firewall to
safeguard abortion rights in the states should Roe v. Wade
be struck down by a more conservative Supreme Court
made so with President Trump adding new conservative
justices to it --- he has already added two such justices
to the SCOTUS and has an opportunity in the offing to
add a third when liberal Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
retires, as well she might due to her worsening health and
advanced age. Left-wing governors and lawmakers are
working to make abortion a constitutionally protected right
with some barbaric extras thrown in for bad measure.
With a conservative majority looming larger on the highest
court in the land, these abortion-happy extremists think
this ploy is a great way to tweak the noses of President
Trump and pro-lifers everywhere. And sadly, eliminating
Roe will not eliminate legalized abortion on demand,
but rather restore the pre- Roe status quo, for it was the
purview of the states to determine the legality (or not)
of abortion. Some states therefore will no doubt move to
make abortion for most purposes illegal, while other
states will codify abortion in their statutes, some even
in their constitutions a' la New York.

This means that pro-life activists will have to fight a two-
tiered battle: After getting abortion off the federal books,
they will have to fight state-by-state to get abortion laws
struck down at that level. It will be a long and exhausting
process but it has never been quick nor easy to get rid of
horrible laws which compromise, if not completely devalue
human lives --- look how long it took to abolish slavery,
racial segregation, degrading treatment of Native Americans,
and granting suffrage to women for some example. But if'
the cause be just then the battle be joined and the burdens
of the struggle be shouldered, all with singular purpose;
victory and liberation. A nation that throws away its
coming generations is throwing away its future, for if
enough of the next waves are gone then what future
has the nation? As for the moral dimension, that too is
relegated to the dustbin, making for a colder, more coarse,
more callous society, certainly not one which your admittedly
terrified Peasant desires to live in! All for a culture of death,
a byproduct of a self-serving society and nation, taking
selfishness to a frightening extent.

We must let these immoral and amoral lawmakers and these
governors (ghoulvenors?) know that we will not stand idly by
and allow them to trash the value and sanctity of human life,
for it will prove the end of us all; where will it end if we start
ridding ourselves of those among us who don't conform to a
desired type, purpose, or arbitrary value? First the unborn
humans, then ... who's next? The ill? The aged? The infirm?
Left-handed people? Green-eyed people? And for what?
Some sort of convenience? Usefulness to the state?
This is a big part of our culture war, and it's a war which we
are losing. There was a time when one who would propose
such evil legislation would have signed. sealed, and delivered
the death warrant to his political career; now such a person
is lauded in the halls of power and by the establishment media.
Where once such a sort would have been branded everything
from a crank to a evil degenerate, now he is credited with being
progressive, forward-thinking, and an intellectual of the highest
order. As New York City Cardinal Timothy Dolan said in an
op-ed piece he wrote which appeared in the New York Post,
"Those who once told us that abortion had to remain safe,
legal and rare now have made it dangerous, imposed and
frequent." Especially in a state which has long had the most
permissive abortion laws in the country.

We have ceded too much ground to our enemy over the years.
This occurred because we failed to take seriously their wild
and insane ideas and plans for our country and our society,
so we never saw the urgency to act to stop them at the start.
Now is the time to fight to regain that ground, for our
nation's morals, values, boundaries, and our very nation
are at stake; everything is on the line. All is being contested.
And we've no time to lose lest we lose everything which makes
our nation and ourselves what it and we are -- which is, in a word,


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