Thursday, March 28, 2019

The Peasant Endorses the Obvious Choice

Last week your urgency-driven Peasant put out a call to arms re:
the upcoming Wisconsin State Supreme Court election, urging
my fellow Wisconsin conservatives to make haste to the polls
on Tuesday, April 2 and vote for Judge Brian Hagedorn to fill
the court seat being vacated by retiring liberal justice Shirley
Abrahamson. I put the cart before the horse, and I want to
apologize and make amends in today's posting. To start, I am
hereby endorsing Judge Hagedorn as the means of flipping a
heretofore liberal-held seat on our state's highest court, giving
us a 5-2 majority and a bit of cushion in advance of next year's
state Supreme Court election which is scheduled to take place
on the day of the state Democrats' presidential primary (!).
On that date you know that Wisconsin's Dems will come out
in droves to vote in their primary, and as a "while we're at it"
they will certainly vote for Judge Hagedorn's extremely left-
wing opponent whom I warned you about last week. Today,
though, we shall focus solely on Judge Hagedorn and his
qualifications for a seat on the Badger State's highest court.

Judge Brian Hagedorn's judicial philosophy is one of strict
adherence to the Constitutions of the Unites States and of
Wisconsin, proscribing omnipresent, activist government
which encroaches on the rights and liberties of the people.
Furthermore, Judge Hagedorn said that as a justice on the
state's top court he would uphold constitutional rights as
written; writing on his campaign website, he stated "This
includes certain rights that some today wish wouldn't be
protected, like the freedom of speech, freedom of religion,
and the right to bear arms. It is my solemn oath to uphold
and enforce these rights against government overreach."
No wonder that left-wingers despise him; to them, the
Judge is a wet blanket!

His professional experience includes working in public
and practice. Judge Hagedorn was an assistant attorney
general at the Wisconsin Department of Justice, as well
as a law clerk for Wisconsin State Supreme Court Justice
Michael Gabelman and Chief Legal Counsel to Gov.
Scott Walker.

Although it is not, and should not be, neither a qualification
nor a detriment, Judge Hagedorn is an evangelical Christian
and has had a part in the founding of a private Christian
school some years ago. But his opponent in the race for the
seat on the state's high court and her supporters launched
a bigoted attack on the Judge claiming that he won't be
impartial when hearing and deciding cases involving gay
people, women, or abortion. On the matter of the school he
helped establish, it has been said that the school bars gay
students and faculty because of their sexual preferences;
actually, no. The truth of the matter is that gay people are
as welcome as anyone to enroll or to seek employment at
the school. What is required, as specified by the school's
interpretation and teaching of Scripture, is that all students,
faculty and other employees at the school not engage in
sexual practices which are so proscribed. The school's
mission is to promote the interpretation of the Bible
which it sees as the true and authentic version of God's
word. Catholic schools, Lutheran schools, Presbyterian,
Methodist, Seventh Day Adventist, Jewish, and Mormon
schools all do this as well. And of course Islamic schools.
Have Judge Lisa Neubauer and her fellow lefties ever
heard of or seen what Islam's Koran teaches about gay
people and women? Yet neither they, nor other left-wing
sorts make so much as a peep against that. And Judge
Neubauer continues to remain silent regarding the
ignorant, prejudiced rantings against Judge Hagedorn
and his religious faith hurled by those on her side of
the political spectrum.

For her part, Judge Neubauer counts herself as a judge
without bias or influence manifest in her decisions.
Oh, really? Her record as a state appellate court judge
shows she sat on many cases having conflicts of interests
with her husband's business interests involved.
She decried the influence of outside money in state
candidate races while accepting money from Planned
Parenthood, which her politically connected family has
long been involved with. Former Attorney General
Eric Holder has been instrumental in funneling PAC
money to the tune of half a million dollars so far.
With most of this money coming from outside of
Wisconsin, this puts the lie to Judge Neubauer's
alleged disdain for outside political contributions,
wouldn't you say?

And of course there's Judge Neubauer's disdain for
constitutional restraints on government, which unlike
that she has for outside money is quite genuine. Need
your faithful Peasant say more?

These, then, are the stakes on Election Day. Your
gimlet-eyed Peasant has laid it all out for you, my
fellow Wisconsin conservatives and all Wisconsinites
who want an impartial judiciary at all levels paired with
a government bound to constitutional restraints and
the rights and liberties of the people unfettered by
judicial fiat and legislative and/or executive caprice.
With this, The Peasant heartily endorses Judge Brian
Hagedorn for the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Please
come out on Tuesday April 2 and vote for this
distinguished and fair-minded jurist. Vote as if your
rights and liberties depend on it, because they do.


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