Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Family Values At Their Finest

This week a champion of family values, a stalwart conservative
in all ways, and a dynamic congressman suddenly resigned his
seat in the House of Representatives to spend more time with
his family back in Wisconsin, where he and his wife are
expecting a baby soon, a baby entering this world with a heart
condition which threatens the little child's life even as she
is waiting to be born. U.S. Representative Sean Duffy (R-WI)
announced his resignation on Monday of this week, to take
effect September 23. Sean Duffy simply wants to be there for
his newest and neediest child, as well as for his wife Rachel
Campos-Duffy and their eight other children.

Duffy wrote on his Facebook page, "As you all know, raising a
family is hard work ... it's especially true for one as large and
busy as mine. Being away from home in Washington four days
a week is challenging, and for that reason, I have always been
open to signs from God when it comes to balancing my desire
to serve both my family and my country." Duffy has been in
the House for 8 1/2 years, representing a district in northern
Wisconsin which previously was long held by a Democrat
who decided against running for another term when Duffy
first announced his candidacy for that seat. Duffy stated that
he and his family just recently learned that their baby, due in
October, has this deadly malady and that their baby will "need
even more love, time, and attention due to complications,
including a heart condition."

"With much prayer, I have decided that this is the right time
for me to take a break from public service in order to be the
support that my wife, baby and family need right now," he
continued, saying to his constituents that he loved being their
representative in the House but that his family was his first
love and most important responsibility. He also said that he
is not leaving politics forever, just for this critical time to
be on hand for his family. The Peasant says to Sean Duffy
"Bravo and God bless!". He has served his district well,
and has also done his constituents and all Wisconsinites
proud, never more so than in doing this self-sacrificing
act. Would that we had more public servants, both elected
and appointed, who have this ethic, this moral compass,
this sense of proportion and priority. And perhaps maybe,
just maybe, see Sean Duffy toss his hat in the political
ring again some day.

God bless you, Rep. Sean Duffy, and your family.
You have set the standard for what family values, a conservative
touchstone, are all --- and should be --- about. You are a
role model and a beacon for us all. Thank you, sir, for your
service and your example.


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