Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Blaming America First and Always

A few months ago, President Trump ordered our
military to eradicate Iranian Gen. Qasem Soleimani,
who was said to be a bigger terrorist than
Osama Bin Laden. Our military people
made good on their order from the Commander-
in-Chief, and in so doing has made Americans
safer, not just in that part of the world but in
many other places as well. This could, just could,
prove to be a turning point in the war in the
Middle East benefiting the U.S. So why is
one of our two major political parties so unhappy
with this turn of events?

This successful effort deserves more bipartisan
support and congratulations to the president and
the soldiers who were involved. But the Democrats
are raising questions while the Republicans are
giving all the congratulations. Now, the president's
move was both bold and unconventional, to be sure.
Soleimani was responsible for the deaths of hundreds
of Americans, both military and civilian, and was
planning to kill a great deal more. And the Dems are
all bent out of shape. What gives?

Once there was bipartisanship in our foreign policy
and our military decision-making. After the Second
World War, Republican U.S. Sen. Arthur Vandenberg
from Michigan formed a bipartisan partnership with
Democrat President Harry Truman which was instru-
mental in securing the postwar peace and greatly
strengthened America's position in the subsequent
Cold War. Sen. Vandenberg stated "Politics stops at
the water's edge," when he was questioned as to why
he worked so closely with a president from the other
party. He went on to say that "if we can keep partisan
politics out of foreign foreign affairs, it is entirely
obvious that we shall speak with infinitely greater
authority abroad." But fast-forward about seventy years
later and you'll find nothing of Vandenberg's standard;
the Democrats are loathe to give any credit to a president
whom they hate with an unbelievable passion and have
been trying without letup to get him removed from office.

No one in the United States can dispute that Soleimani
created and directed a terrorist network that spread
bloodshed over the Middle East; in Syria, Soleimani
enabled the Assad regime to violently respond to the
Syrian people's demands for freedom. Over half a
million Syrians have been killed since 2011 by Assad
with the Iranian thug's support.

During the war in Iraq, Soleimani ran three camps in
Iran where his elite soldiers, the Quds Force trained and
armed Iraqi militias. U.S. government figures state that
these Quds fighters have killed over 600 American
soldiers since 2003.

Considering American values and interests one cannot
see how any Americans can mourn the death of such a
bloodthirsty monster. The Dems haven't gone that far,
but they have taken a questioning tack regarding this
action. They have even opined that Iran will seek
revenge by going after any Americans they can find.
But President Trump understands something that the
Democrats do not; that if we succumb to fear of a self-
declared enemy to determine our actions in response to
their threats, then said enemy will be emboldened to
the point of attacking us and our allies with greater
aggression. It is summed up by the truth that if one
does not stand up to a bully, then that bully will become
an even more dangerous bully, but if one does make a stand
then the bully will back down and slink away. As your
favorite Peasant avers, show me a bully and I'll show you
a coward. And these Iranian terrorists are cowards of the
lowest order. Remember how quickly so many of Iran's
elite soldiers (of that time) surrendered in the six-week
Gulf War nearly twenty years ago? Not much has changed.

And, as so often when the U.S. has any contretemps with
a hostile nation, regardless of whether any bullets or bombs
were fired, the Democrats and many of the lefties blame
America first. It's become an all too predictable pattern of
behavior with them. And your angry Peasant for one wishes
that they would give it a permanent rest.


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