Thursday, November 19, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving and a Major Development

Friends, your favorite Peasant wants to wish you
and your families a very Happy Thanksgiving,
and to give you a heads up about a development
concerning PWAP. 

As you, my fantastic readers know, I don't own a 
computer. I work from public access computers
at my local library. Well, my library here in
New Berlin has announced that due to the COVID-
19 making somewhat of a comeback here in 
Southeastern Wisconsin the library board decided to 
cut again the time allotted on their computers from
two hours (they cut the hours a few months ago from 
the pre-pandemic four hours) to one. Just one hour 
online per day. What with publishing this blog and 
other things I do online this puts your pinched Peasant
in a bind, so the upshot of it is that we'll still get together,
but it will be touch and go for a while. Some weeks I'll
be able to post, some I won't. 

Now I have done a little shopping for a second-hand 
computer in decent shape (saving money, you know)
but I haven't yet found the right one. I shall, of 
course, redouble my efforts, but for now this is the 
situation we are facing. I urge you to stay positive and 
be of good cheer, for I stress that we shall still get 
together; I shall do all I can to make this so.

In the meantime, enjoy Thanksgiving and while you 
are enjoying your holiday meal with your loved ones
give thanks for all that you have been blessed with in 
life, including being Americans, living in the prosperity,
comfort, and security, and enjoying all the blessings 
that come with being citizens of this magnificent country.
And don't let any politicians tell you that our best days
as a country are now behind us, that we have to accept a 
"new reality"! We have gotten through worse things than 
this Coronovirus pandemic, and we'll prevail once again!
And these pols can stick their "new reality" where the sun
doesn't shine!

God bless you all, and God bless America!


1 comment:

  1. Good luck finding the computer that meets your needs. Have you checked Craigs List?

    Thomas Brian
