Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Twitter vs. The Peasant, Round 2

New developments concerning my tussle with Twitter:
I can now access my Twitter page but can't do much with
it. The Twitter twits now won't let me follow anyone nor
have followers; they have erased my lists of both. When 
I try to follow someone I get a message stating "Your
account is suspended and is not permitted to follow users."
When I try to tweet someone I get this message: 
"Something went wrong, but don't fret --- let's give it another
shot." And when I give it another shot I receive the very same

When I tweet a general statement, i.e. to let you, my great and
wonderful readers who happen to be on Twitter know when I 
have posted another piece, more of the same as before. 
I also cannot "like" another entry from another Twitter user,
nor respond to same with a tweet of my own. At least I can 
still check the analytics of my past tweets, and I can still click
on my blog's link and summon up my blog to view, so those
of you on Twitter can access The Peasant in this way as well. 

And all the while Twitter STILL won't tell me why they've 
suspended my account, page and all! But I know why:
Twitter has taken issue with something I shared on my page.
You see, I have posted some political articles (of a conservative
nature, of course!) along with announcements of my latest topics
discussed on PWAP. I guess I must have triggered the bigwigs 
at Twitter with my righty content one too many times. Oh dear!

Well, I am demanding some answers to my questions regarding 
this attack on my First Amendment rights, starting with "Why 
was my Twitter account suspended?" I am appealing my 
punishment for a crime which is really not, launching it from
Twitter jail. This sort of thing has happened to too many people
to dismiss it as the whiny "I'll take my ball and go home!" 
attitude and behavior from the big baby known as Big Tech.
It's time to make a stand. All of us who have been abused in this 
manner by Big Tech must make a stand. All of us who have any
social media pages must make a stand; they cannot wait around 
for having their accounts suspended or being banned outright
as President Trump was so banned by Twitter. And the time to 
act is now. 


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