Wednesday, March 15, 2023

A Grand Centenarian

The remaining surviving member of the Buckley family
--- THE Buckley family, of which William F. Buckley Jr.
is one of its issue, celebrated his 100th birthday on March 9;
James Buckley, the fourth child of William F. Buckley Sr.
and Aloise Buckley and older brother to William Jr. in that 
remarkable, distinguished Buckley brood, was honored in 
William Jr.'s National Review this week. James Buckley
is one of our country's most distinguished and best-known
conservatives, with a resume that most can only envy:
a United States Senator from New York, a member of 
President Reagan's State Department Staff, and a long-
serving federal judge, having served on the D.C. Circuit
Court of Appeals. He also was a longtime advocate of
a conservative Republican Party, believing in small,
more efficient government, more reasonable levels of
taxation, proper funding for our armed forces, 
and a strong justice system to maintain the peace,
among other conservative nostrums, standing up 
to the moderate/liberal wing of the GOP and their 
apologists for a larger government with more functions.
James Buckley also opposed the New York City bailout
in the 1970s, a move consistent with his principles
but harmful to his political career. In an interview 
with his brother Bill on the latter's TV show Firing Line,
James stated that "the Watergate episode (James called for 
President Nixon's resignation), and others leading up
to it, illustrate the fundamental conservative principle, 
and that is if you concentrate enough power, especially 
discretionary power or arbitrary power, in any one place,
at some point or another it's going to be abused."
Damned if he wasn't proven right in the years since 
he spoke those words!

James' last public address was delivered in 2019 at the 
National Review Institute Ideas Summit. The following
year he was awarded the William F. Buckley Prize for 
Leadership in Political Thought. To honor James Buckley
on his milestone birthday the NRI is establishing the 
James L. Buckley Lecture on Principled Leadership, 
to be given by an individual who served in any of the 
three branches of the government.

Well done, sir! And may you have still more birthdays 
to enjoy! 


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