Wednesday, April 5, 2023

A Sorrowful Post-Election Day

We didn't make it. We didn't get the job done.
We fell short. In short, we lost. 

Judge and former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Dan
Kelly lost the election for the seat on the court being left
by the retiring Justice Patience "Pat" Roggensack, and the
seat will now go to left-wing Milwaukee County Judge 
Janet Protasiewicz, the winner of the election. The reasons
for Judge Kelly's defeat were a confluence of factors, some 
of which were an insurmountable gap in campaign donations
thanks to Judge Protasiewicz receiving big donations from 
wealthy lefty donors on both the east and west coasts, enabling
her team to buy much more advertisement space on radio,
television, and online; some campaign strategies which were
more deft and sharp than those of Team Kelly; and more of
a willingness to aggressively attack Judge Kelly, even though 
she and her team concocted and spewed lies about Kelly's 
judicial record and character (they'd talk!) while Judge Kelly
stuck with talking about the truth regarding his record while
hardly firing back at Protasiewicz -- and believe me, she had
lots of tempting targets regarding not only her judicial record
but other things as well!

In order to do justice (no pun intended!) to this list of factors
in the results of the election your thorough Peasant will need 
a bit of time to compile and break down everything for you,
my fantastic readers, and put them into a coming posting.
But I'm certain you'll find the wait and the details worth it.

In the meantime, we now have a 4-3 liberal majority in charge 
on our state supreme court. At least our opportunity to re-establish
a conservative will be in just two years when Justice Ann Walsh
Bradley will be up for re-election. The questions are, however, 
can we stave off the liberal majority's attempts to do away with 
Act 10, the 1849 Abortion Law, Voter ID, Right-to-Work, and
the Concealed Gun law and other pro-2nd Amendment legislation
while we wait for 2025? Fasten your seat belts, gang! 


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