Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Whither the Libertarians?

Knowing full well the state of the Republican and Democrat parties
of late, with their in-house loonies, D.C. swamp critters, sell-outs,
flim-flammers, and elitist pigs, it makes a temptation for some 
voters to explore other electoral possibilities such as the Libertarian
Party. The third-largest political party in the country, making it the 
largest of the "third parties" which finish way on down in the vote 
totals from the aforementioned "Big Two" in our elections, have 
long stood for small government, admittedly smaller than the 
GOP, let alone the Democrats, want to have. 

For the most part, they have gotten respect from followers of the 
political scene, praised for their principles and for their integrity,
both that of their presidential and other candidates and for that of 
their membership. However, of late this party has gone off on some 
bizarre tangents and taken up with some bizarre people. Hunters for
political party alternatives, take note!

A party-sponsored Rage against the War Machine rally in Washington,
D.C. held just last winter had for some of their guest list (and speakers)
former representatives Ron Paul and Tulsi Gabbard, a former 
Republican and a former Democrat respectively, members of the 
Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, and supporters of Russian dictator
Vladimir Putin waving Russian flags. The former reps Paul and 
Gabbard are OK people, quite respectable political figures.
The same cannot be said for the rest of this bunch among the 
attendees your Peasant has just now mentioned. "Not my 
libertarianism,", Cato Institute David Boaz tweeted. One can
certainly understand Boaz' discomfort. 

Meanwhile, the New Hampshire Libertarian Party sent up a tweet
of their own, hailing how the endings of four presidencies finished,
those presidents being .... chillingly, presidents Lincoln, Garfield, 
McKinley, and Kennedy. All were assassinated while in office.
Their pictures were shown as mug shots. 

And to think that this party and the adherents to this ideology 
looked up to and honored intellectual giants such as Ludwig von Mises.
Now they are honoring people of questionable character and 
ideas.  Your disillusioned Peasant once had high regard for both this 
party and this ideology. If one is going to be involved in politics in 
any way, shape, or form, one had better be prepared to be bitterly
disappointed in certain people and organizations from time to time.


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