Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Shooting the Second Amendment

New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham (D) came up 
with an idea for greatly reducing gun violence in the city
of Albuquerque and its entire county: Suspend the Second 
Amendment to the Constitution, oh, just for thirty days,
to see if her action will drive down the number of shootings
in that part of her state. Just an emergency order to promote
and preserve public safety, no need to get your BVDs in a 

Gov. Grisham claims that as governor, she has the power to 
suspend the right, guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment no less,
to carry firearms in public across both city and state for 30 
days, and to see how that works out. If it doesn't significantly
cut down on gun-related crimes, then Grisham would give it
some more time to bring about her sought-after results.
The gov says that she expects legal challenges to her action
(Gee, Gov, ya think?) but claims that she simply had to do
something because, well, an 11-year-old boy was a recent 
victim of said shooting. So why not punish the law-abiding
gun owners by suspending the 2nd Amendment? Brilliant!
Never mind that the criminals won't put away or turn in 
THEIR guns; this was never about them anyway! Raw
power is the name of the game here!

Strong opposition to Gov. Grisham and her putting 2A on the 
shelf is already brewing. The Albuquerque Police Chief,
Harold Medina, has publicly stated that he won't enforce 
the governor's order because it is unconstitutional (and he's 
right). This is what fascism looks like. When someone in 
government just goes ahead with issuing an emergency order,
violating precious constitutional rights in the process, that is,
indeed, fascism. Furthermore, this measure will tie the hands of 
law-abiding gun owners, making it difficult for them to defend
themselves, their families, their homes, businesses, vehicles,
and such. Hey, Governor, FYI; they aren't the ones running 
around shooting people! Therefore, Gov. Grisham is either 
1) horribly naive regarding the effectiveness of gun control measures 
or, 2) Grisham knows that her temporary suspension of the 
2nd Amendment will not reduce the total of gun crimes 
one iota, it's just that she wants to grab and wield power which
she has no legal right to possess in the first place. To sum it up,
Gov. Grisham is either dumb or diabolical. She should at the very 
least know that the Constitution cannot be suspended or dispensed 
with by anyone in government --- especially by anyone at the 
state level. Apparently she neither knows nor cares. So Grisham
does some virtue signaling by suspending the Constitution's
Second Amendment. 

Gun rights groups are getting involved as we speak, joining forces
with Police Chief Medina. So are lawmakers and sheriffs from 
both political parties (!). Count on this battle to wind up in court
pretty soon. And then? Stay tuned ... 


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