Saturday, September 23, 2023

A Joyous Anniversary!

Today we mark fourteen years together online! 

14 years since I first put words to blog and established
my place in cyberspace. And all of you, my wonderful 
readers, came along to join me! 

In recent years there has been a plethora of news stories
about a plethora of events affecting our country. Many of
these events are the likes of which your astounded Peasant
never thought he'd see in our United States! But to be 
forewarned is to be forearmed, and with our knowledge of
these disturbing and shocking things we can create ways
to counter them and conquer our enemies from within,
restoring our nation to what it was and was always meant 
to be, namely the beacon of hope and freedom to the world.

That we should remain a free, sovereign, and prosperous
people, not having to bow and curtsey to any dictator here
on our home ground nor from afar in another country. 

To have the rule of law as established in our Constitution,
and be governed accordingly so as to remain a country of laws
rather than a country of people who make laws. And, most
certainly, to have a government of, by, and for the people;
not of, by, and for a small but oppressive elite class.

And, all the while, to studiously ingest the political and economic
news each week to separate the chaff from the wheat; to identify
and praise the heroes as well as to identify and castigate the 
heels among us --- and to have loads of fun doing all this!

Thank you all for readership and encouragement. 

Thank you for coming along on this quest. 

God bless you all, and God bless America.


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