Thursday, November 7, 2013

Honoring Our Brave Veterans

Friends, Veteran's Day is close at hand.
Your loyal Peasant has shared many thoughts
and observations of the day and those for whom
this day was established; but keep this one, basic
thought in mind on this Veteran's Day and every day:
If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet. Because that
vet bought you your freedom at a frighteningly steep
price! Repaying our vets is so very easy, though;
just walking up to one of our warriors of any present
or past war, shaking thier hand and saying "Thank you
for your service and scarifice" makes their day!

Want to do more? Volunteer at a VA hospital or a
vet's home. If you drive, offer a ride to a vet to take
him or her to their doctor for their appointment, or
to take them shopping for groceries or whatever
else they may need. Invite them to participate in
your community's parades on Veteran's Day,
also Memorial Day, the Fourth of July, or just
a parade solely to honor them at any time at all!
Are you a history buff? Fancy yourself a historian?
Offer to record the stories, the memories, the thoughts
of a veteran and his or her service. Know this,
however, that many of our vets are rather reticent
about their wartime exploits for varying reasons,
but you'll find more than a few who will be all too
happy to share tales of their experiences with anyone
who has an appreciation of them and their service.
They would feel so honored, and very touched that
someone cares so much for and about them!

You can certainly come up with more ideas like these
to act upon. And you will make Veteran's Day, and
every day, so much more meaningful for the vets that
you help --- and for you as well.


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