Wednesday, October 24, 2018

An Unprecedented Invasion

As we gather here to discuss the latest news on our political scene
there is a huge mass of people moving steadily northward from
Central America, through Mexico, heading toward our southern
border. Observer's estimates peg their number at around 7,000
as they ignore police and immigration officials on their relentless

This mass of men, women and children were joined by many more
as they made their way from Honduras up through Mexico, whose
government officials have been pressured by President Donald Trump
to somehow stop them. Meanwhile, President Trump has been massing
soldiers and Marines at the border to prepare to turn back the hordes.

While some of the bedraggled army of humanity have escaped terrible
situations in Honduras, some of them involving themselves or their
children to sell drugs for local gangs there, others have included people
looking to come to the U.S., legally or not, to take up residence as well
as some reportedly being terrorists from the Middle East, trying to pass
themselves off as Hondurans or Mexicans to enter the country. And
while Congressional republicans have been drafting legislation to both
stop and punish this mass on the move, their Democrat counterparts
have, predictably, done nothing of the sort; they have long made it
clear that they want to ease the borders and welcome all immigrants,
their obedience to our immigration laws not mattering, to our land.
One big reason for their doing so is to get as many of these question-
able newcomers onto the voter rolls and voting for their candidates
in our elections. Don't believe it? Don't think it possible? The city
of San Francisco recently passed a law allowing such immigrants,
without citizenship, to vote in local elections for school board seats.
It won't be any stretch to legalize their voting for city council
members, mayoral candidates, then candidates for the state legis-
lature and the governorship, then Congressional candidates, both
House and Senate, and the Presidency itself. And other cities in
other states, and the states themselves would follow suit if they
have Democrats holding enough key offices. And we've already seen
how these places and their officials have done nothing to punish
or deport lawbreaking immigrants who have come here illegally,
effectively giving a great big middle finger to the families and friends
of their victims (remember Kate Steinle?).

Oh, and another such massing of the same has formed in Guatemala,
and are beginning their trek northward as well. Your news-observant
Peasant learned of this just a couple of days ago on Fox News. And
the funding source for this escapade? Nicolas Madurro and his com-
rades in Venezuela. The socialist (practically communist) regime
there would love to do anything to make trouble for the U.S., now that
their pal Obama is gone from the presidency and Donald Trump is
in charge. President Trump has made it clear that he is no kindred
spirit where Madurro and his brand of politics is concerned, and
that makes the Venezuelan dictator most uncomfortable, as well it
should. Madurro realizes that our current president will not brook
any revolutionary mischief in the region, and most certainly
will closely follow the situation in Venezuela regarding human rights,
which are under the totalitarian gun there. This strategem, then,
is a clever way for Madurro to both lash out at the U.S. and our
president, as wellas to make a distraction both big and messy enough
to divert American attention away from the goings on with and within

All your amazed Peasant has to say about this unprecedented situation
is thank God we have Donald Trump in the White House rather
than Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton! President Trump respects
our law and the Constitution, and cares enough about our country to
protect it from such an invasion, and make no mistake, this is indeed
an invasion which we are facing. And the Republican majority in
both chambers of Congress are rallying around our courageous
President, working with him to stave off this catastrophe in the making.
They are doing what We the People have elected them to do, and are
not caring about what the Washington Post, the New York Times,
MSNBC or CNN will say as they will predictably go into their
histrionics. They know who put them in office, and they know
and perform their duty. Let us keep this in mind when we go to
the polls in a couple of weeks.


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