Thursday, October 18, 2018

The Injustice Done to Justice Kavanaugh

The Left has declared its intention to make our country
ungovernable for Donald Trump and the Republican
Party as soon as Trump was declared the winner in
the last presidential election. And they have done their
damnedest to carry out their vow.

Their latest antics have been their slanderous smearing
of the name and reputation of one of our country's finest
judges in a shameful attempt to disqualify him from being
confirmed for a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court. Thank
God their malicious campaign was a resounding failure.
Justice Brett Kavanaugh walked through fire to take the
seat on SCOTUS which was vacated with the retirement
of Justice Anthony M. Kennedy. A Constitution-respecting
conservative, the left-wingers saw him as a threat not just
because of his judicial mien but as an additional conservative
voice on the nation's highest court, making a conservative
majority on the Court. After all, President Trump has already
nominated Justice Neil Gorsuch to the Court, ensuring a
conservative continuance in the seat held by Justice Antonin
Scalia until his sudden passing. And, horror of horrors,
Justice Kavanaugh has a history of ruling in favor of life
in cases regarding abortion! So what's a good progressive
radical left-winger to do? Why, attend the Senate's hearings
on the nominee's SCOTUS confirmation and raise holy hell,
take to the streets with signs proclaiming him to be a
misogynist, and find a woman willing to testify to a lie
about having been sexually assaulted by the judge back
when they were teenagers. Never mind that the testimony
proves to have more holes than a block of Swiss cheese;
never mind the many women in the candidate's past, going
back to those aforementioned youthful years with stops
along the way to visit and view his judicial career; never
mind his years coaching a girl's basketball team, winning the
respect and admiration of these female colleagues, friends
family and acquaintances as he went. And for good measure,
cover the man's home with hateful graffiti further smearing his
good name. Why, it matters not that the peasants, er, the people
duly elected President Trump fair and square, because they
preferred his politics, his policies, and whom he would choose
for openings on the Supreme Court. Heck, the American people
are a bunch of "deplorables" that you could "smell from the
nearest Wal-Mart, and are a collection of this-a-phobes,
that-a-phobes, fill-in-the-blank-a-phobes! And they're stupid,
much too stupid to determine who should govern them and
how they should be governed!

And when Brett Kavanaugh fired back at his enemies in the
confirmation hearings, he became emotional; describing what
his family went through in the hellacious process, the baseless
accusations against him and the pain it caused them (his wife
and children were in the Senate chamber for the hearings), and
the toll it was taking on them, could one blame him? Yet that's
exactly what the leftist bullies did, they blamed their victim
just as a schoolyard bully blames his smaller quarry for
wearing a certain color or style of shirt, or an abusive husband
blames his wife for doing this or not doing that. Gee, if only
the bully were simply given his way every time, all the time,
there would be no need to attack anyone, because all would be
right with the world --- well, as far as the bully is concerned.
And make no mistake, the Left is one big collective bully,
seeking to impose its will on the rest of us. They are still cheesed
off over the last presidential election, and they are getting back at
the electorate for having chosen Donald Trump rather than
Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders (their overwhelming favorite
who was deprived the Democrat Nomination by the party's
bosses because they had preordained Hillary to be the Heir
Apparent to their precious Barack Obama. Some lefties wrote
in Sanders rather than vote for Hillary). They will stop at nothing,
will stoop to any depths, destroy the names, the reputations, the
careers and the lives of anyone who dares oppose them, especially
if they are allied with President Trump, all to quench their thirst
for absolute power --- the Constitution and the will of the people
be damned. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), not known for his
titanium-spined conservatism, said this at the hearings to the
Democrats, but his words apply just as aptly to the aggregate

"Boy, you all want power ... God, I hope you never get it!"

Yes, Brett Kavanaugh survives the massacre launched against him
and was sworn in as the newest U.S. Supreme Court Justice. Yes,
it was yet another victory for our indomitable President Donald
Trump. But the Left never ceases in its attempts to remake our great
country into one which we wouldn't recognize and wouldn't want to
live in. We won another important battle, my friends. But the war is
far from over.

And we have a mid-term election coming up next month. It will be
the most important mid-term election in years, maybe ever.
Remember this episode on Election Day. And for the sake of our
country, our liberty, and our future generation, vote. We don't have
the luxury of sitting this one out. Let us not let Sen. Graham's fear
that the Left regains power in Congress become our dark reality.


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